The Nithyananda Dog and Pony Show

The Nithyananda Dog and Pony Show

Tip: Mouseover any slide to pause it. (Yeah, it loads slow, but it's worth it.)

Nithyananda's Criminal Trial Starts December 3, 2014. On July 2, 2012, a U.S. Federal Court found the Nithyananda Foundation guilty of Fraud with damages of $1,565,000 U.S.D. Peaceful Spirituality or Blood Thirsty Cult? Nithyananda's supporters are willing to die for his crimes. The untimely death of a Canadian citizen in Nithyananda's ashram.  An accident or murder? Nithyananda is not who he seems to be. Behind the scenes, Nithyananda's smile is quite different. Some like it spicy. Nithyananda is known to offer chilies, human hair, and marijuana seeds in his midnight fire rituals. Nithyananda the 'renunciant' was caught money laundering over $6,000,000 USD into his personal bank account. Nithyananda managed several hedge funds while in the U.S. on a religious visa. Spiritual practice? Tantric techniques? Or just plain sleaze? Sex Swami Nithyananda: Self-Idolizing and Cross-dressing Nithyananda's Healing: This won't hurt a bit. Your Soul is now mine; brainwashed and devoted to me. Nithyananda: Born on January 1, 1978 or March 13, 1977? Nithyananda: Born on January 1, 1978 or March 13, 1977? Nithyananda: Born on January 1, 1978 or March 13, 1977?

Nithyananda Witness Program: Report Nithyananda's Crime to Keep Society Safe & Dharmic

End Nithyananda's Rape! Stop Nithyananda from Committing Sex Crimes Against Children, Women & Men!

Make a difference! Dismantle Nithyananda's cult! We had Nithyananda in jail before. And, he almost got away scot free with murder, rape, sex with minors, fraud, violence, and other heinous crimes unspeakable, e.g. Nithyananda's Sex Contract. Don't let Nithyananda get away a second time. Don't let Nithyananda have another chance to ruin lives. If you're a victim of any of Nithyananda's crimes, report these crimes committed by Nithyananda and/or his criminal followers to the CID Police Team in India. Your information and identity will be kept confidential.
Direct Phone to CID Police: Tel: (011 91) 80-22381894 | (011 91) 80-22942602

Direct Fax to CID Police: (011 91) 80-22942602

E-mail that we will forward to the CID Police:
(we will honor your privacy & confidentiality)
Thank you for helping to convict Nithyananda and preventing others from becoming victims of Nithyananda's horrendous crimes against humanity.
~ ~ ~

Latest News Headlines of Nithyananda's Fraud

Read the latest news headlines of Nithyananda's fraud, cult practices, and legal updates here:
Stand Up for Dharma Nithyananda News and Court Updates Blog

Nithyananda Counter-terrorism Fund: Keep the Fight Alive Against Nithyananda & His Fraud!

All donations go toward the legal defense and offense to STOP the unsavory and fraudulent practices of Nithyananda and his cult. And, yes, we will share your donation with our partner against Nithyananda's crimes, Sri Lenin Karuppan, better well known as Dharmananda, a.k.a. Hanuman 3.0. Thanks for your help!!!

Sign the Petition & Put an End to Nithyananda's Cult

Sign the Petition & Put an End to Nithyananda's Cult
Make a difference! Sign the Petition on! Let Prime Minister Modi know about the crimes of Nithyananda! Put an end to this sex crime-ridden, money-grabbing, child-abusing, religious hijacking cult!:

Monday, November 25, 2019

Sex Swami Nithyananda's Child-abusing Henchwomen Arrested

Latest News about the Arrest of Ma Pranapriya and Ma Priyatattva and the Abused Children of Nithyananda's Gurukul

Hi there, Sri Nithyananda. You, Oh Great One, said that you don't use your supernatural powers to know what's going on and that you don't communicate with anyone who are still part of the empire that you now publicly renounced. Cool. Actually, you said that you get all your news from videos and probably the internet. So, although our readers have probably seen all of these, here's a list of videos and news articles that we compiled and will keep compiling because it's pretty darn late. Yeah, we don't want you to miss a thing.

Loyal readers, send us the links of videos and articles of the recent events that you think are worthwhile, and we will do our best to get them on this page. Thanks! Jai Maa.

(In Hindi)

(In Hindi)

(In Hindi)

(Video with annoying commercials)
(Video with annoying commercials)
(Some brainwashed parents of brainwashed kids file counter-claim)
(When the not talking, the younger of the two 'missing' daughters looks so sad. See for yourself.)
(Local news from Trinidad)

Sorry for the rush job. We'll work and add on this post later. Just send us video and news clips that you think are worthy of posting. Thanks! Jai Maa.

Have Compassion!
Although Sri Janardhana Sharma was once deep inside this cult, it appears to us that he has recognized his mistake and woke up. More importantly, he has committed to taking swift and strong action to stop this cult and reunite his family once again. This blog recommends that Sri Janardhana Sharma is not only forgiven but everyone should support him and his families with help and prayers. Jai Maa.

Take Action!
Make a difference! Sign the Petition on! Let Prime Minister Modi know the Truth! Put an end to this child-abusing, sex crime-ridden, money-grabbing, spiritual hijacking cult!

Follow your dharma. Use your common sense. Listen to your inner-conscience, and follow the Truth. Come out of this trap, and escape from this fake and fraudulent cult scam.

Special thanks to our super video YouTube stars, Ma Praba Nithyananda or Ma Nithya Prabananda or Kothari Ma Praba Swamini or Ms. Sharmila Devi P. or whatever she calls herself these days. Thanks for inspiring us to go forward to continue the battle against 'Paramahamsa' Nithyananda until the end. You are a real savior.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Sex Swami Nithyananda Speaks Out about His Cult & Recent Gurukul Arrest

In His Own Words, Nithyananda Swami Comments about the Arrest of Ma Pranapriya, and Ma Priyatattva and the Future of His Cult Nation, (the nonexistent) Kailaasa in Exile

Hi there, Sri Nithyananda, wow. Did you see all that fake news out there? Ngrrrraba. Ngrrrraba. Oui! Oh, dear Pornomahamsa Nithyananda, our Grunteneese translator says you can't get enough of watching all about you. Gee, you say that you're in samadhi in the Himalaya Mountains, but you plugged into the news and able to live broadcast your never-ending lectures all over the internet. Technology! It's even more amazing than you, oh, (de)grating one, Nithyananda.

