Thursday, September 12, 2019

Sarah Landry Starts to Squeal Against the Cult of Nithyananda

Sex Swami Nithyananda Needs to Turn the Tide. Defectors Run Amok.

Hi there, Sri Nithyananda, Long time no see? You just now revved up you two-way video blah-blah-blah again? Why? Running out of followers? Or are your followers, Oh degrading one, running out on you?

What is this message from your official (de)Facebook profile, Nithyananda Sangha?

OFFICIAL MESSAGE : Dear Sangha members, Devotees, Disciples, Followers of our beloved Swamiji,

As you all may be aware, Swamiji is making Himself available to all of us - even more now - with two live satsangs every day, Morning in English and Evening in Tamil (IST). In spite of all the assassination attempts, attacks by the anti-Hindu elements, Swamiji is only making himself available more and more and giving powerful initiations to all of us.

As much important it is to listen to powerful cognitions, that much important it is to stay away from false information and anti-Hindu elements. All of you are aware of the multiple assassination attempts Swamiji went through and the horrific persecution staged by the anti-Hindu elements. The evidences and proofs of persecution were presented to renowned International bodies and agencies. They have not only recognised the persecution Swamiji is going through but also working with our organisation to stop this at the root. They have been actively investigating in an effort to discover and expose the persecuting elements and have been conducting some independent investigations. During their investigations, through their Intelligence sources, they found some implants of anti-Hindu elements, being in the adheenam and had started preliminary enquiries. These implants entered the adheenam with the goal of assassinating Swamiji. As they were unsuccessful in physically assassinating Swamiji, most have left the adheenam now and are doing character assassination of Swamiji and Sangha. They typically reach out to members of the organisation / followers of Swamiji claiming to have some "information". They spread lies and rumors about the persecution, false cases etc. The sangha members they reached out to, not only not believed in them, but shared the evidences with us. All of what they are sharing is just to character assassinate Swamiji as they were not able to physically assassinate Him. Beware of such implants.

Nithyananda Sangha is an open and transparent organization. If any of you need any clarifications or need any information, please approach the right and official sources for information. Do not get deluded by gossip or hate speech or false information. You can contact the Registrar, Ma Nithya Jnanatmananda Swami on facebook, email ( or on whatsapp (+91 99800 95254) if you need the right information or want some clarify or if you want to report unwelcome solicitations by these anti Hindu elements.


Who would ever want to dethrone you, Nithyananda, Avatar of Tar? Certainly, these poor deluded individuals know that you are the best Kalbhairav and Maha Kali imitator on YouTube? And, you might for good measure tell whoever posts your official messages that they really need to run a spellchecker first. Yes, enlightenment does have its drawbacks.

Thanks for the phone number and email. We'll be sure to contact Ma Nithya Jnanatmanada Swami to get all the juicy details.

But, back to who? Certainly, these unenlightened individuals were never very close to you. But, then again, your official message said that you had implants (in your teeth?) Oh, you mean spies right there in the holy land of the ashram, which you have not set foot in over a year now. Sri Nithyananda, did you have a screening process? If you, holy one, can scan people over the internet, then why did you allow these people in just to cause character assassination to the greatest man/woman/canine/centipede that ever graced this planet? What was it? Samadhi again?

But, who could it be this time? Certainly, not that lady with 70 pounds of makeup on the outside with 70 points of IQ in the inside? Yeah, that lady. The one that carried the walking stick with a golden lion head on top. Because everything out of her mouth was lion, lion, lion.

But here she is, with makeup and all!:

Sarah Landry:  To all my Facebook friends,

As many of you know, last year, I left an organization headed by a guru who calls himself Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam. I left quietly, and without incident. After leaving, I spoke with a few close friends about incidents that sparked my decision to leave. I've kept these communications private because, in the past, whistleblowers against the organization were labeled "anti-Hindu elements" and were attacked by rallied disciples. Somehow, though, my private communications have been leaked to the organization administration, at the behest of Nithyananda, who has ordered his disciples to report and take screen shots of any communication with ex disciples, to be used against them in attempts at character assassination.

Before I go any further, I'd like to point out to those spreading these lies: slander is a crime. Cyber bullying is a crime. 

