The Nithyananda Dog and Pony Show

The Nithyananda Dog and Pony Show

Tip: Mouseover any slide to pause it. (Yeah, it loads slow, but it's worth it.)

Nithyananda's Criminal Trial Starts December 3, 2014. On July 2, 2012, a U.S. Federal Court found the Nithyananda Foundation guilty of Fraud with damages of $1,565,000 U.S.D. Peaceful Spirituality or Blood Thirsty Cult? Nithyananda's supporters are willing to die for his crimes. The untimely death of a Canadian citizen in Nithyananda's ashram.  An accident or murder? Nithyananda is not who he seems to be. Behind the scenes, Nithyananda's smile is quite different. Some like it spicy. Nithyananda is known to offer chilies, human hair, and marijuana seeds in his midnight fire rituals. Nithyananda the 'renunciant' was caught money laundering over $6,000,000 USD into his personal bank account. Nithyananda managed several hedge funds while in the U.S. on a religious visa. Spiritual practice? Tantric techniques? Or just plain sleaze? Sex Swami Nithyananda: Self-Idolizing and Cross-dressing Nithyananda's Healing: This won't hurt a bit. Your Soul is now mine; brainwashed and devoted to me. Nithyananda: Born on January 1, 1978 or March 13, 1977? Nithyananda: Born on January 1, 1978 or March 13, 1977? Nithyananda: Born on January 1, 1978 or March 13, 1977?

Nithyananda Witness Program: Report Nithyananda's Crime to Keep Society Safe & Dharmic

End Nithyananda's Rape! Stop Nithyananda from Committing Sex Crimes Against Children, Women & Men!

Make a difference! Dismantle Nithyananda's cult! We had Nithyananda in jail before. And, he almost got away scot free with murder, rape, sex with minors, fraud, violence, and other heinous crimes unspeakable, e.g. Nithyananda's Sex Contract. Don't let Nithyananda get away a second time. Don't let Nithyananda have another chance to ruin lives. If you're a victim of any of Nithyananda's crimes, report these crimes committed by Nithyananda and/or his criminal followers to the CID Police Team in India. Your information and identity will be kept confidential.
Direct Phone to CID Police: Tel: (011 91) 80-22381894 | (011 91) 80-22942602

Direct Fax to CID Police: (011 91) 80-22942602

E-mail that we will forward to the CID Police:
(we will honor your privacy & confidentiality)
Thank you for helping to convict Nithyananda and preventing others from becoming victims of Nithyananda's horrendous crimes against humanity.
~ ~ ~

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Read the latest news headlines of Nithyananda's fraud, cult practices, and legal updates here:
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Nithyananda Counter-terrorism Fund: Keep the Fight Alive Against Nithyananda & His Fraud!

All donations go toward the legal defense and offense to STOP the unsavory and fraudulent practices of Nithyananda and his cult. And, yes, we will share your donation with our partner against Nithyananda's crimes, Sri Lenin Karuppan, better well known as Dharmananda, a.k.a. Hanuman 3.0. Thanks for your help!!!

Sign the Petition & Put an End to Nithyananda's Cult

Sign the Petition & Put an End to Nithyananda's Cult
Make a difference! Sign the Petition on! Let Prime Minister Modi know about the crimes of Nithyananda! Put an end to this sex crime-ridden, money-grabbing, child-abusing, religious hijacking cult!:

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

'Swami' Nithyananda's Boring Siddhi (Magic) Show - A Cult Trap!

'Swami' Nithyananda Marketing Genius!  Selling the Sizzle of His Siddhis (Magic)

Hi there, Sri Nithyananda.  How are you today?  "Feerrappadappa."  Oh, we see our Gruntanese translator said that you 'have to go'.  Sorry, there, Sri Nithyananda, but hold off on that 'disappearing act' of your for just a bit.  We want to get to the bottom of this fraud thing on why people actually think that you're a god (note the small 'g').  So, why, 'Swami' Nithyananda, do people actually confuse you with being Divine?  Is there any proof?  "Grabbadribble Science-raprra Shnap!"  Oh, our Gruntanese translator says that you say that there's 'scientific proof' that you are Divine.  Nice.  Sri Nithyananda, do you know that there was once 'scientific' proof to why some races were deemed 'inferior'?  Why some poor people were poor?  Why global warming is not happening?...  and on and on.  Do you really think that we should blindly believe all of this 'scientific' proof, especially when it comes from your printing press?  OK, Sri Nithyananda, we see that you're not going to budge on this one.  Fair enough.  We thought that would be your answer.

What's this here, Sri Nithyananda?  Why looks like the test publication from the Oklahoma medical doctors you did back in 2005.  It was called "Mind of the Mystic". We think that it should have been retitled to be called "Mind of a Mistake", but we won't let our personal opinions influence such valuable 'scientific' research. Sri Nithyananda, do you know that our readers can still view this piece of 'scientific' research on your website at this URL:
Or, if they want to download a PDF version, we just stumbled across one on the Guruphiliac Fourm.

Wow, 'Paramahamsa' Nithyananda. Those researchers from Oklahoma seemed mighty impressed with the findings. Just a quick recap, it looks like they ran two tests. The first one measured your brain's activities through a Positron Emission Tomography (PET) device. It was like a fancy X-Ray machine that produces images of the function of the brain through the metabolic activity of cells. The researches said that your frontal brain was heightened immediately upon going into meditation. And, when you went into your deepest meditation, they claimed that 90 percent of the dominant hemisphere of your brain was shut down and in deep rest as if it was on vacation. Wow. They also said that your lower portion of the mesial frontal areas lighted up significantly and that this was the 'third eye' region which one of the researchers claimed as the D-spot or the 'pleasure zone'.

The second test the researchers did measured the type and frequency of brainwaves. This was the Quantitative Electroencephalography (QEEG), and the researchers said that you were able to slip in and out different brainwaves as if you, Sri Nithyananda, were a pianist doing the scales. And, that you had complete control over all of this.

Look, Sri Nithyananda, the researchers just about gush over you in their report:
"Swami is a bridge between the invisible, ancient world of mysticism and the modern, visible world of science and discovery."

" we were watching Swami float from color to color within a rainbow."

And, the scientists end on a note of hope about your mystical state of meditation could possibly "bring balance and peace into people’s lives".
Wow, Sri Nithyananda, that was mighty kind of those researchers to do all those studies and do such a favorable report on you.  If this wasn't a scientific study printed in a respectable journal, it would seem that these scientists were your disciples.  Did you, 'Swami' Nithyananda, ever thought about including this study in your books so that other people can see? Oh, here it is, on page four of the Appendix of your book, Nithyananda Vol. 1, December 2006.

This having your medical report that you are no ordinary human being really is amazingly helpful to spread your divinity. Without you having to say anything, now even analytical types can see 'scientific' proof that you, Sri Nithyananda, are an 'enlightened' master. And, for those other devotees who just melted after you mystically mesmerized them, this is the icing on the cake. The proof they needed to quit their job, divorce their spouse, and do nothing but divine (note lower 'd') service to you, Sri Nithyananda, and only you.

But, wait, Sri Nithyananda. Before we get too carried away here, we had a few questions to ask about that study. 'Swami' Nithyananda, were you in a nice comfortable chair when you did these studies and went into meditation? Yes, Sri Nithyananda, we thought so. Perhaps, Sri Nithyananda, for your next study, the researches can measure your brainwaves when your doing some 'divine' service that exerts a little more physical activity than being all comfy on a nice chair. We think, Sri Nithyananda, that it would be really interesting to measure your brainwaves when you are whacking one of your beloved ashramites, you know, Sri Nithyananda, those people who gave up their whole lives just to help make you famous, with a cane or throwing furniture on them. To have that ability to make someone limp for a whole week must really produce some really mystical brainwaves.

And, Sri Nithyananda, we admit that those results really looked mesmerizing. In order to declare that you're really an 'enlightened' master as you would like to have anyone who reads that scientific study to draw that conclusion, did you, Sri Nithyananda, or the researchers ever have the idea of having a 'control group'. You know, Sri Nithyananda, not your ashramites, that's a 'controlled group'. A 'control group' is a set of people in the experiment to make sure that other variables in the experiment that lead to those incredible results are indeed significant or not. Also, Sri Nithyananda, it would be interesting to see you could get some plain old meditation enthusiasts and see if you're amazing results could be duplicated by some folks that are definitely not 'enlightened' or at least they have no presumptions of claiming so. Then, we would all know if those hypnotizing scientific results really are a super-human achievement beyond the reaches of non-enlightened mortals that are only attributed to you, 'Paramahamsa' Nithyananda.

Sorry to say, 'Swami' Nithyananda, but actually, we're not all that impressed with the scientific findings from your meditation research. Sri Nithyananda, lets just assume that you, a self-claimed Paramahamsa, were able to make your brain behave differently from your meditations. That's what you, Sri Nithyananda, want us to believe. Fine. You see, 'Swami' Nithyananda, as you know better than us, when someone meditates and does it often enough, some 'unseen' channels just open up. Since most people never give any attention to doing something like meditation, then these channels never open up or if they do, they are ignored or suppressed. But, if someone did pay close attention to meditation, then these channels will just naturally open up. If a meditator concentrated on certain meditations that are known to open up certain channels, then those certain channels are very likely to open up and be cultivated. It's no big deal. Sri Nithyananda, we have contributors to this blog that have had their breath stop for a period of four minutes or so, all thoughts just completely evaporate to the extent that a period of 30 minutes didn't even seem to register, body heat given off that people next to them had to move because of the heat, heard whispers across a hallway, etc. These things just happen.  No big deal.

In fact, Sri Nithyananda, we're pretty certain that most illusionist like David Copperfield, Harry Houdini, etc. are able to tap into these channels and produce an entertaining show or at least get fifteen-minutes-of-fame on programs like Ripley's Believe It or Not. You see, Sri Nithyananda, these illusionists must have been pretty good at tapping into different channels and then performing in front of people. Harry Houdini would be able to hold his breath for over three minutes as he picked locks from a regurgitated key and free himself from all the chains while being suspended upside down underwater.
Harry Houdini gets lowered into the Chinese Water Torture Cell, which is much easier to escape from than 'Paramahamsa' Nithyananda's Ashram.