Nithyananda's sanyasi, now dressed in red civilian clothes, correctly point out with fever about the 'fake' news about Nithyananda and his cult.

OK, we better get your side of the story out in a hurry! Oh, lucky us, you got an hour-long YouTube video out complete with your Jafarananda snake staff. Wait a minute, we thought Ma Nithya Jnanatmananda Swamini was your chief of staff. She's a snake alright. But that's not her in the video. Just way too thin. And, it doesn't hiss.

We want to get your word out so that everyone will know that you, Porkananda, and your cult are not child-abusing, sexual harassing, serial raping, defrauding, money-milking, religious hijacking, brainwashing, thug-bruising, violent cult. After watching your video, we're convinced! We will add our comments later, but let's hear it in your own words. And, we're sure that all our loyal readers, Mr. Nithyananda, will be so convinced and swayed, that they will all give you a big thumbs up just as you, oh grated one, deserve.

Nithyananda's Kailaasa, the Lawless Nonexistent Nation of Violent Criminals, Sex Predators, Swindlers, Tax Cheats, & Child-beating Absconding Abusers

Stay tuned, we will have plenty of comments to add. For now, you can leave your comments below.

And, don't worry a bit there, Sex Swami Nithyananda, we downloaded the video for safe-keeping just in case all the auntie and uncle conspiracists take down your video and make it private.

Oh, what a joyful day! We get to watch your hour-long video, Pornomahamsa Nithyananda, and listen to your charming voice a second time! A real pleasure. Right off, we see that you lost some weight and that your beard is nicely trimmed. Is it because Ranjitha doesn't know how to cook? Or all the exercise that you're doing from all the sex you're getting while you pass the time in your pseudo-cave at some five-star hotel in Ecuador? Or is the local Taco Bell just not up to your high standards? Oh, it's the stress from all the worrying. Did you wipe your computer clean of all the naked images of the underaged children you made them send you yet? That's a lot of work! We know, Sri Nithyananda, you should read your book, Guaranteed Solutions for Sex, Fear, Worry, Etc. Did you really write it yourself? It might help you during these troubling times.

We have a question, Nithyananda. Are all those rudraksha beads heavy? And that chandelier-quality bling? It might be hard to keep your back straight or are you just naturally crooked?

Back to your video. Yup, the same prayer that you insert your name over Lord Shiva's name. True and tried. And your classic crocodile grin. @1:58 OK, your Kailaasa nation has no territory or border because it is in a spiritual place because you have no land. And, you will later ask for land anywhere even though Kailaasa is in the Universe and Cosmos. @3:34 And, since you, Salamendar Nithyananda, have to function within the law within the nation that the organization is registered. And, then you go on to say that years ago that you have 'disconnected' from even the Indian laws that your hellholes in India are registered. So you admit that you ignore all the Indian laws for years and that you operate as an outlaw. Cool. James Dean would be proud of you. That's quite a self-disclosure, Mr. Nithyananda. Are the authorities listening?

@4:02 Gee, Nithyananda, you say that you completely withdrew and that you gave away all your land to the trust and not part of any organization and not legally bound to anything. Answerable to no one except you. Cool. So no extradition treaty can drag you away, because you were asleep at the time and a spiritual visionary @5:42. So, Pornomahamsa Nithyananda, you're no longer a self-proclaimed Paramahamsa? Shocking. And, @6:00 you start batting your eyes not because you're lying but you are letting all your devotees know that you will still like to practice tantra with them. Such a flirt!

Then some shifty edits occur as you took a break for more tantra and came back and claim @6:40 you claim that you are a "peace-loving, happy, blissful (HOLD THAT THOUGHT) Hindu organization (that is) practicing authentic Vedic organic Hinduism in whichever country that Hindus are allowed to live and practice their religion". So, why don't you, Nithyananda, move back to India and reset up shop there?

@8:10 you state that you're only interest is to do spiritual work and initiate people into living enlightenment (at $15,000 USD a pop). A real renunciant.

@8:20 "In spite of all these ferocious, aggressive, vengeful attack(s) going on me (me-me-me) and our sangha all over the world, I'm only concerned that atma linga has reached to all our ashrams and branches (which you publicly renounced), so that I can do my atma linga process (a.k.a. smokescreen for ghost worship) and initiate people. That's all I was concerned." And, then you, Sri Nithyananda, go on to say @8:50 that this process will happen even though there are all these people attacking you to make sure that the atma lingas don't reach the ashrams on time. Is that your biggest concern right now, Mr. Nithyananda? Really? That's quite noble of you. @9:20 Rest assured, no one can stop you and your noble cause of initiation. What a relief.

@9:30 you, Jafarananda, promise to give a piece of the atma linga to every one of you (clowns still holed in Nithyananda's hell holes) so that the initiation process can begin. Wow. Brilliant. You, Oh Great One, found a way to keep your brainwashed followers waiting at your ashram. How do you, Sri Nithyananda, keep a bunch of morons in deep, deep, deep suspense? Just wait until the atma lingas arrive. Soon. Very soon. Maybe next week if we're lucky.

Nithyananda's faithful now has a reason to stay put in his ashrams. This is only a test.

Wow. @9:50 you, Avatar of Tar, reassure that you have given up everything! Your ashrams. Your bank accounts with over $6 million USD. Everything. Say, didn't you state this before in 2010 and 2012? And after your impotency test in 2014? It seems like each time that you, Sri Nithyananda, are in trouble, you come up with the same storyline. But, this time, we believe you. We know that you are going to give up all that property, wealth, money, and possessions just to help save the world. Yup. Can we know why there are Google Ads tacked on to your video? Do you want us to click them and miss your words of wisdom?