The guru's people are now spreading a crazy lie alleging that I poisoned Nithyananda. Anyone who knows me knows this is absolutely false to the point of being ridiculous. I was a devoted disciple who lived to serve his mission. I believed, and still believe, in the principles he stood for publicly: the value of enlightenment, the beauty of Sanatana Dharma, the need for vegetarianism and non violence in society, and the power of self awareness. It's only when I discovered, through personal experience and from very trusted friends, that his public platform is built on a web of lies and violence, that I walked. I'm making this post publicly now so that you can be warned about the danger of this group before their vicious lies meant to discredit me spread any further.

One question I've sidestepped over the last year is this: "Why did you leave?" I've truthfully said, here on Facebook and in a YouTube video, that while there, my lifestyle was hard and I missed my family, which was true. Why I left completely, though, is more sinister, and was sparked by an incident that happened last August:

Two of the students of Nithyananda Gurukul told me, tearfully, about an incident that took place on December 31, 2017, in the main Bidadi campus. Early that morning, their teacher stormed their dorms and forced kids to beat each other, while verbally berating them and blaming them for the failure of the Mahasadashivoham program, in which participants who were promised "superpowers" complained that nothing was happening. The kids were told to beat one another until they bled or cried, and told "now, you'll feel Swamiji's pain."

I asked the two, a boy and a girl who I will not publicly name to keep their privacy, why none of the adheenavasis (adult residents) knew of the abuse, and they told me that they were locked in the dorm until their visible injuries healed. The incident happened in an area only open to others involved in the school, and so, nobody else knew it happened. I asked why they didn't tell their parents, and they told me they were told it was "guru droha," a crime against the guru, to tell their parents.

These two innocent kids were scared. They also told me about the abuse they experienced in the Gurukul on a regular basis in the form of sleep deprivation, public shaming sessions disguised as spiritual practice, (called "completion sessions," to which adults were also subjected,) and starvation- being denied food for lengthy periods of time unless they "manifested powers."

In order to earn the right to eat, sleep, drink water and go to the bathroom, many kids resorted in desperation to cheating, and discovered a way to peek through the bottom of their blindfolds. (By raising their eyebrows once the blindfolds were in place, creating a window near the bridge of the nose.) This is why many kids could only read papers directly under their chins. Others pretended to see "golden letters" detailing cosmic messages for people in a practice called Reading Akashic Records, but in fact, just made things up, saying whatever they felt like saying in the moment. Many people have left their families, donated thousands of dollars, made or broke deals because of answers given to them in these Akashic Readings, and it is appalling to know they were not legitimate.

The story of this abuse struck me as too terrible to believe, especially since the school is promoted as non-violent, so I cross checked with a few other sources. Some denied it, but a few parents who were there as volunteers confirmed for me that the incident indeed happened. I also found witnesses who saw the black eyes and lashes on the girls locked in their dorm.

Through mutual friends, it's come to my attention that these were not the only beatings that took place in the school I now regret once praising. Two boys were beaten in the Madurai branch. Their only crime was a desire to leave. One boy was beaten with bats so viciously that he passed out in pain. His attackers revived him by pouring water on his face, and once he woke, they continued beating. Twice. He was not allowed to leave.

I struggled with this information, knowing that in the past, people who have spoken out against this organization have been slapped with fake criminal law suits. As you can imagine, I don't want to be labeled an "anti-Hindu element" as other whistleblowers have been, and I don't want to have fake charges pressed against me to silence me. Putting myself aside, I feel compelled to share now, as I said at the beginning of the post, because it's a matter of human rights and the protection of children. I urge parents not to send their kids to that school, and urge seekers to find enlightenment elsewhere. My nine years of devoted service are now being rewarded with gossip and veiled threats. It's taken me a year to fully understand that the daily life I lived there was exactly the lifestyle of a brainwashed cult victim. It's like waking up from a dream. As sad as it is to be treated like a traitor by people I once considered friends, it's a whole lot better than living in a state of constant fear created by a leader who implements sleep deprivation, diet restrictions and a policing system in which all members of the group are accountable to report each others alleged transgressions.

I could go on, with more disturbing details and personal accounts, but I prefer to leave it at this. Kids are being hurt, people are being deceived, and that is not acceptable. I'm thankful for my freedom, and I pray everyone who is still there wakes up to enjoy theirs, too.