Just recently, an illusionist from Israeli named Hezi Dayan broke David Blaine's world record time in ice. He stayed in ice wearing only a t-shirt and jeans for 66 hours. We don't know Henzi Dayan's secret, but David Blaine would say that he would do a 'fire meditation' and warm up his body. So, we imagine, Sri Nithyananda, that all these magicians knew how to tap into these siddhis (esoteric magic) and utilize them. Yes, 'Swami' Nithyananda, they knew how to put on quite a show.

Say, Sri Nithyananda, with your management style, you know, how you kick and scream and hold your breath until you get your way as well as all that bedside swimming you seem to do, we think that you would be a natural for doing at least one of these magic tricks. How about this, Sri Nithyananda, we have you enter a big tank full of big sharks. You break out of some chains, then ride a bicycle around the aquarium floor and then come up to greet the spellbound audience.
We bet that Surfin' Swami Nithyananda can do this trick with bigger sharks and no air tank!...or at least we would like to see him try.

We know, Swami Nithyananda, that would be a dazzling hit with the ladies. You could bill your act as "The Death Defying, Shark Mesmerizing, Surfin' Swami". Don't worry, Sri Nithyananda, we doubt anything will happen to you like Siegfried & Roy.  Remember, they weren't 'enlightened' like you are, and besides, we know the sharks would never dream of touching you out of professional courtesy. It's an almost guaranteed solution.

But, Frankly speaking, Sri Nithyananda, you're siddhis (esoteric magic) doesn't really lend itself to a good show. Those other illusionists are able to command premium dollars to have people sit and watch them do things like disappear, reappear, escape from some immediate danger, saw beautiful ladies in two (well, you sort of do that), etc. All you can do is make some test scientific equipment produce some interesting scientific reports. Just imagine that if you had a show in Las Vegas, what would you do? We picture something like this, 'Swami' Nithyananda, that you would have Swami Bhaktananda open the act by telling some jokes and perhaps do some juggling. And, then you could have Swami Medhananda come on stage and he would do a soft shoe act. No, no, no, that just isn't going to work. Not with his feet. OK, we'll skip the soft shoe act, and have him sing a song or something. Then you can have some of your room service ladies come out in cute little matching uniforms and do some choreographed maneuvers. And, then the star, that's you, Sri Nithyananda, gets wheeled out on stage in a 24K solid gold hospital bed with a bunch of test equipment hooked up to you. Then scientist looking guy in a white lab coat, Paramananda will do, turns on the special equipment and holds up the result. The announcer then says, "Ladies and Gentlemen, you have just witnessed Swami the Great Meditator change his brainwaves from Alpha to Theta. How about a big round of applause for Swamiji, the Mysterious Mystic!" You, know, Sri Nithyananda, we don't know too many people who would really be willing to pay to see that.  There's just no pizzazz.

But, wait, Sri Nithyananda. We just realized that you already thought of the answer to save the show from being a complete dud. Do you remember, Sri Nithyananda, when you went to Microsoft back in 2005 and poached many of Microsoft's talented employees who now work just for you? Well, Sri Nithyananda, we were wondering who was really teaching who that day. Let's face it, Sri Nithyananda, you, like Microsoft, have an inferior product. You know, your siddhis (esoteric power) are in par with products like Vista, Bing, MS DOS, and Bob. Do you remember Microsoft Bob? We guess that you couldn't call it MS Bob; what would the ladies think. Oh, let's not get sidetracked.  Anyway, even if you have an absolutely worthless product, with enough marketing, cash, and muscling, even you, Sri Nithyananda, like Microsoft, can dominate the world!

We see, Sri Nithyananda, that no one goes around and worships David Copperfield and entrusts his or her life to him. Now there are some ladies that try to sue him, but that's about as close as it gets. But, you Sri Nithyananda, by having your enthusiastic slaves, we mean volunteers, pass out that medical report to anyone and everyone, you Sri Nithyananda, can transform your second rate siddhis (esoteric magic) and turn into an 'Enlightened' Healing Master that no one should dare question or suffer the wrath of Microsoft-like lawyers.   Brilliant, there, Sri Nithyananda. You now qualify as a legitimate 'god'.  So, anyone who can be impressed with that lab report, would now be doing your unique form of 'guru pooja' and worship to your feet every morning.  Now that's real inner awakening.  'Swami' Nithyananda, you're a marketing genius.  We even bet Mr. "You're Fired", Donald Trump, multi-millionaire, you know, that guy with the plastic hair, would be impressed with your ability of 'selling the sizzle'.
Donald Trump shows 'Paramahamsa' Nithyananda how to sell the sizzle even with dead charred animals, kind of like what we expect to find at the cremation grounds that Sri Nithyananda hanged out in during his youth.

Wow, 'Swami' Nithyananda.  Just think.  Instead of having your fans just pay $300.00 dollars to be in the front row, with this report legitimizing that you are divine (note the small 'd'), you, Sri Nithyananda, can now charge $3,000.00 dollars for front row seats.  [Thanks to our friends in Nithyananda Fairy Tales site who posted this great related story on Sri Nithyananda's tiered pricing at his programs.]

And, instead of being just a one-off event to see you, Sri Nithyananda, your fans can now start enlisting in your multi-level marketing programs that costs thousands of dollars.  Soon they will either be 'donating' for their divinity one-tenth of their salary or earning 'salvation' by doing only volunteer work for you.  From fan to indentured slave, all just from one report.  Say, Sri Nithyananda, that's a pretty good deal.  Soon, you and your franchise will be ruling the world, just like McDonalds.  Sri Nithyananda, does that make you the new Ronald McDonald of the spiritual world?

Ah, oh, 'Swami' Nithyananda, we hate to be killjoys, but we just thought of something. What if there are people in the spiritual world that are not impressed with super natural siddhis (esoteric power)? Yes, 'Paramahamsa' Nithyananda, these people are crazy to miss such an 'enlightened' healing master such as yourself. But, what if they have different criteria for measuring divinity such as:
  • Compassion
  • Inspiration
  • Humbleness
  • Humility
  • Overflowing Generosity
  • Unconditional Love in One's Heart to Embrace All, etc.
As strange as it might seem, there 'Swami' Nithyananda, these seekers don't use the yardstick of magic tricks and manipulation of a medical exam to judge if someone is Divine or not.  Using their criteria, in some cases, you, 'Paramahamsa' Nithyananda, might not score as high as, say, a Mother Theresa. You know, Sri Nithyananda, Mother Theresa never wanted to have her image on anything, not even the malas (rosaries) that she could have marketed and made a fortune if she wanted to. But, instead, Mother Theresa just wanted to serve the poor. That's it. Swami Vivekananda and Paramahamsa Ramakrishna were not interested in writing books, making YouTube videos, having photo ops, etc. They were way too busy transforming lives. Their followers, long after they left their bodies, later compiled all of the speeches, etc. and made them available to spiritual seekers. But, not as they were living. Paramahamsa Ramakrishna strictly forbade any show of siddhis (esoteric power) no matter how small or innocent or even how much a devotee desired in his or her heart to experience one.

So, Sri Nithyananda, we need to work on your image. It couldn't be that bad. Let's see. You beat some of your close followers with a cane and throw furniture on them until they can barely crawl away. Well, we'll need to work on that, but those acts of violence were out of compassion, right?  And, you tell devotees in some cities like Toronto that you, Sri Nithyananda, will open up some big temple if they donate... but that money disappears, but pictures of you sitting on some shiny new 24K gold thrones are on your website. Sri Nithyananda, that doesn't look so good either. Let's see, then there's that big 10,000 seat stadium your soliciting funds to build in your ashram, so even more people can hear you. Oh, dear. This image thing is getting harder by the moment.  Oh, yes, there's your Vedic temples. That should be a strength we can build on. But, then again, there's those mantras where you inserted your name in them, those idols that are specifically made in your image so people can worship just to you, while the other legitimate Hindu deities you renamed with your name attached to them, your thrones have images of Divine Deities right on the seat so you sit firmly on top of them, etc. Gee, 'Swami' Nithyananda, we thought that your Vedic Temples might be a strong point, but then again, maybe not. We know, how about your devoted volunteers? You, know, the ones that haven't reached absolute poverty and divorced upon you recommendation. Yes, their enthusiastic brainwashing just might work, but you'll need to hide those 'undesirables' in the back.  You, know, Sri Nithyananda, the ashramites that look old, tired, and fat.  Those are definitely not photo op material. You know, Sri Nithyananda, to work on you image, we think that you might need to hire the same public relations experts that Union Carbide hired after the Bhopal Disaster in 1984. We think that might be your only salvation.
Follow your dharma. Use your common sense. Listen to your inner-conscience, and follow the Truth. Come out of this trap, and escape from this fake and fraudulent cult scam.

Day 72: Seventy-two days have passed since Sri Nithyananda's bloggers of the Parallel Universe of La-La Land have not answered our simple chronological questions. We'll keep on reminding them.

Day 93: Ninety-three days have passed since Sri Nithyananda and his organizations have threatened a baseless lawsuit against us. We'll keep on counting.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

'Paramahamsa' Nithyananda's Cult Marketing Business Secrets in Healing Initiation Scam

The Good, Bad, and the Ugly: 'Swami' Nithyananda's Healer-Sticks Get Devotees Stuck in His Cult's Bad Karma Distributorship
Hi there, Sri Nithyananda. We had quite a few readers interested to know about what actually happens with your healer's initiation and what happens when one of your followers actually does some healing. Do you mind, Sri Nithyananda, if we talk about this? "Wrrrak!" Boy, that was curt. We don't even need a Gruntanese translator to inform us that you're displeased. OK, Sri Nithyananda. If you don't want to hear us, you may cover your ears.