@10:20, all you, Sri Nithyananda, need is a huge diety to stare at. Nothing else. A blowup doll won't do. And, forget yourself and be in samadhi. Say, Nithyananda, in 2010 after the scandal broke and you were explaining what happened in the video with Ranjitha, didn't you state as an excuse that you were under samadhi? Will this be the same samadhi? Well, then, perhaps a blowup doll will suffice. Just pucker up and add hot air. No shortage of that.

Smile for Nithyananda!  All he needs is you to gaze upon.

@11:48 you go on to say about your first commitment. To be available to Paramashiva is to be available to receive His blessings. But, wait a minute, Mr. Nithyananda, we thought that you said that you were Paramashiva as well as Kal Bhairav, Maha Kali, and just about any other deity that you can think of? So, you are making yourself available to yourself? We don't get it. (Hold that thought.)

Sex Swami Nithyananda is always committed to himself.
So, what about the recent arrests and rescues at your (now defunct) gurukul in Gujarat? Oh, at @14:00 you, Mr. Nithyananda, explain that people are afraid of your super-conscious mutants and projected their fear. So, it's all those police, cheated parents, and media are at fault for not understanding that only enlightened children can take beatings, sleep deprivation, food withdrawal, forced meditation in confined spaces, and creating lots of fake social media accounts and then enticing people to part $15K USD for your enlightenment courses? After all, these are super-conscious underaged mutants with extraordinary powers that we're dealing with. Not exactly ordinary human beings.

@14:00 You say that we will not do anything bad. Relief. Kidnapping, abusing, exploiting, beating, and sexing minors is only good for the world. Right? We now understand. Only love and compassion. That's it.

@15:00 You, Mr. Nithyananda, say that you only found out about this whole attack against your gurukul (which you have publicly renounced) AFTER watching the video (just like all of us). We're glad to know that no one is calling you and disturbing your samadhi. We're especially glad now that the police have confiscated the phones and notebook computers at the gurukul. No tracing whatsoever. But, wait, didn't you, Pornomahasa Nithyananda, say that you can see everything through the same cookbook of powers that you promised to transfer if someone forks over $15K USD for one of your enlightenment courses? Do these powers work any more? At least for you? But, now you have to get your knowledge through YouTube. Hmmmm. This might be a tough sell for your next online program in December. That's just around the corner.

Then @15:30, you blame all of the kids losing their supernatural powers on eating the outside food that they were forced to eat. Does that explain why you lost your supernatural powers to know and see everything?

Blame the recent events on bad pizza.

Not to worry, anyone. @16:12, Sex Swami Nithyananda, you assure that you can reinitiate any of your kids their powers if they lost any powers. Just keep on waiting. But, will you be able to do that for yourself? Obviously, there's a need. Then @16:35, you, Mr. Nithyananda, go on to challenge the legal authority of 'force-feeding' the gurukul kids with outside food. Good call. Now if they are detained, the little kiddies will go on a hunger strike, but based on the well-known malnourishment at your ashrams, they already have.

@17:20, now you, Mr. Nithyananda, blame the legal structure in India and refer how in 2010 that you were arrested for rape when there was not one victim. But, there was one victim that came forward. So, same thing. You, Nithyananda, think that no crime has been committed but there was a crime committed, perhaps many crimes committed, but you won't acknowledge that perhaps because your lawyer said to keep your mouth shut, which is impossible. This gets rather confusing to us.

@20:45, You, (de)grating one, explain that your arrest in 2010 was an attempt to poison you. A true victim. Assassination attempt with heavy metal! wow. Was it Deep Purple? Now, it was blue kerosene, the kerosene allocated to the poor, which you must have bought at a discount to 'cleanse' yourself. Gee, Nithyananda, we thought ghee was the proper stuff to poor in a fire ritual. Not kerosene.

From blue movie star to blue kerosene (that is allocated to the poor) cleansing, Sex Swami Nithyananda finds a way to be impure and obscene.
Yes, you're right, Sri Nithyananda. @21:45 you state in India, no one is answerable. Correct. How long have you been absconding? Over 19 months now. When will we get to hear your side of the story sworn under oath? You say that you have so much evidence of assassination attempts on you. Please, please, please, get these out in court now. The rape case against you will be dismissed for sure!

@21:16, you, protective father on earth, give an appropriate disclaimer that your 'sons and daughters' that once attended your gurukul are not your biological 'sons and daughters' to spare them of a DNA test. Cool. So, how many kids out there that are not in the gurukul did your father? We bet they can fill a minivan. Maybe a whole bus full. So glad that you publicly renounced them all. Should you really say 'my' and 'mine' anymore? We're confused.

Then you, Mr. Nithyananda, make a huge disclosure @23:30. "All kids cannot be trained to lie." Wow. Then only some kids can be trained to lie. Those are the ones you want to invite up to your bedroom.

@24:53 the conspiracy plan is revealed. [LONG pause for a BIG smile. Pan left to right.] The first step was to separate you from the sangha. Hmmm, didn't you run away after the framing of the charges? Then, constant assassination attempts. Yup, you said that already. And, the 'gang', you mean police? 'sitting' inside the campus. Tragic. Oh, these infiltrators have committed crimes and then try to blame you. Diabolic! Then spreading media abuse! Just like that Nithyananda Truth website and Nithyananda Truth Facebook profile? They are spreading lies and false news for sure. And, then @26:46 initiating witch-hunting investigations, which led to these administrators (henchwomen) being arrested and forced to confess through torture to the crimes that never ever happened, even if the evidence on the computers confirms this. And, then these so-called 'victims' are forced to implicate you, Nithyananda, to the crimes that did not happen but are supported with evidence, which was probably planted by the infiltrators. It's very clear to us now. Conspiracy. 100 percent.

@28:25 you, Nithyananda, claim that the gang is using Ma Nithya Tattvapriyananda and Ma Nithyananditha (the missing sisters) as a weapon to file false cases against you. So, that totally justifies kidnapping and keeping them from their heartbroken parents. And, you said that not all kids can be trained to lie, but maybe some can be trained to lie, can this explain why you forced Ma Nithya Tattvapriyananda and Ma Nithyananditha to make contradicting and revised statements about how their own parents are criminals and about their parent's friends who tried to rape them? Shocking. But, seriously, Nithyananda, you should get them to make up a believable story the first time so that they don't have to revise it. This is the true art of lying, which you, Defender of the Truth, are such a master of it.