Source: (hint: go to the page and read all the comments. Maybe even give her a little support. Perhaps.)

Wow. We will have plenty to say about this. Better gear up the threat machine. The out-of-state lawsuits. This unenlightened person was responsible for drawing in so many people to your organization that these people just couldn't unclutch and stop following her. You, Holy Moly with the panty doily, better put a stop to this now or you and your whole organization are kaput!

Stay tuned for more developments!
Follow your dharma. Use your common sense. Listen to your inner-conscience, and follow the Truth. Come out of this trap, and escape from this fake and fraudulent cult scam.

Special thanks to our super video YouTube stars, Ma Praba Nithyananda or Ma Nithya Prabananda or Kothari Ma Praba Swamini or Ms. Sharmila Devi P. or whatever she calls herself these days and Ma Nithya Pancake Makeup Lady a.k.a. Ms. Sarah Stephanie Landry or Ma Nithya Sudevi or Ma Nithya Swaroopapriyananda or whatever she calls herself these days. Thanks for inspiring us to go forward to continue the battle against 'Paramahamsa' Nithyananda until the end. You are both real saviors.


  1. More information coming out about the abusive narcissist Sarah Landry that her followers are fawning over, without any regard for the real whistle blowers.

    1. Let's give her a few days. Maybe a week maximum. If she starts showing real honesty and apologizes for all that she's done, then I'll be impressed. She says she will be filing FIRs with the police, right? Somewhere in all her comments? Now let's see if she keeps her promise. She says she now believes arati right, hidden away in one of the comments? Great, now let's see if she has the balls to make a post about it. We will forgive when we see action. We have seen enough empty talk. If she is not willing to do this properly, why should she be forgiven? Ignorance of the bloody law is not a defense for crime.

    2. This Nithya Mokshapriyananda, A.C. Narendra, is an online techie psycho do not believe a word he says or the fake sites that he builds... looks like he has been planning character defamation for the cult for many years.

    3. A.C. Narendra? That moron is a nasty little troll. He gave up a good job at Google just spread lies against Nithy's victims.

  2. May the child protective services of India (I think they're called Childline #-1098) and the Bidadi police be contacted. If you're in India report Sarah's post and what she and others in the comment section are claiming about children being locked up and abused and starved! Not much I can do since I'm in the U.S. :(

  3. Sudevi FINALLY speaks out. Hey admin I have a feeling she reads this blog now. See the comments on her post. She says nithy is a fraud, but she's now going and liking other ppl's insults on him. She even accepts that she should have believed artii. it's there in the post or one of the comments. You want to test if she's genuine?? Maybe you should message her and ask her if she acknowledges the death threat she sent you. If she apologizes then you know this is real.. hard to believe but I think this time it's f*cken real!!

  4. Ma Karuna Ananda has commented about abused girls she saw in the woman's dorm at the ashram! Horrible!

  5. I think they should be given a chance for the brain washing to make its way out. But I agree I’d like to see those FIRs filed - action taken for these atrocities not just talking and warning

  6. I’d like to see this cult ended and this blog seems to have compiled lots of information to that end I do have to say whoever the author of this site is , seems to be an exceptional person who can let loose their cutting sarcasm because their identity is hidden Keep on going whoever you are and continue to report the facts as they come

  7. Here is an account of a young women named Ryan who was abused in gurukul

  8. These ex-devotees (Sarah, Ryan, etc.) should really contact a news/media agency about their experience in the cult to warn others in their area especially if they live in a area where Nithyananda has a temple/branch. This would bring much more attention to the issue of cults! Most in the west have no clue who Nithyananda is. He's a really small fry. Also contacting a India news agency who regularly makes articles about Nithyananda would be a good idea.

    1. The News Minute (TNM) would be one

  9. Sad but good that a lot of info is coming out. Hopefully that sh!thead Nithy will have more people speaking against him in the trial. Evil will always fall that’s a law of nature may take time but will fall. That piece of nothingness Nithy talks of poison? Did not shiva trap the poison in his throat? He did not attack his attackers nor did he have an “international agency” investigate it. This piece of nothingness has nothing that will benefit anyone (including his worthless organs). 2019 - mark your calendars the year of the descent of sh!thesd Nithy he will pay. Perhaps as s b!tch in jail.

