Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Sex Swami Nithyananda's Video is Genuine


Today, the Delhi Forensic Science Lab (FSL) has announced the authenticity to videos that made Nithyananda Swami and actress Ranjitha Menon an international sleaze sensation.

Confirmed. The sex videos are authentic.

Confirmed. That is Nithyananda in the video.

Confirmed. That is Ranjitha Menon, a.k.a. Nithyananda Moyi, in the video.

This is no surprise. In June 2010, over seven years ago, the Central Forensic Science Laboratory in Hyderabad came out to say that the video was authentic. You can read the story here as reported by India today:

Nityananda sleaze CD genuine: CID Source: India Today (2010)

Why the FSL waited over seven years to announce its findings is a bit of a mystery. But, late news is good news. And this couldn't be a better time. Nithyananda's next Supreme Court hearing is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, December 5, 2017.

There isn't much news available in English, but we're sure there will be. For now, here's News9 Facebook post:

Stay tuned. More news to come.

Well, that did not take long.

Latest News Article Here:

CONFIRMED! It was 'Swami Nithyananda' in the 2010 sex video Source: TIMES NOW

Nithyananda's social media trolls are trying hard to give every video a thumbs down. We're sure that they will be very busy for weeks to come.

Stay tuned. More to come.

And more did come!
Follow your dharma. Use your common sense. Listen to your inner-conscience, and follow the Truth. Come out of this trap, and escape from this fake and fraudulent cult scam.

Special thanks to our super video YouTube stars, Ma Praba Nithyananda or Ma Nithya Prabananda or Kothari Ma Praba Swamini or Ms. Sharmila Devi P. or whatever she calls herself these days and Ma Nithya Pancake Makeup Lady a.k.a. Ms. Sarah Stephanie Landry or Ma Nithya Sudevi or Ma Nithya Swaroopapriyananda or whatever she calls herself these days. Thanks for inspiring us to go forward to continue the battle against 'Paramahamsa' Nithyananda until the end. You are both real saviors.


  1. Good!!! Hope Nithy and Ranjitha get 20 years in prison together!!! Liars!!!

  2. Christamas has come early. charles manson dies a few days ago and now nithyananda and his cult's days are numbered. It would be even better if the indian govt incarcerates the firang crackpots who are his devotees and charge em with living in india without a visa. Least that can be done to silence their foul mouths. 'Shit'yanandam!

  3. Your site is bullahit and the government media lies. He does not run a cult and has healed thousands of people all over the world. Anything fed through corrupt governments of the world the lying media run by these governments is all lies. The system want to bring nithyananda down as he is teaching the world about how to awaken their pineal gland and spiritual selves but all governments want the people to be kept as slaves to the system and dumbed down and following like little sheep. I have spent many years researching EVERYTHING and l follow no religon or cult but this guru is real and speaks and teaches the truth. You will all see on 5th Dec so keep on spreading your nasty lies and hate as your karma will come from this so all good.

    1. OM Namah Shivaya.

      Thanks, Anon. Didn't you mean Bollywood Hit? And, was 'pineal gland' another possible typo?

      And, shucks, how did you know that we are lock step with the Government and the media? They always consult us before running a story or making an arrest.

      Hmmmm, and your phrases 'slaves to the system', 'dumbed down', and 'following like little sheep' sure sounds familiar. We can't quite place where.

      And, your accusations of 'us against everyone/them' and the 'system wants to bring down Nithyanada', ect.; that's not cult mentality at all. For sures.

      With your claim of 'many years researching EVERYTHING', we'll ditch using Wikipedia. No need for that anymore.

      Hmmmm. Nithyananda (and Ranjitha) speaking the Truth? The Criminal Forensic Sciences Laboratories in Hyderabad (2010), Bangalore (2012), and now New Delhi (2017) hold a different opinion.

      Yes, the Supreme Court of India's hearing on December 5, 2017 will be a make or break day for both sides. We predict the nasty lies and hate that Nithyananda and his criminal cult have spread will come to good on this date. Game almost over.

      We do sincerely want to thank you not writing a profanity in your comment. That is appreciated.

      Have a blissful day.

      Jai Maa.

    2. Quality reply, EN! Lol!

    3. OM Namah Shivaya,

      May we indulge in a P.S.?

      Anon wrote: "I follow no religon or cult but this guru is real and speaks and teaches the truth."

      And, apparently doesn't follow any spelling rules, e.g. religon. Sadly, we are not enlightened like Mr. Nithyananda's followers. We do not possess revocable certificates of enlightenment that are only valid on Mr. Nithyananda's campuses.

      We are glad that you are not following anyone, and certainly have gained some credibility by not doing so.

      As far speaking the 'truth', you might want to pause and consider what is said, what is committed (actual deeds), and what is believed to be said. One day, you might see some inconsistencies.

      Regardless, please do follow your inner voice and please do follow your dharma. No one but you should take responsibility for the well-being of your soul. That's for you to keep, for this lifetime and beyond.

      As for us, we will follow your drama, as well as that of the person you claim speaks and teaches the Truth. We are sure that there will be entertainment as well as life lessons to learn from this journey.

      All the best.

      Jai Maa.

    4. Sorry your wife chose a fake sex guru over you, but it seems that you have made them quite insane. Good job!


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* * NEW * * : You must respect the victims that have come forward. They have withstood false criminal charges, lawsuits, death threats, criminal intimidation, and heaps of humiliation. There's been no gain and lots of pain. The victims that have come forward don't need any more stress. Therefore, anything more than the first name and last initial of a known victim will not be posted 'as is'. Either it will be changed or deleted outright.

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