After a heavy sigh, @30:02, you, Nithyananda thank Ma Pranapriya and Ma Priyatattva's parents and family for standing tall (and being arrested and taking the bullet [or arrow] for you, Nithyananda). Nithyananda, you then say that Kal Bhairav (not you) will protect my kids, (but not biological kids, who are full adults and will be tried as adults, but you have publically renounced them and everything else earlier). Nithyananda, you go on to say, "They are taking it on their chest for me." Well, that wouldn't be the first time. You are a true guru! So important that your disciples need to take the fall so you can still continue your live streaming and marketing initiatives to get as many cash-paying participants to the next $15,000 USD enlightenment program this December. True selfless sacrifice. Will you be sending catered food to the local jail? Pizza perhaps?

Now would be a good time to practice that levitation technique by Nithyananda's enlightened jailbirds.  Ma Pranapriya and Ma Priyatattva cooling their heels in the local jail for child abduction, child abuse, and abetting to sexual crimes against minors. Source: Loco Guano

@31:15 after another long sigh, you, Sex Swami Nithyananda, tell everyone in your sangha to be grateful forever to Ma Pranapriya and Ma Priyatattva. Then @31:10 tell that these two jailbirds will be deified in all your temples (which you publicly renounced) with marble statues. Wow. Normally it costs a cool one million dollars to be deified by you, but just for going to jail for five days and taking the heat off of you, they too can be forever remembered. Say, Nithyananda, didn't you promise the LA ashramites in 2006 that you will deify them with big marble statues and that everyone will be worshiping them? How many of those original ashramites are still with you? Bhaktananda Swami, a.k.a. Gopal Reddy Sheelum? He shared the women's prison with you for 53 days in 2010 and is also Accused no. 2 (A-2), remember? Well, he was hawking real estate now acting as a consultant for Oracle while he tries not to be extradited. Siva Vallabhaneni and Ragani Vallabhaneni, A-3 and A-5? Siva's career is over and Ragani is wasting away from cancer. Did you offer in healing energy to your original madam? All the other L.A. Ashramite left you long ago, except for Ma Praba and Ma Shantananda, a.k.a. Suman Kris. Both are still stuck and looking very frumpy. Beyond middle age. Will you at least keep your word and deify them too?

@34.24, Nithyananda, you make a pitch for your devotees to donate a few acres of land so you can build a new ashram since you renounced all your old ashrams. But, this might be a tough sell, because all your devotees now know that you will probably renounce this ashram too, which will nullify their enlightenment certificate that you gave in exchange for this land donation. But, then you set up a condition where you, Old Truthful One, will not be harassed or abused. Hmmm. That's a pretty tight list. No one is presently occupying Antarctica, except for those penguin watchers. We know that you have been banned from entering the United States. Blame Ma Praba on that one. Where, Nithyananda? Can you be a pioneer to Mars? Other than Antarctica and Mars, we're out of ideas. Perhaps the bottom of the sea? You can build an aquatic dome and live amongst the squids and denizens of the deep.

At 35:42, Nithyananda, you give some great scare tactics about how much time and money it takes to battle in the courts with the current legal system. How many cases did you, Sri Nithyananda, file against Lenin and Aarthi? About 60 total? Yes, if anyone knows about burning donated money and wasting it year after year is you. Well put. An authority in the matter. Yes, Nithyananda, since you ran away from the country it makes it even harder to bring you to justice. Finding the right lawyer and making the lawyer understand the case takes a lot of time. True, those lawyers will get a windfall as they bill by the hour just to become updated on the case. Who does that for your organization (that you have publically renounced)? Of course, it's Ma Achalananda Swamini, the inhuman barracuda lady. Nasty. You can live under the sea with her too.

Then you go on to the attack by the media, which is only interested in eyeballs and profit. True and tried.

@40:15, you give out your location that you are in the Himalayas. Must be cold in the Himalayas this time of year, late November. Why are you, Nithyananda, wearing a shirt and half-dressed like the tropics? Must be all that fire meditation that you've been practicing. And, what reliable and fast internet connection there is in the Himalayas. Must be beamed by satellite. No need to search Ecuador or Trinidad. You, Oh, Truthful One, are in the Himalayas. We have your word on that.

@42:50, Nithyananda, you say, "I want to assure you very clearly, we will only practice very puuuuuuuure, absolute, time-test, foolproof Vedic, organic Hindu traditions. We will not do anything (that is) violating human rights, violating the social standards of human rights. We will not do anything illegal, immoral, wrong things. We just want a peaceful atmosphere where the spiritual practice of Hinduism and continue where me and the gurukul balasants can stay... safely."..... with the exception of child beating, child pornography, child abuse, forced labor, poor food, sleep deprivation, and occasional room service in your private quarters, Nithyananda. That's pretty straightforward. And, at 42:29, a big blue banner with large white font flashes to email: (operators are standing by.) Yes, Sri Nithyananda, that's the only permanent solution. Give you a few acres of land where you can practice your special brand of spirituality that would lead to arrests in any other nation on earth. Cool.

@44:15, you, Mr. Nithyanadna, have great news! Your body is overflowing with energy and the highest power manifestation that will be able to initiate people to levitation, manifestation of powers, and next-level powers, whatever those might be. Falling coconuts off of shaking hands? Yeah, that levitation stunt in 2011 didn't exactly work so well. But, this time with all that energy and power, it will be a cinch!

@45:38, you, Jafarananda, state that Kal Bhairav (not you) is protecting us. But, you, great chameleon, always said that you were Kal Bhairav. Once again, we do know who is doing what? Are you are are you not just a Kal Bhairav imitator?

Nithyananda? Who is this clown? One moment he claims to be Kal Bhairav, the next moment says that he will enlist Kal Bhairav's help. Repeat. I don't know what to believe.