  10. She has finally acknowledged you, EN!
    Copy-pasting below--

    It's all true. And it was embarrassing for those of us putting on programs. It was also very painful for us. Nithyananda would yell at his brahmacharis and sanyasis, calling us dirty, telling us participants comfort is our responsibility, but when we asked approval to get cleaning supplies, we were yelled at for asking too much. When we tried to do something good, we were yelled at for not prioritizing the other work he gave us: recruiting people, getting donations. We were sleep deprived, over-worked, under-valued and called freeloaders for living in their filthy place and eating their meagre offerings, and told we were ungrateful for all the work he did in order to feed us. Torture. Sheer torture. I cried almost every day.
    There was a blog I came across once, called nithyananda - cult . blogspot . com (remove the spaces; facebook won't let me post a direct link.)
    They have been really hard on me in the past, calling me pancake face, and other mean names, but they helped me wake up and realize that the conditions I was living in were not right, and that the mind f*ck my life had turned into was wrong. I thank them now and hope more people will see the research they're doing.
    I used to think people like Aarthi Rao and Vinay Bharadwaj were anti-Hindu elements who infiltrated Nithyananda sangha to destroy it, because that's what I was told. How my eyes have opened now. The organization is calling ME an anti-Hindu element, and saying that I infiltrated the sangha to destroy it. I know what I'm telling is the truth, so I have to think: they must have been telling the truth, too.


    This is from one of the comments on this post--

    1. OM Namah Shivaya,

      Gosh darn it. Blush. Blush.

      Maybe it's time to reach out to her. Peace.

      Thanks for letting us know.

      Jai Maa!

    2. The link to that post does not exist anymore Srikanth iyer chief coc*sucke* of Nithya works at Facebook

    3. It’s back again haha. They’re all reading this blog for sure

    4. OM Namah Shivaya,

      Thanks, anon at 9:39 AM. Yes, both Facebook links work fine from the blog. The comments referred to above are still there. The link above also still works fine.

      Jai Maa.

  11. Nithy’s crappy group are talking about how negative influences cut the umbilical cord with the “guru”. Just wanted to remind everyone that in the words of true masters, there is no umbilical cord. There is no master and no disciple for a true master.

  12. Last September he said by this September, he will make cows, bulls, tigers, lions and monkeys speak tamil and Sanskrit. I wonder how many of these are talking. Ooops... Sorry. May be almost all of them. You can find in the red light area located in Bidadi. I don’t understand why none of his followers introspect themselves on what bull shit this guy talks about. You can find plenty of examples like this. This guy is a moron and schizophrenic and May be all his followers too!

  13. They're accusing her of poisoning Nithyananda & other devotees with chocolate:

    They're accusing her of being in a cult in Canada:

  14. There’s some lady in the uk (London) who’s also speaking up. So crap sangha are having more kids speaking in videos of how good Gurukul is. Great more people need to speak up and clean this s**t up!!!

  15. Dhathananda (Jordan) was a lost soul. I am glad that he has woken up and found his way.

  16. Is that actress b!tch Ranjitha still there ? Would be cool if she too spills the beans

  17. Kundalini is a very powerful force. True gurus will never raise the disciples Ka Dali I because they want disciples to truly earn it and know they can handle it. Drugs and false gurus CAN raise the kundalini but if will always be temporary and dangerous (it could unwind anti-clockwise and lead to madness)

  18. Durga Puja (Navrathri) from the 28th of September. May she destroy these “Anuradhapura” (Nithya and his gang) as she always does

  19. Jnanatananda is having all my Facebook accounts on Sarah Landrys posts removed by mass reporting them. I'll continue to make new accounts post these videos that expose the ridiculousness of the organization but they get taken down within an hour.

    -Mayayoga crushes the foot of a Bulgarian women with a 10kg brass pot filled with rocks. Crushing happpens at 5:02. It takes a long time to balance the pot on the Bulgarian's hand which is taped to the table for some odd reason.

    -Dridha aka Jordan Kremyr says humans can fly, and one day they will fly, and he hopes that it's him that will do the flying.

    -Dhata aka Jordan Lozada shows off swamiji's cosmic airport for extra terrestrials.

    -Montage of Dridha brainwashed ramblings

    There are more videos of these misguided souls on my Youtube channel Loco Guano. LIKE SUBSCRIBE and SHARE!!!