The Good
But, actually, Sri Nithyananda, it isn't all bad news for you and your cult. You, Sri Nithyananda, actually do some good by 'encouraging' your followers to heal. In fact, one of our contributors used to be one of your healing enthusiast. You name, this person was healing it. Mom's arthritis, a friend's back, a sick tree, snails. If it moved, it got your 'branded' energy. We're surprised, Sri Nithyananda, that this person didn't get arrested for groping while doing your 'service'. During this healer-energy process, this healer's hands would warm up like cooking burners waiting for the skillet. So, there's something going on. What is it?
Oh, we researched it, Sri Nithyananda, and yes, you taught these initiated people how to tap in and then channel the Parashakti Energy by meditating. That's a good thing, Sri Nithyananda, we mean the meditation part. We'll give you full credit for that. Yes, spiritual masters are suppose to help your followers tap into the unseen world of the Divine Energy and get connected. You, 'Swami' Nithyananda, specifically taught the meditation called 'Shakti Dharana', and we found the original Sanskrit name of that meditation and it is called, 'Davatma Shakti Dhaana'. Basically, it is the same meditation, so, we won't split hairs and acknowledge your contributions. You also taught your initiated healers to be in the 'Ananda Gandha'. We haven't found the Sanskrit name for that meditation, but for those new to this meditation, basically the meditator channels Parashakti Energy through the regions of the solar plexus and that energy then radiates throughout the body. The benefits are that the meditator's body becomes energized with the Parashakti Energy, and the meditator can be lead into samadhi from these meditations. As an extra 'benefit' the Parashakti Energy can also be transmitted onto something else through the meditators hands and that's how 'healing' process is done. OK, Sri Nithyananda, another 'good one' on you. We certify that teaching seekers how to be in the meditative state of what you call the state of the 'Ananda Gandha' is a very good thing indeed. So, the mediation portion is very sound, indeed. But, with the healing 'byproduct' from this mediation, we have some reservations on. Mind you, readers, there's additional ways to 'plug into' the Parashakti Energy, but these two ways taught by 'Paramahamsa' Nithyananda work just fine.

The Bad
But, wait, 'Swami' Nithyananda, there's more to the story here. Yes, those were the good things about your healing initiation, but now we need to tell the other side of the story, 'the bad'. Sorry. Sri Nithyananda, you mention several times that this is the Parashakti Energy, but then you make it sound like this is also your private energy as if you were the controlling shareholder for Parashakti Energy Utilities, Inc. For instance, Sri Nithyananda, you often refer to this as 'your energy'. And, the instructions for the 'Ananda Gandha' meditation is to focus on your 'smiling' face and let the energy start to flow. Then to drop your form. OK, we give you credit to say 'drop your form', but why use your 'smiling face' to begin with? If you truly don't want your followers to be attached to you, then why even say that? As you know, there's lots of followers who are attached to you, your form, your mala (rosary), your paduka (feet), your picture and so on. You seem to encourage this behavior as we have pointed out in earlier blog posts. Sri Nithyananda, you claim to control this energy as if the seekers never saw electricity before, so they come to your house and see your electric outlet and think that this energy comes only from you. That they now have to get your permission and a very long extension chord before they can 'hook up' and 'connect' to 'your' energy. These seekers seem ignorant of the powerful electric grid and the cables that go directly to your house from a much more powerful and Divine source.

'Paramahamsa' Nithyananda, how were you able to do this? You, know, claim a monopoly on something that you didn't even own. Oh, yes, we remember now, you, Sri Nithyananda, at your programs, you loved to tell about that story during your nine-years, we mean now six-years (actually just four-and-a-half-years) of wandering that concurred simultaneously with your stay at the Ramakrishna Mission. In that story you talked about your 'First Miracle of Healing' as written in your book, The Formless in Form, p. 44 2004. You, Sri Nithyananda, talked about hitching a ride in a roughshod army truck. The truck hit a bump and the sudden jerk caused you, Sri Nithyananda, to experience a sudden spasm (quite unlike the sudden spasm that your room-service ladies experience from another type of jerk). Anyway, the army doctor wanted to place your lower body in a caste (sometimes we have the same sentiment), but you refused. All you needed to do was place your hand on your back, and the meditate. Then you said that you went to of all places another Ramakrishna Mutt in Hardiwar (PDF Pamphlet: Yet to be Discovered, 2003, p. 49) and had your back X-rayed. And, sure enough, presto. Your back was healed, although you, Sri Nithyananda, claimed that the doctor at the Ramakrishna Mutt, could still see the fracture. Funny, 'Swami' Nithyananda, that you later made no mention that you had your back X-rayed at a Ramakrishna Mutt in Hardiwar. Your later stories just sort of dropped this whole Ramakrishna Mutt thing out. Is there a pattern here? [Note to readers: View blog post called "Paramahamsa Nithyananda Wanders in the Ramakrishna Mission for Five (5) Years"]

And, then 'Swami' Nithyananda, you then talk about how you tried 10,000 keys to open up this channel and you figured out how to do it, and you, Sri Nithyananda, can do it instantly for anyone who's willing to plunk down $150.00 and give up another day of their life to be with you and your enthusiastic followers. Yes, this is called the 'Healer's Initiation', that only you can initiate or even take back on a moment's notice. You know, Sri Nithyananda, this is a pretty good deal. You always have these 'Healer's Initiations' right after your big expensive two-day weekend programs. So, you catch all the new people while they are still fresh and mesmerized by you. And, since the Monday after a program is a 'down' day that usually means that you will travel to another city later that afternoon, why not capture the newly dedicated crowd for a few hours and collect another $5,000.00 cash? Just too easy. And, since you always hold the venue in some place that is not going to have an expense associated with it, this is just pure profit. OK, Sri Nithyananda, we know that you sometimes still have these initiations in a hotel, but not to worry. You usually stick the expense of hotels, food, and that sort of thing to your city coordinators. After all, its up to the city coordinators to find sucker, oh, we mean devotees willing to show their servitude to you by picking up the tabs and sundry expenses. Otherwise, it isn't worth having that city as part of your circuit. Didn't you once say this about the Bay Area, you know, San Jose, when the city coordinator dared to even ask for you to pick up some of the expenses because it was draining that person's savings? Yes, Sri Nithyananda, you sure know how to scam, we mean show people what true spiritual practice is all about.
And, yes, Sri Nithyananda, we agree. There is an additional expense of having to give out trinkets to each newly initiated healer. You see, Sri Nithyananda, you make this very clear that the $150.00 involved is strictly a 'donation'. It is not a money making scheme. In return for this 'donation' people get initiated to become healers and they get a kit that will allow them to convert their homes into healing centers. Let's see, this kit includes a big picture of you (with no frame), a healer's mala (rosary), some pamphlet on healing and the chakras associated with that healing, a healer's chanting plug in box that plays corrupted mantras that are distorted over the cheap speakers (but it has your face on it), a bracelet with your name on it (healers are suppose to wear the mala [rosary] and bracelet at all times), maybe you even throw in an overstocked book. Oh, yes, you include in a pair of wooden chopsticks and say that these are healer's sticks. Anyway, the fair value worth of these trinkets for the 'donation' would be about three dollars at a garage sale. So, that's pretty good money you make, there, Sri Nithyananda.

However, the real worth, in the eyes of the newly initiated healers, is not the trinkets, but he opening of the 'Ananda Gandha' (the portion around their solar plexus). That is priceless, and the rest of the stuff, Master Card can take care of it. Yes, this is the true value of your Healer's Initiation. You, Sri Nithyananda, make it very clear that it is only you who can open this channel up and you can easily take it back. (OK, technically, you say that the Parashakti Energy flow could still happen if you, Sri Nithyananda, take back the ability to heal, but the ability to heal, is fully in your control.) Then after practicing one of the meditations, you, Sri Nithyananda, have the healers-to-be come up one-by-one, and you click your fingers near their solar plexus and say something like, "Go and heal."

Hey, Sri Nithyananda, we hate to blurt out your business secrets, but really, do you do anything special when you snap your fingers and say "Go and heal"? We have found, Sri Nithyananda, that anyone who does the meditations on a regular basis is going to be able to channel the Parashakti Energy, and be able to transmit it as 'healing' energy through their hands if they care to do so. Anyone can do this whether they even heard of you or not. And, we would like to remind you that this is the Parashakti Energy, that is the Divine Mother's Energy, or the Universal Energy, and it is something that even you, 'Paramahamsa' Nithyananda, cannot place a trademark symbol on. In short, this does not belong to you, so don't try to sell it as if it did.

OK, Sri Nithyananda, maybe we were too rough on you. We could say that someone could give you the benefit of the doubt and if someone didn't pay, excuse me, we mean to say donate that $150.00 and go for some ritual with an 'enlightened' healing master, then that person probably wouldn't value the benefits of the meditation or even do any of the meditations on a regular basis. Your healing initiation, Sri Nithyananda is like passing out skyhooks and telling potential swimmers that they need them in order to float. Maybe with those spiritual skyhooks, they will now have the confidence to swim. Yes, that is the dirty secret of modern society. So, maybe there is some merit in your charging, oops, required donation and your empty ritual. Fair enough.