@47:01, You, Salami Nithyananda, claim that you are being attacked by Hindu phobia people and also being attacked by another group who suffer from Hindu-nation phobia. Just like that, you, Avatar of Tar, have doubled your enemies with just one slur of the tongue. A miracle!

With Nithyananda's enlightenment, you can double your vision (and enemies) just like drunks and their reasoning.

But, you're right, Sri Nithyananda. These are not their enemies. Their enemy is criminal behavior, and what they think that you have done to those children will never be acceptable anywhere. In their eyes, punishment awaits sexual predators that abuse, exploit, and harm children. These are their enemies. You need to convince them that you are only doing good. That's a tough sell, but we know that you can do it. Perhaps.

@51:01 you, Sri Nithyananda, sound like Richard M. Nixon. "I did not commit any crime." And then you said, "I am not afraid of anybody."

Really, not afraid of anybody? Then why did you hire bodyguards to stay outside of your LA Ashram dwelling, No. 5, ten years ago when this blog just started? Were you that afraid of the blogger and his snark would somehow enter your third eye during your sleep? That sounds like a good way to spend donated money to protect the best Kal Bhairav imitator on YouTube from the blogger; that's you, Sri Nithyananda.

@52:26 you, Great Peacemaker, say, "I want all the devotees to know that when we are attacked, we should be ferocious. After winning the game, we should be humble. That is the definition of living enlightenment."

Wow, Sri Nithyananda, you just went on and on and on about how peaceful and law-abiding you are. You keep saying how we are attacked. So, your devotees should ditch the peaceful part out and start being ferocious. That sounds a little precocious. And, perhaps a bit pernicious. Almost vicious. So, what do you expect your living enlightenment graduates to do now that you're under attack for assassination attacks, false cases, arresting, poisoning, character assault, chopping up your body, and more? Fight fire with fire? That's how we take it.

Oh, you will fight back with double satsungs every day. One in English and one in Tamil. Boy, that internet connection in the Himalayas has a wide bandwidth. Reliable too. @56:00 so glad to hear that you are safe, in spiritual bliss, healthy, and in samadhi, while your administrators are going to jail for you. We will sleep well at night now. And, you finally let on about your weight loss secret. You're not eating. So your body is very happy. That's great to hear! Have you considered sewing up your mouth to help you meet your eating objectives? If more is better, then we think that you will be in absolute bliss. Just a thought.

Wow, since 2002 you, Porkananda, have been under attack. That's quite a track record. Then you go on to say @101:45 that the reason that you are still alive is that you have great work to do. All the deities under the sun want you alive and that they are all protecting you and sangha (which you publicly renounced.) Yes, you have big contributions to give to the world (which you also have publicly renounced). We cannot imagine how important this is.

@103:20 more praise to Nithyananda's gurukul balasants (which Nithyananda publicly renounced). You, Nithyananda, said that they are proving that you are manifestations of Parmashiva. Hats off to them. But, Salamander Nithyananda, will they still snitch on you if they police haul them away?

@1:04:40 you clarify that you, Nithyananda, do not communicate with anyone from the ashram (which you publicly renounced) other during the public satsang. Of course, Sri Nithyananda, you already told us that you got the news from watching the video clips on the internet. So, we believe you. Otherwise, you are just in samadhi and not communicating with the world, with the exception of the videos you confessed to watching in your spare time.

@106:03, you, Sex Swami Nithyananda, make one last dig at the implants that are at your campus (which you publicly renounced). Wow. Didn't you pick these out yourself?

Sex Swami Nithyananda complains that there are implants still bouncing around his campus.

Say, Nithyananda, didn't you and your enlightened officers hand select, initiate, placed, inserted, and promoted these so-called implants yourselves? We heard that the true shape of these implants is only visible inside your bedroom. Who will be checking and rooting them out now that you are gone? You need someone with a firm grasp on the situation. You, Great Avatar of Tar, can scan people over the internet and taught your close disciples how to do this especially when they give a small donation of $10K USD, but when it comes to your own backyard (which you publicly renounced), you don't know what the flip is going on. Is this because of more bad pizza? Poison? Head trauma? Too much tantra?

Say that everything will be OK because we want to believe in you! Please! OK, we are protected by Kal Bhairav. We won, we are winning in the present, and we will win in the future. Great! Will there be a prize or at least a trophy? We can't wait.

Take Action!
Make a difference! Sign the Petition on! Let Prime Minister Modi know the Truth! Put an end to this child-abusing, sex crime-ridden, money-grabbing, spiritual hijacking cult!

Follow your dharma. Use your common sense. Listen to your inner-conscience, and follow the Truth. Come out of this trap, and escape from this fake and fraudulent cult scam.

Special thanks to our super video YouTube stars, Ma Praba Nithyananda or Ma Nithya Prabananda or Kothari Ma Praba Swamini or Ms. Sharmila Devi P. or whatever she calls herself these days. Thanks for inspiring us to go forward to continue the battle against 'Paramahamsa' Nithyananda until the end. You are a real savior.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Fallout from the Police Raid, Nithyananda Gets a Fresh FIR

Nithyananda Swami, Ma Pranapriya, and Ma Priyatattva are Slapped with Serious Crimes against Children in a Fresh FIR

Hi there, Sri Nithyananda, how was your weekend? Grrrrraba. Grrrraba. Ai! Oh, dear Salamendar Nithyananda, our Grunteneese translator says that your weekend was long. You shouldn't party so much there, Salami Nithyananda. You're not the youthful kid that you once touted to be. So, it was the police raid at your rented illegal Gujarati Ashram where you shuffled some children over in the name of a gurukul. Cool. Yes, we know, Sri Nithyananda, that after a three-hour standoff the raid that lasted the whole night, the police finally finished there work the next morning. No sleep. But, then again, your ashramites are used to no sleep, ever.

The police take every precaution not to become infected with an STD while raiding Nithyananda's illegal child-brothel, an alleged gurukul, in Gujarat

What did the police find, Porkananda? Was it true that several men were found in your all-women's ashram working side-by-side the underaged children and women? Yes, they must be beyond gender too, just like their guru.