    1. I thought Jordan left the .org is it an older post of him?

    2. Jordan definitely left. They accused him of drug smuggling to try to keep him quiet about something... hope he shares.

  20. One thing seems clear. They are very threatened now since core insiders have begun talking about the crap that goes on there

  21. This one looks interesting.. Nithy becoming a Canadian???

    If this would bring an end to the torture for the real victims who have been suffering from 2010 once they exposed who real Nithy is; then justice would get finally served...

    Humble Pranams


      This URL works best

  22. It seems like they managed to take her facebook page down. She just uploaded her tell all video to youtube and made a facebook post about it. Her facebook page has disappeared.

  23. This is the reason they claim for getting her off FB...

    Very cunning full time BW people only....

    Cult Leader Sarah who was managing all the Social Media - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram - of the Sangha (and she has herself admitted to this in the video she posted today) has been abusing her admin privileges to post malicious and false content on these groups over the last few weeks. And she has been claiming that these postings are by the Sangha!

    By posting various allegations on other individuals she has been trying to hide her own crimes and also make many others feel that the Sangha is attacking them and hence edged them to join her Cult!

    Some of the groups such as #NithyanandaSanga where she has been the administrator and posting false content have been recovered and the wrong content deleted.. but she is still admin on large groups and has maintained illegal access to these even after she allegedly "left the sangha".

    We came to know recently, she had created illegal facebook accounts in the name of many minor balasants (many of who did not have the right age to have a facebook account) and had full access to these accounts. This was a part of larger conspiracy so that she can post abusive content from balasants' profile as well.

    We already know how she has been attributing all her abusive behavior against participants to others in the Sangha. And when that is shown as false by hard proof, falling back to this idea of "brainwashing" - which is the last resort of the all criminals.

    If you see any allegations posted on you or people you know, do not believe it. You should only listen to authentic information directly conveyed to you.

    Apart from the postings she has herself done over the past few weeks, she is now trying to attribute words to the Sangha by making fake posts. The post today morning by Shreya Parikh claims it was posted by the Nithyananda Sangha Group. Anyone who can navigate a browser will clearly see that this group has been inactive for the last 2 years!

    The Cult of Sarah has been continuously trying to hack into the accounts where she was being removed. People have reported messages of attempts on their accounts. This one (screenshot shown below) happened just a few hours back. If you do see such hacking attempts please protect your account by changing the password and by setting a strong second factor authentication such as a phone number.

    Their illegal behavior has been reported to the management in Facebook who is now looking seriously into these matters of ownership abuse and false news. Meanwhile everyone should protect themselves by following basic safeguards and verifying all posts directly instead of believing it.


  24. Her FB page is still active...

  25. Can we report Nithya's people on facebook for having fake names and brigading abuses?

  26. He can do black magic on people too.

    1. Cool. Firm faith in the almighty makes magic of all colors ineffective. So it does not matter

  27. -screenshot of what he said

    Dridhananda got a flesh-eating bacteria in his foot at the Bidadi Ashram in August/September 2018 after he stepped on a small pebble and his foot became infected. You can find 2 or 3 videos on his channel about his poor foot here:

    He tried to heal it himself and do Nithyananda yoga poses and stuff and also had other devotees try to heal it too. Nothing worked! He eventually went to a Indian hospital to have it treated but it didn't get much better. I suspect him & wife left the ashram (sometime at the end of 2018) after the condition of his foot got worse to seek proper treatment in America while still pretending to be at the ashram for several months on their youtube channel (they uploaded videos of them at the ashram for a few months after they had already left it seems).

    It's very rare to get a flesh eating bacteria. It usually only happens to those whose immune system is compromised. Sleep deprivation, lack of nutrition, and unsanitary & unclean conditions at the Ashram resulted in his foot almost having to be amputated! Yet the madman still supports Nithyananda despite Nithyananda or his devotees not being able to heal his foot. Deep brainwashing.

    1. That last video was INTENSE! Cleary Smarmyji initiated the flesh eating bacteria into third eye awakening inside Dridha's foot. My God that was a disgusting video, too hot for TV!

      My question is: Why didn't the child saints simply body scan Dridha and tell him his precise ailment?

    2. Isn’t it clear? There’s nothing there. They are all a bunch of nothing. NO TRUE spiritually achieved person pitches miracles. It is FORBIDDEN in the ver scriptures these conmen preach!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wake up!!!!!!




