The Nithyananda Dog and Pony Show

The Nithyananda Dog and Pony Show

Tip: Mouseover any slide to pause it. (Yeah, it loads slow, but it's worth it.)

Nithyananda's Criminal Trial Starts December 3, 2014. On July 2, 2012, a U.S. Federal Court found the Nithyananda Foundation guilty of Fraud with damages of $1,565,000 U.S.D. Peaceful Spirituality or Blood Thirsty Cult? Nithyananda's supporters are willing to die for his crimes. The untimely death of a Canadian citizen in Nithyananda's ashram.  An accident or murder? Nithyananda is not who he seems to be. Behind the scenes, Nithyananda's smile is quite different. Some like it spicy. Nithyananda is known to offer chilies, human hair, and marijuana seeds in his midnight fire rituals. Nithyananda the 'renunciant' was caught money laundering over $6,000,000 USD into his personal bank account. Nithyananda managed several hedge funds while in the U.S. on a religious visa. Spiritual practice? Tantric techniques? Or just plain sleaze? Sex Swami Nithyananda: Self-Idolizing and Cross-dressing Nithyananda's Healing: This won't hurt a bit. Your Soul is now mine; brainwashed and devoted to me. Nithyananda: Born on January 1, 1978 or March 13, 1977? Nithyananda: Born on January 1, 1978 or March 13, 1977? Nithyananda: Born on January 1, 1978 or March 13, 1977?

Nithyananda Witness Program: Report Nithyananda's Crime to Keep Society Safe & Dharmic

End Nithyananda's Rape! Stop Nithyananda from Committing Sex Crimes Against Children, Women & Men!

Make a difference! Dismantle Nithyananda's cult! We had Nithyananda in jail before. And, he almost got away scot free with murder, rape, sex with minors, fraud, violence, and other heinous crimes unspeakable, e.g. Nithyananda's Sex Contract. Don't let Nithyananda get away a second time. Don't let Nithyananda have another chance to ruin lives. If you're a victim of any of Nithyananda's crimes, report these crimes committed by Nithyananda and/or his criminal followers to the CID Police Team in India. Your information and identity will be kept confidential.
Direct Phone to CID Police: Tel: (011 91) 80-22381894 | (011 91) 80-22942602

Direct Fax to CID Police: (011 91) 80-22942602

E-mail that we will forward to the CID Police:
(we will honor your privacy & confidentiality)
Thank you for helping to convict Nithyananda and preventing others from becoming victims of Nithyananda's horrendous crimes against humanity.
~ ~ ~

Latest News Headlines of Nithyananda's Fraud

Read the latest news headlines of Nithyananda's fraud, cult practices, and legal updates here:
Stand Up for Dharma Nithyananda News and Court Updates Blog

Nithyananda Counter-terrorism Fund: Keep the Fight Alive Against Nithyananda & His Fraud!

All donations go toward the legal defense and offense to STOP the unsavory and fraudulent practices of Nithyananda and his cult. And, yes, we will share your donation with our partner against Nithyananda's crimes, Sri Lenin Karuppan, better well known as Dharmananda, a.k.a. Hanuman 3.0. Thanks for your help!!!

Sign the Petition & Put an End to Nithyananda's Cult

Sign the Petition & Put an End to Nithyananda's Cult
Make a difference! Sign the Petition on! Let Prime Minister Modi know about the crimes of Nithyananda! Put an end to this sex crime-ridden, money-grabbing, child-abusing, religious hijacking cult!:

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Self-promoting Avatar, Nithyananda, Gets, a Sarcastic Slap on YouTube

Hi there, Sri Nithyananda. Hey, we hope that you don't mind, but we really want our viewers to see this video. So, we put it up front above the fold. Don't worry, it's the same video and the post remains exactly the same right below the video. Enjoy!

Is Sex Swami Nithyananda a Cult or Not? Ma Nithya Pancake Makeup Lady Spills the Beans

Nithyananda, a bonafide super-powered vending machine.
Jai Parmesan Sri, Sri Nithyananda Salami Ki Jai!

