Nithyananda Gets Dharmananda Vision; Fraud Exposed.
Hi there, Sri Nithyananda. How are you doing? You look pretty tired. Does this mean you found some room service? Rrrrrrrrrrrrough. Oh, we were just asking. We guess that means that you're tired for other reasons. To be honest with you, '
Hey, look, '
Dharmananda Vision 1: Nithyananda Fraud Exposed
Dharmananda Vision 2: Nithyananda Fraud Exposed
Dharmananda Vision 3: Nithyananda Fraud Exposed
Dharmananda Vision 4: Nithyananda Fraud Exposed
Wow, '
Follow your dharma. Use your common sense. Listen to your inner-conscience, and follow the Truth. Come out of this trap, and escape from this fake and fraudulent cult scam.
Day 124: One Hundred and twenty-four days have passed since Sri Nithyananda's bloggers of the Parallel Universe of La-La Land have not answered our simple chronological questions. We'll keep on reminding them.