But, wait, there, Sri Nithyananda. You give the newly initiated healers all of these regulations and say that they are now initiated in your order. Wow, Sri Nithyananda, so you do something empty and worthless, and then you trap these people. It's like you are now licensing those vary same skyhooks! Does that make you a sky crook? You, Sri Nithyananda, tell your newly initiated following that they now have to wear your bracelet that has your name on it, your mala (rosary) that has your picture on it, set up a healer's room by hanging your oversized picture in a prominent place, meditate on your smiling face, etc., etc., etc. Sri Nithyananda, you have tricked these people to join your cult! They are now in your trap and bonded to your physical body. And, wait, Sri Nithyananda, you have all these rules that if they don't follow, then their ability to heal is taken away. One of these rules is if the have any non-vegetarian food, then they have to stop healing immediately until they see you again. Now, Sri Nithyananda, we agree, that people should not eat non-vegetarian food. But, in modern society, this is really hard not to accidentally come up against now and then. Why Sri Nithyananda, we once saw you chomping on some pizza at the airport in New Jersey in September 2004. Did the cheese on that pizza have vegetarian or microbiological rennet? [Rennet is the enzymes from the stomach-linings of calves that is used in cheese to help it coagulate or become hard and firm. Rennet is definitely non-vegetarian, and is found in most cheese.] If that cheese did not have vegetarian rennet, then you, Sri Nithyananda, had non-vegetarian right before our eyes. Likewise, you even offered several pizzas to the San Jose devotees in March 2005. Are you sure that had vegetarian rennet? One of your devotees even asked you if this cheese had animal or vegetarian rennet in it, and you said, "That you will take care of it." Even in your ashram in Los Angeles, Duarte, California to be exact, yogurt with gelatin in it was floating around. [Gelatin is made from cow or pig hooves (feet) unless it is made from seaweed.] We remember even one ashramite purchased, then hid the boxes that had the ingredients printed on it of some frozen pies that had egg in them. Just be 'unclutched', we were told. So, Sri Nithyananda, we see that people, with the best of intentions to remain vegetarian, can on rare occasion accidentally have non-vegetarian food. It is nearly impossible to avoid. But, you, Sri Nithyananda, make a big deal out of this, and tell these people to stop healing until they have seen you and re-taken 'Healer's Initiation'. Why Sri Nithyananda, you seem to found a way to have total control over people's behavior and set their whole lives so they are pointing directly to you. Yes, this is spiritual dependency or just a plain old cult trap.

Yes, Sri Nithyananda, you heard us right Cult Trap. That is exactly what you operate. You see, Sri Nithyananda, in order to become a healer and de facto 'initiated' by you into your cult, the follower must be willing to share your 'proprietary' energy with anyone. That's OK, but they also must wear your mala (rosary) with your picture, your bracelet, have your big picture prominently displayed, recite your 'corrupted' mantra, etc. in order to channel 'your' energy. How nice. 'Swami' Nithyananda, it looks like the scooping up the easy cash after a program is sweet, but your real gain is locking in devotees that are now 'programmed' just to broadcast your message. And, as these 'programmed' messengers are now feeling that tingly sensation on their hands, they are thinking that all of this is nothing but a miracle from you. And, as your initiated healers are sharing 'your' proprietary energy with their friends, family, other cult members, and referrals, these 'receivers' of your proprietary healing energy are going to hear nothing but how 'Divine' you are and how you changed their lives, etc. That's quite a scam, there, Sri Nithyananda. Imagine this. Desperate and sick people are going to hear nothing but infomercials and testimonials about you, 'Paramahamsa' Nithyananda, and you only. It's almost like right out of the Amway Quixtar 'lock-them-in' strategy playbook. With this marketing strategy, you, Sri Nithyananda, will be sure to fill up your expensive workshop the next time you come to town. Great marketing techniques. You sure know how to hone in your business senses while whoring up the Divine Energy.

And as an extra benefit, a benefit to you, Sri Nithyananda, is that with each initiated healer, you can now claim their house as a healing center or just plain Nithyananda Center. Is that how you, Sri Nithyananda, can boast on your website all those 'Nithya Centers' just by doing some healer initiations. Why that makes you, Sri Nithyananda, sound almost as big as your ego.

But, wait, Sri Nithyananda.  Someone reminded us to say that since mid 2007, you usually just initiate new followers to be self-healers.  That is they are initiated only to heal themselves and no one else.  Yes, Sri Nithyananda, that's a coy move.  You still get these people to part with their cash and get them to be committed just to you by wearing all your accessories that say "Hey, I'm part of the Cult of 'Paramahamsa' Nithyananda."  And, with just a little nudge, they be attending all your expensive programs and doing work, work, work in the name of service.  But, as I'm sure you know better, all these people are attracted to you for your 'easy' enlightenment.  You, know, Sri Nithyananda, the mantra for these folks is "Swami will take care", which really means to them, "I don't have to do anything."  Yes, this works great in getting lazy seekers to part with their cash and eventually sucked in to doing hours of slavery, but when it comes to channeling the Parashakti Energy, they really need to do the meditations daily.  We have seen, Sri Nithyananda, right at your own ashram, how rare it is for anyone in your Order to actually do a meditation.  Yeah, we know, they all are suppose to do the 'Nithya Dhyan' meditation in the morning, but we really can't blame them for skipping it after being up working for you until 3:00 a.m.  So, to actually have that tingly sensation and warm healing palms brimming with the Parashakti Energy, someone needs to do these meditations daily.  Otherwise, your healers are going to look like the fools they really are when they go to heal someone and no one feels anything.

Yes, Sri Nithyananda, you want people to have a good experience the first time they get your mass marketing and experience 'your' energy.  Later, after they are totally brainwashed, then you can roll out the empty promises and then blame them for not having them fulfilled.  But, for their first encounter, they really need a healer that can deliver the sensation.  So, you're right there, 'Swami' Nithyananda.  Make sure you have a dedicated person who meditates and is completely loyal to you before you 'initiate' that person as a healer.  Otherwise, just regulate them to being a 'self-healer'.  No harm in that. 

There's more good news, Sri Nithyananda, to just half-initiating your healers. In addition to not wrecking your market, but still locking in your clients, you, 'Paramahamsa' Nithyananda, don't have to worry about any lawsuits.  We know the word 'lawsuit' just terrifies you.  Sri Nithyananda, we agree that it is much more fun to give than receive.  In your case, you don't give anything; you just threaten.  What are we up to now, 88 days since you, 'Swami' Nithyananda, first threaten us?  How the years go by...

The Really Ugly
'Paramahamsa' Nithyananda. Yoo-Hoo! Darn, he's falling into samadhi again. Just when we're about to get to the best part. Maybe he's faking it. Sri Nithyananda, can you hear me? In case you can, do you remember how you, Sri Nithyananda, told everyone that using 'your proprietary' energy to heal someone has zero risk of collecting karma? Are you sure about that? Our research has different findings. In fact, one loyal reader wrote this:

Wednesday, February 3, 2010 10:48 PM
balabalan said...

Following is the opinion of Jaggi Vasudev of Isha foundation:

Physical existence is always happening between cause and effect. Suppose there is an infection, the cause is external, say bacteria. Now there is an effect : infection. So you are trying to take away the cause by taking antibiotics. You kill the cause with medication because it is external to you.

With other diseases that are not externally caused, the cause is so much deeper compared to an infection. For this type of disease to manifest, there is an imbalance or a malfunction in the energy-body, which manifests itself in the physical or mental body.

Now with something like pranic healing-or any kind of healing for that matter-you'r only appeasing the effect. With a little control or mastery over your own energies, you are able to put a screen between the cause and the effect. So the effect dies out, but the cause stays buried.

As far as nature and life energy is concerned the effect was only its way of telling you that there is a cause, a disturbance of energy, inside of you. Let us say you have asthma and i just remove it today. Without asthma, when you still have the same kind of energy in you, you may become some other calamity in a moment. The disease may not be there, but you could et into an accident.

Your asthma was only an indication of a deeper disturbance. This is because your energies arestill in the same situation, but the effect was removed. So it will take effect in a deeper or more acute form to inform you again. This whole activbity of trying to heal somebody is, in some way, trying to play God-trying to manipulate energvies in an improper way.

Unless you are able to take the very source of the disease from the other person into yourself, real healing is not possible. That will have a big impact on the system, and it is not to be done unless it is for certain specific purposes.

Healers of all kinds are ruling the roose worldwide right now. Big healing melas are being held on Marina Beach and other public places. But if you want to heal people, why don't you go to where the sick people are? If you have got cosmic energy in your hands, why don't you walk through all the hospitals in the world and ruin their business?
Nicely put, there, balabalan; thanks! Hear that, Sri Nithyananda? He's still faking his samadhi. Anyway, we do agree with 'balabalan', and we also believe that Jaggi Vasudev of Isha Foundation is working hard to elevate spiritual seekers and that he does Divine work. He's good man in a bad neighborhood, and there's lots of criminal types that would love to discredit him and loot his ashram. So, we respect Jaggi Vasudev's words, and we fully agree with them.

To be honest, Sri Nithyananda, we really don't know the full extent to karma, disease, and healing. We do know that people fall ill for various reasons. Some fall ill because they came in contact by chance to some rogue bacteria, bug, radiation, etc. Some fall ill because the have neglected their bodies. Some fall ill because they vata, pitta, and kapha (aruyvedic elements) are out-of-synch. Some fall ill because the energy through their chakras are restricted. And, some fall ill because of some past actions in this life or perhaps a former life. And, then there's a combination of all these factors.

Our contact with low key enlightened masters who are experts in healing people say that the act of healing is a very risky action. These enlightened people usually have to absorb the illness or karma and get sick themselves for several days as they take on and then 'burn it off' the disease or its cause. In the case of some severe illnesses, the enlightened healer cannot fully burn off the karma. In some incidents, the enlightened healer would need to make a decision of taking rebirth again just to rid someone of the disease and the bad karma that caused that disease in this lifetime.

Although this might seem cruel that someone has to go through a disease or go through some other suffering, that is the Divine Law.  We're not in the position to question it, but we should at least understand it.  Most people, and ourselves included, see that healing is something good.  Therefore, we initially perceive if someone can heal another person and take away the pain, that is doing a good act.  And, perhaps on the physical level, that is correct.  But, what if the person who has the disease did something in the past and the law was given that this person had to 'go through that' in this life, but the healer used Divine energy and intervened?  Divine Law says you might get some or all of that suffering to yourself. Using a different analogy, what if someone was suffering through a class at school with a difficult subject and with a strict teacher.  You can see that student is just miserable.  You get a job as a school administrator and fudge the student's record and voila!  That student is able to get out of the class.  So, the suffering ended?  What if that student needed that knowledge to go forward with his or her education, but now since you abused your position and intervened, that person is 'stuck' and will have to retake the class in another lifetime.  The lesson was not learned, because you intervened.  A different analogy could be made if someone went to prison and you helped them break out.  Not only did the person not learn the lesson, that also puts you on the wrong side of the law too.  Yes, in our hearts, we want to help everybody heal.  But when Divine Energy, someone also needs to have access to the Divine Knowledge in order to know when it should be applied.  Just because someone 'can' doesn't mean that someone 'should'.