And did anyone else show up to the all-night party? Why look! The very next day the Karni Sena of Rajputs and Patidar Anamat Andolan Samiti (PAAS) and broke into the now illegal ashram looking for hostages (and ready not to take prisoners). These guys mean business and stand up to anything that they believe in. Do you think, Salemendar Nithyananda, that you could get them them to believe in you? They would make wonderful recruits if you can only get them on your side. Good luck!

For Nithyananda, it's 2010 (or maybe 2012) all over again.  Protests just keep coming.

How about the other girl that the police were looking for? Nandita. Yes, Nandita is 19 years old. Barely legal, but legal. And, she released another video on Facebook stating that she didn't want to with her parents, just you. And, that soon that she will start the true-and-tried false criminal counter-accusations against her own parents. Yes, we believe her. Really. Some cynics that read this blog might claim that she is brainwashed. But, we know that she is as sincere as you you are, Oh Great Master of Debaters.

But, should we, oh (de)grated one, believe her that she is with you... abroad? Say, Sri Nithyananda, didn't you say that you were still in India just wandering until the heat is off? We mean you at least need to be consistent with whatever story your top attorney C.V. Nagesh concocted and sold to the Court. So, Mr. Nithyananda, it might behoove you to have Nandita redact her statement. It's easy, as you oh grated one, are a master. Just have someone explain that Nandita's ethereal body expanded into the time continuum and bounced from a portal on the cosmic astral plane from Venezuela to Colombia all while not leaving your bedroom. Simple. And, that clearly explains why Nandita and other followers said 'abroad'. But, then again, if Nandita just turns on the GPS feature on her phone and uploads a recent picture of her with you with all the metadata intact, then we can fully believe her as being as Truthful as one would expect after six years.

Yikes, Nithyananda, did we say six years? Hmmmm. Nandita is 19 now. She came in 2013. It's now the end of 2019. Up, 2019 minus 2013 = six years. Now, let's see. Nineteen minus six. Hey, that's just thirteen. So, the police are not pursuing her because she says that she is with you on her own 'free' will and that she is legally an adult. But, what about all the stuff that happened to her why she was just 13, 14, or 15? Let's see, there's sleep deprivation, malnourishment, forced labor, duress to commit various crimes including online fraud, and an array of mental and physical abuse, not to mention headlice and other ickies? Gee, Nithyananda, we didn't know that all that just evaporate if she now says that she is with you and is barely legal. You're a genius, Pornomahamsa Nithyananda. But, then again, you might want to be really nice to her and figure a way to shut her up for good, God forbid if she or any of your other gurukul graduates ever open their mouths just like Sarah did, curtains! So, you better let her bypass the million-dollar donation requirement and make her a deity now. It's your only hope.

And, what just happened here? The father and once-loyal administrator, Janardhan Sharma, filed a First Information Police Report (FIR) again you, Nithyananda, and Ma Pranapriya, and Ma Priyatattva with the Vivekanandnagar Police and the Gujarat State Commission for the Protection of Child Rights (GSCPCR). LEt's see. In these charges are included from the Indian Penal Code (IPC) sections:

  • 365 (abduction)
  • 323 (voluntarily causing hurt) to some children
  • 344 (wrongful confinement for over 10 days)
  • 114 (abetment to commit crimes)
  • 504 (intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace)
  • 506(2) (criminal intimidation)
And, additional charges were levied against you and the other two ladies (generous) under charges of Child Labour Prohibition and Regulation Acts for all the forced labor (and online crimes) that the children were subjected to do. Say, Nithyananda, that wasn't forced labor, you were just helping their spiritual growth! And, beating kids (or making other kids beat each other) that was just removing their ego and paving their ways to become fully dedicated to you. And, based on the statements giving by Nandita, your techniques work! A true master.

Jafarananda knows how to shake his stick at little kids. Concept: Loco Guano

Geez, will the authorities call you out of your wandering in Columbia just to address this silly little matter? And, will you, Nithyananda, be spending more time with Ma Pranapriya, and Ma Priyatattva in the women's prison just as you did with Sri Nithyananda Bhaktananda, a.k.a. Gopal Reddy Sheelum, the now-absconding accused number 2 (A-2)? Should be cozy. There should be lots of time for you to all get to know each other and download and share secrets from the tantric internet. Could go viral! Don't forget to pack some prophylactics for you, the divine prophet of sleaze and abuse.

Hmmmmm. Sri Nithyananda, you need to do something in a hurry. This could really hurt your chances to recruit new talent and milk them for the best years of their lives. It's not just your boiler room call centers and social media predator lures that are at stake. You're whole Nithyananda lifestyle could go kaput if not handled with care. After all, who will be building and installing all those monuments to you without this free labor?

Nothing removes the ego more than working on something much greater than the collective worth of the souls from child slaves.

If it is just Janardhan Sharma filing police reports, maybe you can claim that Nithyananda Gurukul has over a 90 percent satisfaction rate from the parents that entrusted their children to learn the Nithyananda way to spiritual bliss. You can have five stars with four-and-a-half filed with gold, your favorite color. Certainly, anyone who ever shopped on knows that four-and-a-half star rating is about as good as it comes. No reputation slur here.

We know what, Mr. Nithyananda, why don't you just tell everyone the Truth, because you are so Truthful! No, we are not crazy. As you know in this present era of Kaliyuga, there are all kinds of spoiled children who won't tidy up their rooms, listen to loud music, and refuse to eat their vegetables. And, there are all kinds of parents out there too lazy to do the real research like read this blog or too busy with their careers or too busy pursuing (and paying) for the special enlightenment that only you can bring them. For those parents, having kids that need help with their homework is just slowing them down. And, when these kids get indignant, it's too much for them! They will be so clad to offload these problems like hot potatoes in a steak house. These parents can now justify that dropping them off to you is not only good for them and gets rid of their headaches, but that these little brats will get the punishment that they deserve without having to 'deal with it' or face prison. For these parents, there's great satisfaction of knowing that their little monster who refused to take out the trash is now being malnourished, beaten, physically abused, infested with lice, sleep-deprived, slaving on just about anything, working a boiler room to recruit dumb adults just like their parents, committing fraud, and to the very special good-looking few, an opportunity to serve their master late at night with room service and other special surprises. And, everyone wins! The parents get rid of their problem-child while advancing their spirituality according to you. The kids, well, they become tantric masters dedicated to the man who claims he is god and could very well be a god if the insect world has such a thing, and you get free labor and lots of tantric pleasures to keep you in your body. A winner!

