Friday, November 1, 2019

Major Defection & Police Raid in Nithyananda's Ashram

Ma Nithya Jnanapriyananda Spills the Beans about MAJOR Defection & Police Raid at Nithyananda's Cult.

Hi there, Sri Nithyananda, what's going on? Any luck in getting the police off your back? Ooopsie, apparently not. Just look here at Ma Nithya Jnanapriyananda wine and plead about the latest atrocities. Don't worry, we saved this video just in case she decides to not let the word out anymore.

Please share...

Posted by Ma Nithya Jnanapriyananda on Friday, November 1, 2019

Place: Nithyananda's Gurukul in the Gurajat Ashram.
Person named as being 'responisible' behind all this: Vidhyeshwara or janardhanan Sharma

Call to Action!
Don't let Ma Nithya Jnanapriyananda down! Be sure to share this video about the breaking news atrocity to everyone so that justice can finally be done against the cult!

Stay Tuned
We'll report what what find out (with verification) as soon as we find out more. Jai Maa.

Just in! Below is Ma Nithya Bhaktipriyananda's side of the story. Dig that makeup! Catlady to the rescue!

Are we still having something called Human Rights? Women Right??

Ashamed of the Police in India who can go to Any extent and do any thing they want! Then if we have problems where we should go for Help? Today very Sadistically a women based monastery is harassed by police and illegal actions r being taken in Yogini Sarvajnapeetha, Ahmedabad, Gujarat. Out of extreme Pain and hopelessness from this existing system i have to make this video to tell what has happened with all my sisters here in Gujarat!!"

#HumanRights #WomenRights #Violation #harassment #monastery #Nithyananda #Sanyasi #CommissionerOfPolice #DIG #IG #SaveMySister

Posted by Ma Nithya Bhaktipriyananda on Friday, November 1, 2019

Oopsie, looks like Ma Nithya Bhakti 'kitty cat' priyananda jumped the fence. Catty indeed. But here's a screenshot of her last Halloween mugshot.

Don't you worry your silly little head, Swami Nithyananda, there's plenty of other minions eager to post their tale of woe on social media, just like you instructed them to.

Why here's Ma Nithya Tattvapriya Ananda with a terrorist quality video about the horrible news about her 'sister' and her father trying to take them out of the gurukul! Too, too, too painful!

Posted by Ma Nithya Tattvapriya Ananda on Friday, November 1, 2019

And, here comes Ma Nithya Gopikananda Swami with a tale of woe. Shameful. Where's the bliss?

#SaveMySister #Nithyananditha #gujarat #commissionerofpolice #womenrights #DIG #IG

Posted by Ma Nithya Gopikananda Swami on Friday, November 1, 2019

Follow your dharma. Use your common sense. Listen to your inner-conscience, and follow the Truth. Come out of this trap, and escape from this fake and fraudulent cult scam.

Special thanks to our super video YouTube stars, Ma Praba Nithyananda or Ma Nithya Prabananda or Kothari Ma Praba Swamini or Ms. Sharmila Devi P. or whatever she calls herself these days. Thanks for inspiring us to go forward to continue the battle against 'Paramahamsa' Nithyananda until the end. You are a real savior.


  1. OM Namah Shivaya,

    Someone sent us a very long Facebook URL that does not work. Please try again with a correct (and shorter) URL. Thanks!

    Jai Maa.

  2. OM Namah Shivaya,

    Namaste All,

    Just in. A new video about the 'atrocity'. We updated the post. Enjoy.

    Jai Maa.

    1. Hahaha lol what a b!tch. Liar b!tch she says all woman campus and yet a 15 year old male and 15 year old female were taken? B!tch please you a$$w!pe you are no true Hindu but a despicable piece of dung with makeup

    2. Oh man they sure don’t teach them much at good ok’ Nithy gurukul. Simple logical thinking reveals so much from dumb cat lady’s talk. Firstly an all ladies campus and yet a 15 year old male was taken from there? Secondly no civilian can “send” the police to take action. They can file a complaint and the police may act on it based on what proof they have (if they’re not as corrupt as in the south). Thirdly the person they are accusing is not from Gujarat (hey she just said it’s a female campus!!!). With a name like that he’s probably from the south most likely in the bidadi ashram. So if he’s complained, nithy’s flown the sh!thole and not in bidadi. So then, who’s in bidadi? The next video from these dumbos will reveal. Funny really that they think they’re so damn smart

    3. Who is the person they’re blaming? Is he an insider or someone from outside nithy’s disorganization?

    4. Aha I think I’m piecing it together. The parents of two of the most abusive and “outspoken” girls in the gurukul are speaking out. Glad they’ve woken up. Wow!!!!! Hindu Santayana dharma advocates parents higher than god!!! And a$$ hole Nithy advocates otherwise? This pig butt needs to be put away!!!

  3. Wow!! Second video already not available to view!!! That was quick. Trust someone has saved it for future view and use...

    1. OM Namah Shivaya.

      Yes, one down. A thousand to go. We just added two more videos. The story becomes a little more clearer now.

      Yup, Mom and Dad had enough of seeing their family torn apart. We wish them luck. Getting them out is only the first step. De-programming someone who didn't 'wake up' is no easy task. Like taming a wild bobcat. We with them luck and support.

      Jai Maa.

  4. Ma Nithya Tattvapriya Ananda video is also gone even before we poor mortals could see... e third one is still there for the time being....

    1. OM Namah Shivaya.

      Yes, the cult took down its video in less than 10 minutes upon posting. This time, we had a backup.

      Just the same, Ma Nithya Tattvapriya Ananda confessed that it was her parents that took her younger daughter, who is age 16, out of the gurukul and that she was still firmly in the cult and a wise adult of 20. She further went on to say that she couldn't understand why her parents would do such a thing. It took her about ten minutes to convey ten seconds of thought. Genius.

      Jai Maa.

    2. Wow if her parents were one of the “higher” ups in bidadi and they’re taking steps to save their children, there must be a lot of sh!t going on there

  5. Any news on the details? What was the complaint? What really happened?


    Before it gets deleted. All are focused on rape only.... That then must be what happens there every day and everyone there with Nithy must be thinking about rape all the time?

    1. That bastard nithyananda. What has he done to these innocent children? They’ve lost their luster . He’s not going to escape this for a hundred lifetimes!!!

  7. Really? Why did that lying girl not tell Nithy about it? Or did she and Nithy was ok about it? They are “too too too” stupid posting these videos. It shows what a sh!t they and guilty Nithy is

  8. That girl claims she was raped in the Adheenam since they live there. Why does the corrupt Karnataka government not close that sh!tty place? The money in their pockets are more important than children’s lives? Are parents mad to consider it a safe place?

  9. please sign and circulate to all ex devotees. Thank you


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