Our point is that everyone should have compassion to those that are suffering, but be careful in your ways of intervening.  Channeling Divine Energy to counter Divine Law is an unknown that could have great consequences to the healer. The enlightened healers, that we spoken to, really try to discourage us regular folks from healing. It's not like they are interested in having the 'market' to themselves. These enlightened healers are aware of the karma that healers can collect as these newly anointed newbie healers practice their skill. They are interested in both the wellbeing of the sick and the healer.  Sri Nithyananda, on the other hand, exploits people's desire to help others become healed.  Eager followers see this chance to become 'healers' as being a Divine service.  It seems to us that Sri Nithyananda then locks these followers into his franchise without giving a second thought about the karma they can collect. Sri Nithyananda doesn't seem very concerned about his own karma that he is collecting to say nothing of the karma that his followers are collecting.  He just uses his followers and every opportunity available to build his worldly empire at the expense of everything else.  We feel that this is horribly wrong.

For the record, we don't exactly want to discourage anyone from doing Divine healing, but we do want them to be aware that there is definitely a strong probability that a healer can collect unwanted karma from the act of healing. Yes, healing is not always a karma-free activity. We also want to stress our views that we feel that it is best to always have compassion toward anyone who is sick. Although the illness *might* be from karma, to blame the disease and justify it on the sick person as being that person's fault and then just to walk away is heartless. We recommend that seekers use prayers, modern medicine, Ayurveda, Chinese herbs, herbalist, etc. before attempting to intervene through healing energy.  The methods that work on the physical level, do not conflict with Divine Laws and the Divine stratum, so no bad karma gets transferred.  With prayers, someone is only requested the Divine to intervene for them, but this person is not actually doing the intervention, so prayer is a very safe method too. (We honestly don't know about acupuncture, but we'll look it up. For now, we'll assume that it is 'karma-transfer-free' healing.) When all else fails, a little compassion goes a long ways.

'Swami' Nithyananda, why are you putting your followers who have trusted you so much in such a dangerous place? Sri Nithyananda? Are you listening? Sorry to say, Sri Nithyananda, but it looks like you care very little about your own future and well-being, that other people's future and karma are just stepping stones to build your empire. Is this correct? After all, Sri Nithyananda, we caught you lying on from everything from your timeline, your birth date, your wandering, etc. Do you think that you are now believed when you say to your initiated healers, that the act of healing doesn't collect karma?

Yes, 'Swami' Nithyananda, we are a little disappointed in you. We see that your healing initiation is empty, the Parashakti Energy isn't yours, you use this energy to rope in and bind people to worship just you, and then you manipulate the misuse of this energy to recruit other potential victims. But, the worst thing of all, is that your victims who placed so much trust in you are getting screwed by collecting lots of unwanted karma. Nice.
And, Sri Nithyananda, we quoted this verse in the Bhagavad Gita over and over in this blog, here it is again:
Lord Krishna says:

Demigod-worshippers go to the demigods.
Ancestor-worshippers go to the ancestors.
Those who utilize ghosts, go to the ghosts.
And my devotees go to me (and are not born again).
So, Sri Nithyananda, we know you know better. Yet, you still go and cultivate graveyard energy and practice dark tantric rituals. As disappointed as we are with you, we really don't want to see you destined to be a ghost for thousands of years to come. It is not too late.

And, Sri Nithyananda, who we really have compassion for is all of your devotees that are following you with love and trust right down the same hole. You are just using them and wasting their lives and souls. If you, 'Swami' Nithyananda, really can't save yourself, at least don't let your followers go down the same drain. Stop this nonsense!

Did you hear us? When are you, 'Paramahamsa' Nithyananda, going to end this drama? Sri Nithyananda, are you listening?

Follow your dharma. Use your common sense. Listen to your inner-conscience, and follow the Truth. Come out of this trap, and escape from this fake and fraudulent cult.

Day 67: Sixty-seven days have passed since Sri Nithyananda's bloggers of the Parallel Universe of La-La Land have not answered our simple chronological questions. We'll keep on reminding them.

Day 88: Eighty-eight days have passed since Sri Nithyananda and his organizations have threatened a baseless lawsuit against us. We'll keep on counting.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

While Sitting on Top of Lord Vishnu and Devi Lakshmi, Cult King, 'Paramahamsa' Nithyananda, Serial Deity Sitter, Gets a Golden Dethroning - Plus Return of the Cult Killing Blogs

'Paramahamsa' Nithyananda Tries to Hatch Divinity on His Throne

Hey, there 'Paramahamsa' Nithyananda. Well, we're surprised to see you up and out of bed after every thing that happened to you. That was quite a thrashing you got online this week. Let's recap the week, shall we? First there was that new video "Paramahamsa Nithyananda Gets a YouTube Video Message from Lord Shiva".  Even though you, Sri Nithyananda, got your brainwashed followers to knock this video off of YouTube, it seemed that someone posted it right back up again for everyone to view. Sri Nithyananda, are you losing your divine (as in lower 'd') touch?

And, then out of nowhere, came this picture of you, King 'Paramahamsa' Nithyananda, sitting on your 24K golden throne at your so-called Vedic Temple in Montclair, California:
Wow, look at that. We can clearly see that you had your 24K golden throne made with little images of Lord Ganesha right next to your feet. Please, please, please, promise us, Sri Nithyananda, that you will never allow Swami Medhananda to sit on that throne until his smelly feet are cured. And, it says on the picture, "Lord Ganesha is by his feet, but Lord Vishnu and Devi Lakshmi is on his seat!" Wow, Sri Nithyananda, we probably wouldn't believe that you, keeper of Vedic Truths, in a so-called Vedic Temple would actually have Lord Ganesha right next to your feet, but to have Lord Vishnu and Devi Lakshmi on the seat of your throne... doesn't that mean that you are sitting on top of them!?!  What are you trying to do, there, Sri Nithyananda?  Hatch divinity?
We don't think you, Sri Nithyananda, make a very good mother hen.  (Unless of course, we factor in your singing.  Now that is some very disturbed clucking.)  And, furthermore, we, Sri Nithyananda, hope that the Deities can breath under those circumstances. If we haven't seen directly with our own eye the picture of Lord Vishnu and Devi Lakshmi on the seat of your 24K golden throne, we probably would never believe it.
[Note to readers: there are other Hindu Deities on the seat and on the inner side of the seat of Sri Nithyananda's 24K golden throne. Lord Vishnu and Devi Lakshmi are the Deities that are directly under his seat.]
Sri Nithyananda, can we ask if you bathe before you sit down on top of Lord Vishnu and Devi Lakshmi? Well, the reason we ask is that we know God loves all our body parts equally, but we are certain that God loves it even more when all our body parts are equally clean... especially under those circumstances. And, Sri Nithyananda, we hope that you do not load up on garbanzo beans (chickpeas) before you, ah, shall we say, give another flatulent discourse while sitting on that throne.

Sri Nithyananda, isn't this the famous throne in your Montclair Vedic Temple that one of your volunteers permanently injured himself on while trying to move it? It is oversized and heavy, just kind of like your ego. And, didn't you kind of fudge that throne's value on the customs notice for such a heavy 24K golden object when you imported it into the United States? We wonder if there's a reward for reporting such violations. We have an idea, Sri Nithyananda, why don't you report yourself, so you can collect the reward, and keep it for your self? That ought to help offset  the low attendance for your 'Inner Awakening' program.

Sri Nithyananda, can we ask why you did such a thing? You, know, place pictures of Hindu Gods and Goddesses on your 24K Golden Throne and then sit on them? If that is how you treat Divinity, imagine how you treat your ashramites and ananda sevaks (full time volunteers). Wait a minute, Sri Nithyananda, we remembered that we asked you back in November 2007 why there were pictures of Hindu deities right where you would sit down.  We were a bit puzzled, naturally.  You, Sri Nithyananda said something like:
"A satguru (true Master) is above Hindu Gods, that the Hindu Gods are subservient to the satguru.  That allows me the right to place them on the seat of my throne."
We imagine that you were referring to yourself, Sri Nithyananda, as being the satguru. In this case, we probably would have appreciated you more as being a 'standing' guru.

'Swami' Nithyananda, we think we understand your mindset now.  Just like animals show their superiority and dominance by urinating on things, you, Sri Nithyananda, show your superiority and dominance in the spiritual world not by lifting your leg, but instead by planting your backside firmly on top of Deities, in this case on top of Lord Vishnu and Devi Lakshmi.  And, then, as an extra insult to Hinduism, you let Lord Ganesha gaze at your toes, that is when you decide not to wear shoes inside your own Vedic Temple.  Nice.  Sri Nithyananda, we don't know if this really shows your superiority and dominance at all.  We do know, that with no buts about it, you, Sri Nithyananda, certainly made an *asterisk* of yourself.  After all, Sri Nithyananda, you wouldn't want your former devotees who escaped from you cult to show that they are superior over you in the same manner, would you?
[Note to loyal readers: now, now, please show some restraint.  Sri Nithyananda, as hard as it is to believe sometimes, is only human.  Please wait at least a few weeks before submitting your new YouTube videos.]
Sri Nithyananda, we think you might want to hide this picture we featured in this post. We imagine that if staunch Hindus ever knew you had Lord Vishnu and Devi Lakshmi squarely under your cheek and if they saw your feet dangling next to Lord Ganesha, that all the obstacles just might be removed... for a full-fledged RIOT! (in your honor, of course.) Why if those devout Hindus saw this photo, they probably would no longer think that you are the keeper of Vedic Truths.  Why, they might even say "fraud" and "cult".  Even the rich and influential Hindus that received your Honorary PhD in Hinduism from the Hindu University of America (HUA) might want to return your degree and give you, Sri Nithyananda, the third degree instead. The worst part of it all, Sri Nithyananda, is that all of this uproar that you are not respectful to Hinduism and Vedic Truths just might cut into your revenue stream.  Now, that would really hurt.