    1. OM Namah Shivaya,

      Is this a threat?

      Hey so-called messenger, may your criminal 'creator' help you unlock the secrets of your CAP keys and at the very least help you with your spelling. At the very least, you deserve double detention after school.

      Or is your message that the victims who come forward will get 'double' the reward for causing a psychopath to go to prison for the rest of his life?

      Now that we can believe.

      Jai Maa.

    2. Messenger? You gas filled sh!t. Take that back to diaper man!!!

    3. Hear hear!!! Most likely that constipated looking jnanatma. She really needs to eat some “seedless” prunes!!!

    4. Wow I was depressed, but your comments made my day. Jnanamata in a piece of sh!t.

    5. Really? It appears that THEY HAVE DID not gone to school. Is this grammar, spelling, and syntax what one might expect from a 'graduate' from Nithy's gurukul? No thank you.

    6. Hahaha. Sounds like constipatananda also known as jnanatmaeatingseedlessprunes

  29. The above all whatever Ms.Sarah Landry said is baseless, total fiction and made up stories. Really what Sarah is doing crime, she is spreading slanderous messages about Swamiji, which is totally unauthentic without any base evidences, if she has gotten to leave Dhyanapeetam, that’s her open option and wish, however spreading rumours are really ridiculous, not warranted from her and Dhynapeetam shouldn’t treat this kind of ill publicity against Swamiji, really need to take it very strongly to file legal suit against her for spreading baseless information unauthentic information against Swamiji.
    If already gotten to have been filed, really that’s way to go to teach a strong lesson to these kind malefactors.

    1. OM Namah Shivaya,

      Oh really, Mr. Shiva? Who just signed up on Blogger today.

      We really believe you. Just as we believed it when your little crew of whining criminals gave the same threats to us. Yes, it's been ten years and we're still going strong. You losers weren't able to stop us, and you will have the same luck with Sarah.

      Guess what? Game almost over. Don't forget to pack a toothbrush the next time you are summoned to court.

      Jai Maa.

  30. Did you see the 21st October proceedings? It's outrageous. Nithy can make any excuse delay for 5 years and the court accepts it. But Lenin makes one medical absence and they issue a warrant on him! What kind of corrupt country is this?

    Daily Status
    CNR Number :KARN010013312014
    Case Number :S.C./0000086/2014
    Bidadi Police Versus Paramahamsa Nithyanandaswamy @ Rajashekaran
    Date : 21-10-2019

    Business : On this day, it is set down for further examination of PW2. A3 is present. A1, A4 to A6 being absent, EP's filed and same are accepted as their learned defense counsel are very much present before the court with readiness that, they would gone with the cross examination of PW2. PW2 is absent on this day too. I.O. has submitted a report through learned PP saying that, PW2 is not keeping well and that he has been taking treatment for his illness. The medical certificate adduced indicates that, PW2 was diagnosed on 05.10.2019 for Acute Ligament Strain. Today being 21.10.2019, this medical certificate cannot be relied upon. Therefore, office to issue B/W to PW2. The official Translator attached to this court is very much present on this day too. Post the matter for appearance of PW2 and for further chief examination of PW2 by 18.11.2019.
    Next Purpose : EVIDENCE CRIMINAL
    Next Hearing Date : 18-11-2019

    1. While the corrupt do seem to support Poopananda, I must say that the Ramanagara court has been fair. A non bailable warrant was filed against poopie. He went begging to the high court to have it dismissed. This ones a bailable warrant against Lenin probably a sign of the courts intention to close on this ASAP

    2. OM Namah Shivaya,

      Thanks for your comments. Yes, in the past, the Ramanagara Court has been fair. We do have legitimate concerns about the current judge and have noted the inconsistencies as anon did above at 1:32 PM.

      May Truth prevail.

      Jai Maa.

    3. Anon please read the high court records and the corresponding ramnagara court record. The NBW on nithyananda was immediately cancelled long ago because he approached the high court, which has always been partial to him. This happened after he absconded. This is why the ramnagara case is ongoing, not stuck in "appearance of the accused". They were forced by the high court to go ahead without him. This is corruption!