Hi there, Sri Nithyananda. Well, this is hard to explain why we haven't posted anything anytime soon. But, all those legal intimidations from so many of your followers. After forking over $10,000 USD and gaining your instant enlightenment complete with a graveyard initiation, do they also get a law degree? Wwwrrreeevvaa. Wwwrrreeevvaa. Wwwrrreeevvaa. Our gruntanese is a bit rusty, but we believe you said that all the judges in King County, Washington, should be replaced with Magic Eight Balls. Not a bad choice, there, considering the quality of judgments that come out of that place (like Vinay's wrongful conviction that was based on hearsay and lies). Is there something in the water there? Oh, they all dropped by your new and improved city center on the outer-outskirts of Seattle; Issaquah, Washington, to be exact. Based on the behavior of your followers, perhaps Sasquatch, Washington would be a more fitting place. Tell, us, now that it takes over an hour to negotiate a journey to this center spiritual bliss retreat deep far away from where anyone lives (except Big Foot), can more than two people enter at a time? Just asking. It looks kind of small to host all of your millions of followers. And, yes, we remember back when you once had your North American HQ in Durate, California, that you liked your room service ladies to come in one at a time, but on special occasions, you had a twosome going. Those must have been quite some spiritual encounters. We couldn't imagine. Will this down-sized shack reminds us when you, Salamander Nithyananda, used to shack up nightly.

While we have your attention there, Pornomahamsa Nithyananda, we just wanted to say how appalled we were to see more defaming videos against the Avatar of Tar, self-proclaimed God in-carne, His Royal Highnass, and the best Kalbhairav and Maha Kali impersonator on YouTube, be ridiculed by some unenlightened chap who was obviously is on the payroll for Tesco. Look! He shamelessly promotes its Cream Bisquits. Crumby indeed. Do you serve those for afternoon snacks during Living Enlightenment? Now, don't tell us that sugar is bad. We all remember how you stuffed your face with Fig Newtons in Krishnalaya in Northern California in 2005 during your acharaya training. Gee, SwineJi Nithyananda, you sure packed on the pounds there. Perhaps you better lay off the Fig Newtons until you slim down and get rid of that pot belly of yours. Are you pregnant? You, Oh, DeGrading One, Nithyananda, might have to start wrapping with two sarees (not that you already do this. wink. wink.) And, who knows, You just might get Type 2 Diabetes. Everything is so sweet about you, Mr. Nithyananda. Will you, great Eeler, Nithyananda, be able to heal yourself? Obviously, you're not able to do tantric by yourself. Ranjitha, Queen of the bottoms-up belly dances, will testify to that.

Fig Newtons.  Once a favorite munchie of the holy renunciant, Porkananda Nithyananda.

Well, this guy who never was dragged into the graveyard after midnight for that final initiation into the wonderful enriching world of enlightenment that is only valid at your ashram and city centers had some choice words for you. He said, get this, that you're a super-power vending machine. How false! Anyone knows that vending machines require coins, and at $10,000 USD a pop, that would be just too many coins to insert. Those gullible hands would be too tired to do all the lifting and massaging and check writing, etc. if they had to insert a never ending stream of coins And, how about all those slots that vending machines have for coins? Why everyone knows that you, Mr. Nithyanaanda, are the one who is inserting things into slots. Not the other way around. Totally backwards. So it is proven that you, Coinmaster Nithyananda, are not a vending machine by any means.

And, you know what, Piggiesananda Nithyananda, he had the odosity to say that the hand moves before the coconut! Can you, Oh Great One, Nithyananda, imagine that? Well, of course, your now famous videos with Ranjitha clarified that your hands always move before the coconuts. Let's keep it to coconuts and keep clam shells off the menus.

And, this guy doesn't stop there. He has the nerve to make fun of your number one showcase room service lady (second only to Ranjitha). Yes, this is none other than Ma Nithya Swaroopapriyananda, who we refer to fondly as Ma Nithya Super Pancake Makeup Lady. (You, Oh Great Pornomahamsa, Nithyananda, you might call her super make out lady, but we'll for the next round of videos to get released.) Oh, here's a picture of Ma Nithya Swaroopapriyananda now. At least we think that's her.

But, what's behind the mask? Sorry we ever asked.

Well, gee, it might be her. It's hard to tell with all that makeup on. Sri Nithyananda, how much does it cost to pay for all that makeup that Ma Nithya Swaroopapriyananda cakes on every day? Does she use a trowel? Does a nominal portion of the $10,000 USD a-pop-fees go to help replenish her makeup fund? Does all that swatic food help cleanse her face at night after packing a quarter inch of powered goop on? Is she trying to hide something like some pimples? Whiskers? Namo scars? Soulless soul (size 13)? Quite frankly, Ma Nithya Super Pancake Makeup Lady looks like Vampira to us. Frightening.