Sri Nithyananda, being a cult leader, we know that you probably think that you are above the law, both the legal and karmic varieties, but to be above Hindu Gods and Goddesses, even if it is just by a thin cushion, is well, kind of pushing the limits, even for an 'enlightened' healing master such as yourself. Sri Nithyananda, believe it or not, we actually pray for you that nothing is going to happen to you. What if Lord Vishnu came to life and he was really able to use that weapon, that spinning disc, while you were seated on top of him? We imagine that could cause some serious pain, and might even cause some stains on your 24K Golden Throne. So, Sri Nithyananda, if you ever tried to sell it on eBay, the overall value and winning bid would definitely not be as high.

Sorry to say, 'Paramahamsa' Nithyananda, that was not all the bad news you had this week online. Looks like our friends at Fairy Tales of Paramahamsa Nithyananda did a site redesign, so it will be easier for spiritual seekers to find more embarrassing moments about you. Why we even found a new blog that let's your grandma get in on the act: "Grandma Spanks Paramahamsa Nithyananda".

And, 'Swami' Nithyananda, even your die-hard supporters are beginning to falter. They are now commenting with 'qualifications' and doubt. Don't get us wrong, Sri Nithyananda, they still are brainwashed, but now they seem to have a level of Truth in their remarks. For instance, on YouTube, some comments by a defending spelling champion, trueseeker100001:
so whut if He is nt whut if he is not a God..
At least He has transformed many people s life into a better place and he has done so much to help people out there..
rather than wasting ur time condemning people..y nt u go do sumtjin useful to help the needy~~
[Source: YouTube Video: Nithyananda (A guru who has nothing to do with enlightenment and spirituality)]
And, on that same video, another supporter, nafelll, wrote:
I like him,and it is not a problem when he copies osho or someone else,at some point all of them copy each other,he likes money but i guess everybody like it,c'mon take it easy guys,so many people found relief,give him credit.
'Paramahamsa' Nithyananda, do you realize, that with this type of devotee support, we really don't have to do anything more. Our job might be done. OK, that was a bit premature, but Sri Nithyananda, it is nice to know that we are well on our way to get the Truth out to everyone.

So, Sri Nithyananda, where is all of your online support? We noticed that there has been very few, if any, Tweets on Twitter lately from your supporters. In fact, Swami Medhananda hasn't given a single tweet on his Twitter account since December 4, 2009. Are you giving up on Twitter? If you would like to show us that you're not giving up on Twitter, simply add our Twitter account @auntieNithya to any Twitter Tweets just to let us know that you're still alive and kicking on Twitter.  Otherwise, we'll just assume that you, Sri Nithyananda, are in re-tweet.

But, the best online news, maybe not the best online news for you, 'Paramahamsa' Nithyananda, is the return of our friends at the Wordpress blog, "Debunking Nithyananda and his Teachings with Science".

Here's the URL:
This blog started way back in June of 2009 and had been quiet for about six months. But, now, they are back. This blog is in full bloom and several new posts have come out. They had some of the original classics like:
We have to admit, Sri Nithyananda, that 'debunking' blog and a few YouTube videos were huge inspirations for us to get the Truth out with our blog. Perhaps the bloggers at "Debunking Nithyananda and his Teachings with Science" got re-inspired to make you famous, Sri Nithyananda. After all, isn't becoming famous one of the things a Raja Sanyasi (king of renunciants) desires?

Follow your dharma. Use your common sense. Listen to your inner-conscience, and follow the Truth. Come out of this trap, and escape from this fake and fraudulent cult.

Day 62: Sixty-two days have passed since Sri Nithyananda's bloggers of the Parallel Universe of La-La Land have not answered our simple chronological questions. We'll keep on reminding them.

Day 83: Eighty-three days have passed since Sri Nithyananda and his organizations have threatened a baseless lawsuit against us. We'll keep on counting.

Monday, February 1, 2010

'Paramahamsa' Nithyananda Gets a YouTube Video Message from Lord Shiva

From Booming to Brooming: Spiritual 'Business' Truths Revealed on a YouTube Video

Hey, there, Sri Nithyananda.  How are you today?  << icy silence >> Oh, cat got your tongue?  Not a problem.  We know that normally you, Sri Nithyananda, like to go on and on about how you met Lord Shiva and you know all of his secrets, even his business secrets... Sri Nithyananda, does Lord Shiva really have business secrets?  Sorry, to get distracted.  Anyway, we know that when you do all of the talking about Lord Shiva, and if you're really on, you sometimes are able to convince your hypnotized wide-eyed followers that you really are Lord Shiva.  We think that you really might be Darth Vader.  After all, Sri Nithyananda, when you walk by, you often snort that exact same sound, but that's beside the point.
Hey, look, Sri Nithyananda, it looks like Lord Shiva wants to get a message to you.  No worries, there, Sri Nithyananda.  You don't need to put on your big bling-bling or your self-titled 'Paramahamsa'.  Lord Shiva produced a YouTube video, so now you can add it to your playlist.  Here it is now, shall we watch?  Don't worry, Sri Nithyananda, we watched this too.  It is 'clean' video... especially at the end... it cleans up a lot of dirt on a filthy picture.  No, no, it is not that type of filthy picture.  Here watch:

Wow, 'Paramahamsa' Nithyananda. We hear that your spiritual business went from booming to brooming.  Is it a clean sweep?  You really are a master at Vedic traditions. You even reminded the video maker to take off his shoes at the very end before doing something very Holy. Just like our hero in Iraq. We only hope for your sake, Sri Nithyananda, those weren't the shoes from Swami Medhananda. That would have been hard to absorb for even an 'enlightened' healing master. Maybe you're an 'enlightened' healed master. Is there a difference?

For more YouTube Videos about the fraudulent practices of 'Paramahamsa' Nithyananda and cults, check out this YouTube playlist:

Follow your dharma. Use your common sense. Listen to your inner-conscience, and follow the Truth. Come out of this trap, and escape from this fake and fraudulent cult.

Day 57: Fifty-seven days have passed since Sri Nithyananda's bloggers of the Parallel Universe of La-La Land have not answered our simple chronological questions. We'll keep on reminding them.

Day 78: Seventy-eight days have passed since Sri Nithyananda and his organizations have threatened a baseless lawsuit against us. We'll keep on counting.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

'Paramahamsa' Nithyananda Sends Sri Nithya Sadhananda Swami (Ayya) to the Rescue

Swami Nithyananda Gives His Dog and Pony Show a New Lift

Hey, there, Sri Nithyananda. How did you like that last post? Quite a discussion going there, and of course it was all about you! Your favorite subject. Yeah, Sri Nithyananda, with you around, we're sure that it is the only subject. But, we already know that the Life Bliss Foundation is just all about you. It's no secret.

So, how's the enrollment going for your next batch of 'Inner Awakening'? "Growwable." We don't even need our Grunatenese translator to know that means not so well. Yes, we can see that you're in for a rude awakening with you 'Inner Awakening' program. Is there any way you can do a 'short sell' on this program, like on stock that is about to tank, and make some money? We think, Sri Nithyananda, after everyone knows about the Truth and all of your, well, inconsistencies, no one with a brain is going to pay $6,000.00 and take over three weeks off just to get your certificate of 'enlightenment'. You better act quickly, there, Sri Nithyananda. Perhaps you, Sri Nithyananda could warm up the crowd with the dog and pony show like you did during your last visit. Oh, yes, we see. The crowd is tired of Bhaktananda and Medhananda. We just knew people were going to ask Medhananda about his smelly, infected feet and get distracted about signing up for your 'Inner Awakening'. And, Sri Nithyananda, you really need to get Bhaktananda a new joke book. His jokes weren't funny the first time we heard them.

Oh, look here, Sri Nithyananda. You actually did something proactive. We see that you're sending your very first Ashramite, Ayya, you, know, your Secretary to the rescue. We guess his new identity, which is really your identity, is Sri Nithya Sadhananda Swami. So, Ayya or Sri Nithya Sadhananda Swami is going to sludge through the cold winter instead of you? Smart move there, Sri Nithyananda. No wonder you're a Paramahamsa. We sure wouldn't want to be going through Toronto in the middle of the Winter unless we had to.
So, Sri Nithyananda, is it true what one of our posters said about Ayya or Sri Nithya Sadhananda Swami:
Wednesday, January 27, 2010 6:11 PM
Anonymous said...

In the recent US marketing season/tour, in the program called "Kalpatharu darshan', where people are made to pay $ 250 and made to listen to marketing stuff, a recruiting turf for Inner Awakening ($ 6000 program) etc. when one of the participants asked Sadhananda, "Are you enlightened", he said "Yes" . . . . . Nobody asked any thing further. Probably they knew, there was no point in talking further. LOL.

Let me narrate one incident which corroborates Sadhananda's enlightenment. In one Himalaya tour, one Tamil lady from India who came on the tour, made an agreement with the Khacchar owner 'owner of donkey used for travel to Yamunotri', to pay Rs. 1500 or so. After the trip was made, she escaped without paying that fellow, and the buses came off to the base/hotel. The poor donkey owner could not let it go as Rs. 1500 would probably make a fortune for their life. (People who traveled will know how hard their life is.) He along with 2 of his friends came to the hotel by searching and locating the party, traveling in the night, and spotted the lady and demanded the money.

Sadhananda and some other goondas were ready to beat that fellow as he insisted for his agreed amount. Finally, poor fellow had to go away with Rs. 500 or so, because he could not fight the enlightened man and others!!