  31. hi sarah . I am so thankful to you for exposing this fake swami. and I'm thankful to God for saving me from falling into his trap. I was contacted by the ashram in 2017 to attend some big program in India. how they came to know about my details, even I wonder, but they contacted me because they know that I bring huge groups to various spiritual organizations from China. so they contacted me to ask me to have a business association with them and work for them under the direct guidance and blessings of swami. they also told me that i was sent to china by him so that i can create bigger things in life ( even though i never met anyone in ashram ever). To convince me they even got some akashic record reading from a child, who also told me that my purpose of life was to awaken people. and that, my purpose is going to start now in a very big way. i almost got convinced and wanted to follow this group but something inside me stopped me from going ahead and i went on the internet to search about this group and i found some disturbing news from the past regarding some sex scandals, and I stopped myself thier itself. but now, listening to your video, I'm convinced that the higher sources stop me from going ahead and falling into the trap of this group, which is fake. thank you so much for your courage, and in case you need any help from my side, I am willing to support. namaste .sumit.

  32. His domain was registered in Panama in October of 2018.


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Thanks for your interest in posting about the Cult of Nithyananda. Please note, that low quality and incendiary comments will most likely not be posted or if posted, they may be altered. Comments should refrain from profanity (bad words) and using manipulative methods to convey your points. Comments should focus on the fraud and cult practices of ‘Swami’ Nithyananda.

In detail, this blog is about the abuses and fraud of ‘Swami’ Nithyananda and his cult. We want your comments to focus on this. Comments that tie in the cult of Nithyananda with other abusive cults or spiritual frauds such as the Lord of Destructive Cults, Osho (Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh), known womanizer and mental torturer, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar (Art of Living), convicted sex criminal, Swami Premananda, King of Mass Suicide, Reverend Jim Jones (Jonestown Massacre / The People’s Temple), village idiot and convicted child-molester, Sri Sri Selvam Siddhar Swamiji, a.k.a. Dr. Commander Selvam, mass-murderer Asahara Shoko (Aum Shinrikyo), cheap, plastic avatar, Bhagavan Kalki (Kalki Deeksha Movement / Oneness Movement; [O.M.] et al.), Jaggi Vasudev (Isha Foundation) (who overtime has fallen from good to very bad & uses dark siddhis), the epitome of greedy evilness, Scientology with its deranged nutcase founder, L. Ron Hubbard, etc. will usually get a pass. Although we do not want to deny your personal experience or beliefs, negative criticism about other gurus including but not limited to Amma, Satya Sai Baba, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (Transcendental Meditation [TM]), Paramahansa Yogananda (Self-Realization Fellowship), etc. would be best on other forums; not here. Criticism or comments that go against Paramahamsa Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda, Ramana Maharshi, Jesus Christ, Lord Buddha, Lord Mahavir, and world-recognized religions will probably never see the light of day. This is not an anti-guru or anti-religion blog. This is an anti-cult and anti-fraud blog focusing on our direct experience with the self-titled ‘Paramahamsa’ Nithyananda Swami.

* * NEW * * : You must respect the victims that have come forward. They have withstood false criminal charges, lawsuits, death threats, criminal intimidation, and heaps of humiliation. There's been no gain and lots of pain. The victims that have come forward don't need any more stress. Therefore, anything more than the first name and last initial of a known victim will not be posted 'as is'. Either it will be changed or deleted outright.

We welcome polite critics of ourselves and our blog. Comments that are pro-Nithyananda as long as they are written with the intent to have discussion, dialog, and understanding. For an excellent style, search for comments in blog written by then-supporter (but now defector) “Swamiji is God” (which Nithyananda is not). If you write in that style and intent, your comment is almost guaranteed to be posted. Pro-Nithyananda comments that are incendiary or damage-control propaganda will be: 1. Ignored (not posted) 2. Posted and ridiculed 3. Altered and ridiculed.

Please do NOT include an email address or a phone number in your public comments.

You can use some HTML tags, such as (bold), (italicize), (to link), etc.

All submitted comments become part of this blog, and we are free to do what we feel best with them.

Also, if you would like to contact us, please mark your comment with **PRIVATE**, **CONFIDENTIAL**, or something to let us know that you do NOT want your message to be posted. As long as you are civil, we will respect your request, and will reply if a reply is warranted and if you left a valid email address in your message. Jai Maa.