Newly recruited children in the Gurukul now bow and obey to every word of their heavenly master, Nithyananda

And, if the parents are ever worried that the authorities might reprimand them for dumping their kids, tell them that there's a full plan in place. No visitation rights! Yes, even if the parents decide to interfere with the spiritual transformation, your trusted guards will show them a way like nats in the wind. And, if that doesn't work, you just shuffle them around to different locations or have them serve you in your secret hideout. Parents never have to see their kids again.

So, what do you think, Nithyananda, do we have a plan? Should work wonders.

Follow your dharma. Use your common sense. Listen to your inner-conscience, and follow the Truth. Come out of this trap, and escape from this fake and fraudulent cult scam.

Special thanks to our super video YouTube stars, Ma Praba Nithyananda or Ma Nithya Prabananda or Kothari Ma Praba Swamini or Ms. Sharmila Devi P. or whatever she calls herself these days. Thanks for inspiring us to go forward to continue the battle against 'Paramahamsa' Nithyananda until the end. You are a real savior.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Police Raid Nithyananda's Gurukul in Gujarat; Ordered to Shut It Down

Nithyananda's Child-brothel in Gujarat Shut Down; Ashramites Defy Police for Three Hours

Hi there, Sri Nithyananda, what's happening? How's your diversification project to decentralize out of Bidadi going, specifically your Gurukul in the state of Gujarat? Yeah, last week, the police pulled out an adolescent boy in your all-ladies gurukul. Was his testosterone levels down way low too? And, just now, the police came back in a big bad raid and pulled out more men who helped to run the all-ladies gurukul that had no men. Geez, Nithyananda, not only has all that trantric practices blur your ability to tell the difference between children and consenting adults, you, Oh Grated One, Parmesan Nithyananda, you can't tell the difference between ladies and men or even adolescent boys. And, this same blurring of the boundaries is infused with your top officers who are creating the virtual promised land of Kailish in some Caribbean island where dreaded dreadlocks and rasta culture rule. Way hip, if you like to smoke ganja and that sort of thing.

So, let's go back to that police raid in Gujarat. Perhaps someone has some knowledge about it? We're in luck:

As posted by Anonymous on November 15, 2019 at 1:19 PM *BREAKING NEWS*


After the prior raid on this compound, which is supposedly for just women, however, males are also staying there as discovered by the Police, the police CID unit conducted detailed interviews for each child and concluded the KIDS ARE AT RISK and FALSELY IMPRISONED. Real-time as I write this the police are raiding the compound and attenpting to free the captive kids and young adults. As and when new information is available we will report to this group.the key person they are trying to free is Nithyanandita, at the behest of her father. This compound is policed by mega- b!tch “Ma” pranapriya - the so-called “Governor” Of Kailaasa (Jail).

Shame on so-called champion of children, AMiITABH SHAH of YUVA UNSTOPPABLE,, a children's NGO that enabled and set up the Gujurat Compound for NITHY from getting donations and land to contributing as a key Nithy Gujurat adviser. This NGO and its founder and providing kids and resources to the known rapist child trafficker and Pedophile NITHY. SHAME ON YOU ! Amitabh Shah and Rashmi Shah for Associating with the Indian Epstein and enabling him by luring innocent kids to his abusive “care” lair.

and again on November 16, 2019 at 7:19 AM


Raid in Nithyananda Gurukul in Gujarat last night. Yesterday night, around 10 pm, the Gujarat Women's Commission and Child Welfare Commission conducted a raid in Nithyananda's Gurukul in Gujarat, on the complaint filed by Mr. Janardhan Sharma to rescue his daughter. The local police had a search warrant from the local Magistrate, who was also present on the spot. However, the Nithyananda followers in the Gurukul did not permit the Police or other authorities to enter the building and execute the search warrant! This drama went on for about 3 hours last night.

About a week back, Janardhan Sharma's youngest daughter and son, who are minors, were rescued from the Gujarat Gurukul by the Gujarat police. This is significant in light of the allegations of torture and other abuses in the Nithyananda Gurukul, which were recently revealed by Sarah Landry, a Canadian woman who was sanyasi in Nithyananda ashram.

Background: Janardhan Sharma is ex-administrator of Nithyananda ashram at Bidadi. Mr. Janardhan Sharma joined the ashram in 2016 and put his 4 children (3 daughters and a son) in the Nithyananda gurukul in Bidadi. Recently, Mr. Sharma came to realize that Nithyananda is a criminal and not (an) enlightened master as he had believed. He left the ashram but his children have to be rescued from the ashram/gurukul.

Geez, Sri Nithyananda, what are you going to do now? You can't let your source of future room service ladies (and some men) just dry up? Your whole farm system, just like the minor leagues, is depending on young, gullible, and brainwashed followers that are willing to put and are hella attractive! True talent! How will you recruit and then train a whole new generation of bedside accessories?

And, why did Ma Pranapriya delay allowing the officers to come in if there was nothing to hide? Was she obstructing justice just as she obstructed parents to visit their children? This couldn't be good.

Hmmm, Sri Nithyananda, this is breaking news. We'll be sure to keep you informed as you sip your ayurvedic tequila sunrises in Ecuador or wherever you're hiding. Stay tuned.

Latest News in English:

The Times of India: FIR Filed against Nithyananda

Ahmedabad Mirror: FIR registered against ashram officials

The Times of India: Bengaluru man says daughters held at Nithyananda ashram in Ahmedabad

Ahmedabad Mirror: Father alleges detention of 3 kids in godman Nithyananda’s Ahmedabad ashram

NEWS 18: 4 Children 'Forcefully Kept' Inside Rape-Accused Nithyananda's Ashram, One of them Releases Video from Unknown Location

Latest News in Hindi/Gujarati:
Follow your dharma. Use your common sense. Listen to your inner-conscience, and follow the Truth. Come out of this trap, and escape from this fake and fraudulent cult scam.