Not all the screaming happens just during tantric sessions.
Just ask Ma Nithya Pancake Makeup Lady, Swaroopapriyananda.

Yikes! Well, this unenlightened guy has the nerve to say that Ma Nithya Swaroopapriyananda is so open that her brains have fallen out. Gee. Everyone knows that you, Living Avatar, Nithyananda, demand that every participant must leave their minds behind along with their sandals at the door. So, of course, Ma Nithya Swaroopapriyananda is mindless, along with anyone else that has been through your programs. It's a fact. And, all that makeup ensures that nothing will get out. It's bullet proof! So, her brains will stay firmly in place until a power washer with bleach is applied. Then, and only then there's a chance that her brains might slip out. But, no worries, there Sex Swami Nithyananda. This next fat lady who is covered with tattoos, (a.k.a. Ma Nithya Devi Oman / Mahayogini Nithya Mahayogananda) will be sure to spit her brains back out. A safety net. Guaranteed.

And, Sex Swami Nithyananda, how many aliases does Ma Nithya Pancake Makeup Lady have? Let's count them, but we might have to take off our shoes to get them all. But, don't worry, there, Sri Nithyananda, we'll leave our shoes at the door along with our mind. It's the way that you like things. OK, let's' count. First, there's Ma Nithya Swaroopapriyananda complete with her own Facebook account. Nice. But, wait, there's also Mahant Ma Nithya Swaroopapriyananda, which deserves its own second Facebook page. Salami Nithyananda, does that make her two-faced? Really, Ma Nithya Pancake Makeup Lady packs enough makeup for ten faces. Kind of like Dasara Ravana's little sister. Is she part of your family, Salamander Nithyananda? But, wait there's more. In Google+ and YouTube, she spells her name with a 'U' as in U-boat, a.k.a. Ma Nithya Swarupapriyananda. Hmmmm, Sex Swami Nithyananda, did Ma Nithya Pancake Lady graduate from your Gurukul? Just asking. But, we're not finished. Let's see, an earlier incarnation of Ma Nithya Super Pancake Makeup Lady as Ma Nithya Sudevi. And, Ma Nithya Pancake Makeup Lady started off, unenlightened we assume, as Ms. Sarah Stephanie Landry. That's quite a transformation. Did you know, Sri Nithyananda, that Sarah Stephanie Landry (and all her aliases) once sent us a death threat? Yup, Ma Nithya Pancake Makeup Lady promised that our heads would be cut off (by presumably you, Oh Great One) in six months. That was over five years ago. A little late, we presume, but we're still waiting. Is that how you, Mr. Nithyananda, give your devotees instant enlightenment, and make them mindless entities? How nice of of both of you. Doesn't Ma Nithya Pancake Makeup Lady remind you of those 'sexy' spiders that lures victims into your cult web and then she bites their heads off? Nasty, indeed, but a perfect fit for your business operations. How many heads has she personally collected? Can she give one of them away in a raffle to the highest bidder? Just asking.

Ma Nithya Swarupapriyananda helps lure fresh victims into Sex Swami Nithyananda's cult web
where they await a deadly kiss and their minds to be chopped off and left dangling for eternity.

But, let us say no more, Sex Swami Nithyananda. Here! This is the offending video:

Cult or Not? Man-god Worshiper Explains How She is Not in a Cult

So, Divine Avatar of All Things, Nithyananda, what are you going to do? Make it go away. Please. This will definitely impact your marketing initiatives. It also will adversely impact your ability to pay for all your attorneys at the Supreme Court hearings regarding your rape case. Paying for these professional services to an avatar like you will not come easily if there's a significant loss of revenue. So, please! For Humanity! Make it go away!

Follow your dharma. Use your common sense. Listen to your inner-conscience, and follow the Truth. Come out of this trap, and escape from this fake and fraudulent cult scam.

Special thanks to our super commenter, Anonymous, a.k.a. Ma Mark Jackson of Los Angeles, with a Comcast IP address of 67.188.196.# (Comcast Cable), operating in or near Fremont, using a Mac OS X 10.5, FireFox browser, screen resolution of 1440 x 900, and a color depth of 24 bits and who has political connections by claiming that her "Uncle is a serious high court judge in Chennai". Thanks for inspiring us to go forward to continue the battle against 'Paramahamsa' Nithyananda. You were a real savior.