This is Sadhananda's enlightenment. LOL!
Wow, Sri Nithyananda, you better tell Ayya (or Sri Nithya Sadhananda Swami) not to get into any more fights about ripping off poor people over donkeys. We remember your last donkey, Sri Nithya Medhananda Swami, started to yell at someone in the audience in San Jose just because she was taking notes. Doesn't he know that he should only yell at people when they are doing acharya training (teacher training)? And, that big scene in the San Jose parking lot where he was yelling and fighting, that's legendary. Oh, well, we guess that's the type of 'enlightenment' we can expect after 'Inner Awakening'.
And, Sri Nithyananda, what is this here?  This just came through our comments:
Sunday, January 31, 2010 10:10 AM
Anonymous said...
This is one example of Nithya Sadhananda the chief Goonda's enlightened compassion. Let me narrate another one.

I attended Nithyanandam program in Bidadi about 2 years ago. Nithyananda had finished one session and it was a break now. Some people had left the hall for a refreshments, but many of the people were still sitting in the hall in a 'meditative' mood.

Suddenly some commotion happens and we the audience, see a young lady brahmacharini run into the hall from the side doors seemingly in distress and throws herself down with her head on the foot stool of Nithyananda and is weeping. It looked like the lady was in deep distress and she fell on the foot stool of Nithyananda for 'blessings or solace of the divine' although he was physically not there.

And within seconds, a man (I will tell you who this man was shortly) comes seemingly in pursuit of this girl. This man is totally oblivious to the fact that there are over a hundred people in the hall. He grabs this girl by the arm and starts dragging her out of the hall towards the side door and the girl was in total distress. Suddenly after dragging the girl quarter of the way through the hall, he realizes, oops there is a crowd here. He lets go of the girl and gets his bearing quickly and then kind of smiles sheepishly and says to the audience "Oh this girl is not listening and is insisting on going on a Paravarajika, so I was trying to advice her not to do such a thing at such a young age". Meanwhile the girl left the hall.

Really Mr Man - this girl was not listening and hence you were 'advising' and had the right to drag this girl half way like she was a dog on a leash?

By now you probably guessed or are in total denial that this even happened. This wonderful man who was being ever so compassionate to the girl was none other than the great Mr. Aiyya or shall we say Nithya Sadananda Swami. To me from that I decided he is the biggest crook.
Sri Nithyananda, this sounds like quite a tradition you've started... a tradition of not being what you seem.  Wow, we imagine what it takes to be a leader in your organization is good stage presence with gritty determination to get the job done at all costs.  Wow, no wonder your organization has grown so fast so soon.  Sounds like Ayya (or Sri Nithya Sadhananda Swami) is a rowdy swami's rowdy swami.  No wonder he's the al-Zawahiri of your organization. He seems so mild-mannered otherwise.  Must be that super graveyard energy that brings out the beast, we mean best in people.
And, what is this here, Sri Nithyananda. Look, another Ayya (or Sri Nithya Sadhananda Swami) story by one of our faithful readers. Let's take a look:

Friday, February 5, 2010 12:12 AM
Anonymous said...

Ayya is the guy who was saved by Nithyananda from his death bed and that's how he became a man to spread his mission...right? So in this case should'nt his family members be greatful and loyal for saving Ayya from the so-called death bed?

If so then why? Only his wife - (Jammuna Amma) – is the only person who is in the ashram and not his sons? or his siblings? or rest of their family who knew this story?

While Ayya recruits Volunteers for the 1yr program (Cheap Labor who drives the organization) and Nithyananda mesmerizes his devotees to become ashramites and opens Gurukulam for their children, why does Guyya (sorry Ayya) needs to send his son’s to UK for their master’s degree?
So, Sri Nithyananda, did you really initiate Ayya (or Sri Nithya Sadhananda Swami) Purna Sanyas (full renunciant)?  After all, he still has his business, factories, wife, children, and expenses of looking after children.  Yes, those MBAs abroad aren't cheap, unless you, of course, get an 'honorary' PhD from the Hindu University of America (HUA), then it is dirt cheap.  Sri Nithyananda, are you still passing out 'honorary' degrees from HUA to your rich and influential friends, now that you are no longer the Chair of that prestigious trailer park?   After all, if  Ayya's (or Sri Nithya Sadhananda Swami)  children get one of your 'honorary' PhD degrees, then that will guarantee that they will never get a job anywhere else except your Ashram.  That way, you save the money and guarantee the scion of Ayya to be slaving for you for generations to come.  Now, that would be a guaranteed solution.  And, 'Paramahamsa' Nithyananda, isn't initiating Purna Sanyas (full renunciant) into your order, but letting them still have all of their worldly ties, isn't that making a joke of the Vedic Traditions?  You really must be an 'enlightened' healing master to be able to do that.  All us regular morals would probably be screaming "FRAUD"!
By the way, Sri Nithyananda, will you be giving Ayya (or Sri Nithya Sadhananda Swami) all of the respect that you get when you go on tour in North America? We mean will you be hiring burly body guards and arranging that special room service that you always get, you, know, we hear that Ayya only eats certain types of Tamilnadu food. We guess this rules out Taco Bell.

So, Sri Nithyananda, while Ayya (or Sri Nithya Sadhananda Swami) is making the rounds, can we encourage our fellow Truth Seekers to attend and ask the questions that you never had time to reply back to us? We promise to be polite, courteous, but persistent. Sri Nithyananda? Oh, drats. Samadhi again.

OK, everybody, if you attend one of these programs, be sure to ask Ayya (or Sri Nithya Sadhananda Swami):
Is Paramahamsa Nithyananda above the Truth?
If you get anything other than a straight up and down "NO", then you don't need to ask anymore questions, because, well, Ayya (or Sri Nithya Sadhananda Swami) while representing Paramahamsa Nithyananda will probably not stick to the Truth. Sad. Sad.

But, if you still feel like asking Ayya (or Sri Nithya Sadhananda Swami), here's our five (5) basic questions that no one from Paramahamsa Nithyananda's camp has answered for us:

  1. What was the exact day, time, and year your Dear Leader, Paramahamsa Nithyananda, was born?
  2. When did your Dear Leader finish your public education, e.g. Senior Secondary School (i.e. high school), Standards IX to XII? What year, what grade level, and how old was he?
  3. What years (from when to when) did your Dear Leader attend the three-year polytechnic in Engineering? Did he actually graduate? Was he really just a twelve-year-old boy when he started?
  4. When did your Dear Leader leave home to start his nine-years, now just six-years of wandering? How old was your Dear Leader and what year was that?
  5. Where (exact place) did your Dear Leader reach his final stage of 'enlightenment' that 'Paramahamsa' Nithyananda claimed happened on January 1, 2000?
And, we have a couple of special questions just for Ayya (or Sri Nithya Sadhananda Swami):
Where did you first meet the 'enlightened' 'Paramahamsa' Nithyananda?
The reason we want to ask that, Sri Nithyananda, (oh, we forgot, he's still in samadhi ) is that we heard that your story about meeting Ayya (or Sri Nithya Sadhananda Swami) at the river bank near your first ashram, was just that, a story. You, Sri Nithyananda, meet Ayya (or Sri Nithya Sadhananda Swami) at the Isha Foundation. Don't worry, Sri Nithyananda, we have someone in India right now checking up if this is true or not... so if it is too painful for Ayya (or Sri Nithya Sadhananda Swami) to recall this, we'll find out without his help. But, it would be nice to get it straight from the source.
And, while we have the opportunity to have Ayya (or Sri Nithya Sadhananda Swami) undivided attention, we would like to ask him:
Is it true that if white bird flew above, but if the so-called 'Paramahamsa' Nithyananda said, "Look, Ayya, there goes a black bird."  You, Ayya, would actually see a black bird.  The thought of even questioning if you saw a white bird just wouldn't be there, because you really did see a black bird?

If yes, how is this different than being brainwashed?
Yes, Ayya, (or Sri Nithya Sadhananda Swami), we would really like to know.  Actually, with perceptions like that, we're terrified if you, Ayya, ever had a gun in your hand.  I'm sure the cult followers of Charles Manson were told that those 'black birds' needed to be disposed of when their cult leader hatched his plan of action.  And, yes, indeed, Charles Mason's followers gleefully followed his orders.  Sad to say that those cult followers really regretted their actions later, but it was too late... too late for everyone.  We hope that you, Ayya, and Nithyananda do not suffer a similar fate.

And, as an EXTRA bonus, if anyone is in Toronto, perhaps you might like to ask:
Where is all the money we gave to have a temple made? Did that money turn into another 24K golden throne?
Well, we just checked the website and looks like perhaps the devotees who had all their money taken in Toronto might not get a chance to ask Ayya (or Sri Nithya Sadhananda Swami) where all their money went. On the Canadian Life Bliss Homepage, it looks like Ayya (or Sri Nithya Sadhananda Swami) will still be at:
Canada Sri Ayyappan Temple
635 Middlefield Road,
Scarborough, Toronto
But at the other Nithyananda website, Yogam, there's no mention of that. Oh, well. All Truth Seekers, please register at the Nithyananda site and remember to be courteous, but don't leave until your answers have been answered. And, at the breaks, be sure to strike up conversations about 'Paramahamsa' Nithyananda’s wandering, how much time he spent at the Ramakrishna Mission, how old he actually is, how many years did he wander, how many miles he covered during his wandering, etc. Have some fun with this. But, please be nice and peaceful. Ayya (or Sri Nithya Sadhananda Swami) might have some bodyguards with him.

As a courtesy for our Truth Seekers, and as a way to make sure the search engines help the people know a little bit about 'Paramahamsa' Nithyananda, his cult, and his fraud of selling fake 'enlightenment' scam, we'll include all of the addresses of where Ayya (or Sri Nithya Sadhananda Swami) will be appearing. But, be sure to check 'Paramahamsa' Nithyananda's website and call just to make sure. Don't forget to register too.

So, if you live in Toronto, Canada, on Sunday, January 31, 2010, you *might* be able to see Ayya (or Sri Nithya Sadhananda Swami) at:
Canada Sri Ayyappan Temple
635 Middlefield Road,
Scarborough, Toronto
Now, the devotees at Canada Sri Ayyappan Temple in Toronto will know more about Swami Nithyananda from this blog.