Special thanks to our super video YouTube stars, Ma Praba Nithyananda or Ma Nithya Prabananda or Kothari Ma Praba Swamini or Ms. Sharmila Devi P. or whatever she calls herself these days. Thanks for inspiring us to go forward to continue the battle against 'Paramahamsa' Nithyananda until the end. You are a real savior.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Ex-cult Follower of Nithyananda Tries to Save His Children

The Other Shoe is Dropping on Sex Swami Nithyananda as Incriminating Videos of Brainwashed Children Surface Again

Hi there, Sri Nithyananda, what's going on? Have you seen the latest videos of your loyal harem defending you, Oh Great Salami of Shim Sham? You did see them? Wow. Those videos disappeared faster than you do when you are summons to a court hearing. Cool.

So, why did you, Oh Degrading One, Nithyananda, have these fawning followers remove these videos when they were so openly in support of you? Yes, those videos were terrorist quality, but it's the thought that counts, isn't it?

But, really, Mr. Nithyananda, we thought those videos showed how all us followers should act in face of the challenges ahead while you are on some hammock in Ecuador chomping on Dole bananas. Those are genuine Dole bananas, are they not?

Hey, look Sri Nithyananda, we're in luck! Those videos were saved and compiled in a 'fair use' compilation that will make it nearly impossible to remove. Let's have a look, shall we?

Devout Father Attempts to Rescue His Daughters from the Cult of Nithyananda in Gujarat

Ooopsie. Ouch there, Nastyananda, that video just might scare away some of the targeted audience for your next Bollywood hologrammed experience program that will cost just a mere $15,000 to view over a flickering internet connection. That might hurt the little piggy bank, and then you will have to hit your rich followers for another million and guarantee that the next comet that looks like one of those squiggly things in those sex ed movies will be named after them for the honor of parting a cool million in cash.

Yeah, we need to cheer you up, Lord of Lard, and get your mind off this parental thing for true senyasis would never worry about the children that they fathered just like you. Hey, we know, Porkananda, how about a little magic show to sparkle your interest? Here's just the clip for you.

Cult Recruiter Tubba Bubba Mahayogini Nithya Mahayogananda Shows How to Entertain & Defraud Gullible Dupes thru Fake Third Eye Awakening

Follow your dharma. Use your common sense. Listen to your inner-conscience, and follow the Truth. Come out of this trap, and escape from this fake and fraudulent cult scam.

Special thanks to our super video YouTube stars, Ma Praba Nithyananda or Ma Nithya Prabananda or Kothari Ma Praba Swamini or Ms. Sharmila Devi P. or whatever she calls herself these days. Thanks for inspiring us to go forward to continue the battle against 'Paramahamsa' Nithyananda until the end. You are a real savior.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Major Defection & Police Raid in Nithyananda's Ashram

Ma Nithya Jnanapriyananda Spills the Beans about MAJOR Defection & Police Raid at Nithyananda's Cult.

Hi there, Sri Nithyananda, what's going on? Any luck in getting the police off your back? Ooopsie, apparently not. Just look here at Ma Nithya Jnanapriyananda wine and plead about the latest atrocities. Don't worry, we saved this video just in case she decides to not let the word out anymore.

Please share...

Posted by Ma Nithya Jnanapriyananda on Friday, November 1, 2019

Place: Nithyananda's Gurukul in the Gurajat Ashram.
Person named as being 'responisible' behind all this: Vidhyeshwara or janardhanan Sharma

Call to Action!
Don't let Ma Nithya Jnanapriyananda down! Be sure to share this video about the breaking news atrocity to everyone so that justice can finally be done against the cult!

Stay Tuned
We'll report what what find out (with verification) as soon as we find out more. Jai Maa.

Just in! Below is Ma Nithya Bhaktipriyananda's side of the story. Dig that makeup! Catlady to the rescue!

Are we still having something called Human Rights? Women Right??

Ashamed of the Police in India who can go to Any extent and do any thing they want! Then if we have problems where we should go for Help? Today very Sadistically a women based monastery is harassed by police and illegal actions r being taken in Yogini Sarvajnapeetha, Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Out of extreme Pain and hopelessness from this existing system i have to make this video to tell what has happened with all my sisters here in Gujarat!!"

#HumanRights #WomenRights #Violation #harassment #monastery #Nithyananda #Sanyasi #CommissionerOfPolice #DIG #IG #SaveMySister

Posted by Ma Nithya Bhaktipriyananda on Friday, November 1, 2019

Oopsie, looks like Ma Nithya Bhakti 'kitty cat' priyananda jumped the fence. Catty indeed. But here's a screenshot of her last Halloween mugshot.

Don't you worry your silly little head, Swami Nithyananda, there's plenty of other minions eager to post their tale of woe on social media, just like you instructed them to.

Why here's Ma Nithya Tattvapriya Ananda with a terrorist quality video about the horrible news about her 'sister' and her father trying to take them out of the gurukul! Too, too, too painful!

Posted by Ma Nithya Tattvapriya Ananda on Friday, November 1, 2019

And, here comes Ma Nithya Gopikananda Swami with a tale of woe. Shameful. Where's the bliss?

#SaveMySister #Nithyananditha #gujarat #commissionerofpolice #womenrights #DIG #IG

Posted by Ma Nithya Gopikananda Swami on Friday, November 1, 2019

Follow your dharma. Use your common sense. Listen to your inner-conscience, and follow the Truth. Come out of this trap, and escape from this fake and fraudulent cult scam.

Special thanks to our super video YouTube stars, Ma Praba Nithyananda or Ma Nithya Prabananda or Kothari Ma Praba Swamini or Ms. Sharmila Devi P. or whatever she calls herself these days. Thanks for inspiring us to go forward to continue the battle against 'Paramahamsa' Nithyananda until the end. You are a real savior.