Or if you life in Vancouver, British Columbia, you can catch Ayya (or Sri Nithya Sadhananda Swami) on Tuesday, February 2 (say, that's Ground Hog's Day, eh?) at:
Unity Church of Vancouver
5840 Oak Street, Vancouver (Oak St. / 42nd Ave.)
Now, regular attendees at Unity Church of Vancouver in Vancouver, B.C., Canada, will know more about Swami Nithyananda from this blog.  Hopefully, we can reach them before their Unity Church of Vancouver becomes the Dis-unity Church of Vancouver.  Divorces, separation, career-stoppers, everything. A one-stop wrecking company is invited in.  Damage control, please.

On Saturday, February 6, 2010 from 5 to 7 p.m., Ayya (or Sri Nithya Sadhananda Swami) will be at the ISKCON Temple in Chandler, Arizona, which is real close to Phoenix, Arizona. The ISKCON temple in Chandler (suburb of Phoenix, Arizona) is located at:
ISKCON Temple 
100 S. Weber Dr
Chandler, AZ 85226
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Time: 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Here's a wonderful chance for ISKCON devotees and other devotees to compare two types of gurus.  On one hand, there is A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and the other, the self-proclaimed 'Paramahamsa' Nithyananda.  One lived a sincere and simple life, the other lavishly dressed and surrounded with gold.  One lived in poverty and with transparency unheard of, the other, with expensive programs and a 'secret' private life that seems to counter what he preaches.  One devoted his whole life to promote Lord Krishna and the Bhagavad Gita the other works solely to promote himself and shamelessly credits the work of others for himself.  Yes, 'Paramahamsa' Nithyananda, you are no Prabhupada.  But, readers, find out yourself, and attend this program at ISKCON in Chandler (next to Phoenix), Arizona if you can.

We see that you plan to have Ayya (or Sri Nithya Sadhananda Swami) sell your wares in Los Angeles on Sunday, February 7 and in Seattle on Thursday, February 11, but TBD.  Are you afraid, 'Paramahamsa' Nithyananda, that some of our readers are going to attend and ask him the questions you don't want to hear?

Oh, look.  There's an email from the Nithyananda (so-called) Vedic Temple from Montclair.  Dance Like Shiva?  Really.  OK, looks like Ayya (or Sri Nithya Sadhananda Swami) will be at the Montclair Temple:
Nithyananda (so-called) Vedic Temple
9720 Central Ave., Montclair, CA 91763
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Time: 5:00 p.m. to ???
Hey, Sri Nithyananda.  Since Ayya (or Sri Nithya Sadhananda Swami) is your right-hand man, and no doubt he is 'enlightened' just like you, will you let him sit on your 24K Gold Throne?  You know, that 24K gold throne that you have at your so-called Vedic Temple in Montclair, California.   Yes, that one, with statues of Lord Ganesha right by your feet, but most interesting (or offensive) is Lord Vishnu and Devi Lakshmi right on you seat.  Here's a picture of you now on that very same throne:  
Lucky thing for the Hindu world is that you, Sri Nithyananda, we mean 'Paramahamsa' Nithyananda, that you are an 'enlightened' healing master. And, in your very own words, 'enlightened' healing masters are above Hindu Deities.  In this case, Sri Nithyananda, you seem to be 'just' above the Hindu Deities, as in only separated by a cushion.

We just got a tip that Ayya will be at the Vedic Temple in Seattle, Washington.  Well, it isn't exactly in Seattle, WA, but it is in Redmond, WA. Say, isn't Redmond, WA. the same place that has that big bloated software company?  You know, the folks that don't even index our site in their pretty-skinned-but-useless search engine?  Yes, don't expect good things out of Redmond, Washington.  Anyway, you can ask Ayya (or Sri Nithya Sadhananda Swami) our questions in Seattle / Redmond Washington at the:
Nithyananda Vedic Temple - Seattle 
2877 152nd Avenue Northeast
Redmond, WA 98052
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Time: 7:30 p.m. to ???
On Sunday, February 14, hey, that's Valentine's Day and Tet/Chinese New Year, we see that Ayya (or Sri Nithya Sadhananda Swami) will be hawking your brand of 'enlightenment' in St. Louis at the Center For Spiritual Living from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.  Here's the address:
Center For Spiritual Living
12875 Fee Fee Road
St. Louis, MO-63246
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Time:  3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Hey, Sri Nithyananda, are you going to make Ayya turn the Center For Spiritual Living into the Center For Spiritual Lying? Those folks for St. Louis are from the 'Show Me' state.  Are you going to have Ayya (or Sri Nithya Sadhananda Swami) show them your timeline?  On exactly how nine year (now just six years) fit in just four and a half year?  We are sure that the seekers at the Center for Spiritual Living in St. Louis will love to see that.  We would love to see that too.

And, look here, on Wednesday, February 17 from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m., people can have an introduction to Nithya Brainwashing in Michigan at Kalakshetra (KTOA), the Temple of Arts, which is a suburb of Detroit.
Kalakshetra, the Temple of Arts (KTOA)
30687 Grand River Ave
Farmington Hill, MI - 48336
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Time:  6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Wow, Sri Nithyananda, you can practice the art of deception at the Temple of Arts, Kalakshetra, in Farmington Hill, Michigan.  And, since this region near Detroit, Michigan, is really hurting economically, we bet that the devotees at the Kalakshetra, KTOA (the Temple of Arts) in Farmington Hill, probably do not have an extra $6,000.00 dollars to attend 'Inner Awakening', especially, when they see the search results for such a program.

Perhaps, you, Sri Nithyananda, will have better results sending Ayya (or Sri Nithya Sadhananda Swami) to Columbus, Ohio at the Bridgewater Banquet and Conference Center in Powell, Ohio.  Here's the address:
Bridgewater Banquet & Conference Center
10561 Sawmill Parkway
Powell, OH - 43065

Saturday, February 20, 2010
Time: 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.
Oh, Sri Nithyananda, we see that you are not having it in some church or temple, but a conference center in Powell, Ohio.  Is that because everyone spiritual already knows about you and your fraudulent operations from your center in Delaware, Ohio?  And, none of the spiritual places wants to see the goodwill of their followers hijacked by a cult?  Can't say we blame them.  Glad the word is spreading.

We see, Sri Nithyananda, there's a big TBD for both Houston and Dallas, Texas on February 21 and 23 respectively.  Yes, Houston, you do have a problem if you let Sri Nithyananda and his cult come in to town.

Maybe, Sri Nithyananda, you'll have better luck in New Jersey.  After all, New Jersey is known for its pollution and decay, and we think you'll fit right in.  Here, on Thursday, February 25, you'll be sending Ayya (or Sri Nithya Sadhananda Swami) to the Gayatri Chetna Center, in Piscataway, New Jersey, which is close to Newark, New Jersey and New York, New York.
Gayatri Chetna Center
240 Centennial Avenue
Piscataway, NJ - 08854
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Time: TBD
Sri Nithyananda, does the followers at the Gayatri Chetna Center in Piscataway, New Jersey, know about your graveyard spirituality?  Your mass initiation to sanyasi (monk)?  Do the priests at the Gayatri Chetna Center know how you insert or substitute your name into the holy mantras?  How some of the participants at the acharya (teacher) training programs went crazy?  Have the devotees at the Gayatri Chetna Center in Piscataway, New Jersey figured out that you were in the Ramakrishna Mission when you said you were wandering?  And, how you beat your ashramite in your ashram?  Yes, Sri Nithyananda, we guessed that they probably haven't found that out yet, or they would definitely not let you in their temple and give your lieutenant, Ayya (or Sri Nithya Sadhananda Swami), a chance to indoctrinate them into your cult. 
And, finally, Sri Nithyananda, you have announced that you will send Ayya (or Sri Nithya Sadhananda Swami) to San Jose (or the Bay Area) in California on Saturday, February 27, 2010.  Sri Nithyananda, do you still have a so-called Vedic Temple there?  You don't seem to have that so-called Vedic Temple listed anywhere on your websites.  Was this the same temple that was closed for over six months due to violating the laws of the City of Milpitas?  Sri Nithyananda, is that a good thing to have your devotees willingly break the law in the name of service to you?  We can't wait to find out where this gathering will be.

Call to Action for All Truth Seekers:
At the Nithyananda Yogam Tour site, there are only a few venues mentioned where Ayya (or Sri Nithya Sadhananda Swami) will be featured.  The rest of the venues are "to be determined".  Perhaps the Life Bliss Foundation is really the Scared Sitless Foundation.  So, please do the following:

1. Please post a comment when you are certain of a local venue. Looks like the cult of Nithyananda is trying to hold it in as many 'outside' venues to reach out to a new crowd.  Talk about a Trojan Horse.  Let's do our best to warn as many people of this scam before they fall into the trap.

2. Write and warn the local venue especially if it is a temple or a church about how 'Paramahamsa' Nithyananda, the Nithyananda Foundation, the Life Bliss Foundation, Inner Awakening, Nithya Yoga, etc. is one big cult and how they defraud people by offering phony certificates of 'enlightenment'.  Even if the event has past, your letter will help the venue owners to wake up and prevent their temple or church from being hijacked or used as a recruiting launch pad for this cult.

3. Try to attend this function and politely ask the questions above.  Talk about 'Paramahamsa' Nithyananda during the break.  Ask questions like "Do you really think he's 'enlightened'?  I read that he was at the Ramakrishna Mission the same time he said that he was doing his monastic wandering.", etc.

Related Posts:
Follow your dharma. Use your common sense. Listen to your inner-conscience, and follow the Truth. Come out of this trap, and escape from this fake and fraudulent cult.

Day 56: Fifty-six days have passed since Sri Nithyananda's bloggers of the Parallel Universe of La-La Land have not answered our simple chronological questions. We'll keep on reminding them.

Day 77: Seventy-seven days have passed since Sri Nithyananda and his organizations have threatened a baseless lawsuit against us. We'll keep on counting.