Saturday, November 2, 2019

Ex-cult Follower of Nithyananda Tries to Save His Children

The Other Shoe is Dropping on Sex Swami Nithyananda as Incriminating Videos of Brainwashed Children Surface Again

Hi there, Sri Nithyananda, what's going on? Have you seen the latest videos of your loyal harem defending you, Oh Great Salami of Shim Sham? You did see them? Wow. Those videos disappeared faster than you do when you are summons to a court hearing. Cool.

So, why did you, Oh Degrading One, Nithyananda, have these fawning followers remove these videos when they were so openly in support of you? Yes, those videos were terrorist quality, but it's the thought that counts, isn't it?

But, really, Mr. Nithyananda, we thought those videos showed how all us followers should act in face of the challenges ahead while you are on some hammock in Ecuador chomping on Dole bananas. Those are genuine Dole bananas, are they not?

Hey, look Sri Nithyananda, we're in luck! Those videos were saved and compiled in a 'fair use' compilation that will make it nearly impossible to remove. Let's have a look, shall we?

Devout Father Attempts to Rescue His Daughters from the Cult of Nithyananda in Gujarat

Ooopsie. Ouch there, Nastyananda, that video just might scare away some of the targeted audience for your next Bollywood hologrammed experience program that will cost just a mere $15,000 to view over a flickering internet connection. That might hurt the little piggy bank, and then you will have to hit your rich followers for another million and guarantee that the next comet that looks like one of those squiggly things in those sex ed movies will be named after them for the honor of parting a cool million in cash.

Yeah, we need to cheer you up, Lord of Lard, and get your mind off this parental thing for true senyasis would never worry about the children that they fathered just like you. Hey, we know, Porkananda, how about a little magic show to sparkle your interest? Here's just the clip for you.

Cult Recruiter Tubba Bubba Mahayogini Nithya Mahayogananda Shows How to Entertain & Defraud Gullible Dupes thru Fake Third Eye Awakening

Follow your dharma. Use your common sense. Listen to your inner-conscience, and follow the Truth. Come out of this trap, and escape from this fake and fraudulent cult scam.

Special thanks to our super video YouTube stars, Ma Praba Nithyananda or Ma Nithya Prabananda or Kothari Ma Praba Swamini or Ms. Sharmila Devi P. or whatever she calls herself these days. Thanks for inspiring us to go forward to continue the battle against 'Paramahamsa' Nithyananda until the end. You are a real savior.


  1. The 2nd video sure does expose how that fat lady cheats during the blindfold reading. Nithyananda = cheaters

    1. Lol! I made that video! Please consider posting this video, I condensed 5 testimonials of Nithy whistleblowers into 6 minutes

  2. There are 2 new cases at Ramanagara court against Nithy. Filed by one naraen prathap. Not sure what they are about. I think they’re civil lawsuits. Year is 2019. If you search for party name under case status you’ll find them.

    1. OM Namah Shivaya,

      Thanks, anon, that is true and correct. Confirmed.

      There is only one case, but a search takes two lines:

      Mr.Naraen Prathap
      Mr.Nithyananda Swamy & Nithyananda Dhyanapeeta(m)

      case number: O.S./59/2019

      The case was filed on 27 February 2019.

      The status is SUMMONS. I should be simple as dirt to serve Nithyananda Dhyanapeeta(m). It will be very hard to serve Nithyananda Swami as long as the little coward is hiding.

      The act that this is against is:

      U/O 7 Rule 1 R/W section 26 of CPC

      which is unclear to us based on a simple internet search.

      Perhaps someone could shed light under what the case is about?

      There is one more case against 'Nithyananda R.', which could stand for Nithyananda's birth name of Rajasekaran, but we doubt it.

      For those interested to see, the case is:

      Case number: EX/123/2019

      Petitioner and Advocate: 1) M/s Shriram Transport Finance Co.Ltd., Advocate- G.J.Chandra

      Respondent and Advocate: 1) Naveen B.S 2) Nithyananda R

      U/o 21 Rule 35 R/w 54 and 151 of the Code of Civil Procedure

      Hope this information is useful.

      Jai Maa.

    2. U/O 7 Rule 1 R/W section 26 of CPC refers to a section in civil law. the particular rule mentioned pertains to the cancellation of a civil lawsuit because the required details or procedure for filing of the complaint are incomplete. So it is probably a response by this Naraen to a previous pending civil case by nithy.

  3. It will be good if anyone can give details of nithy makeup, where the hell he gets the new ones in south America, he must be spending hell of a lot of time getting made up.. Even more than a Kathakali artist

  4. If there is real good, Nithyananda should be locked up for life. Dhushta sikhshana shishta rakshana (Lord Vishnu. BG4:8 - For the protection of the good, for the destruction of the wicked, and for the establishment of righteousness, I am born in every age.)

    Frankly speaking, I am not losing faith in religions and divinity, even though there are a$$holes like Nithyananda and his cult who abuse Hinduism for their own personal gain. Truly wicked!

  5. So much hatred and bitterness inside of the heart of Nithyananda's followers, especially his top officers. We are not waiting in vain for a resolution, judgement, or a sentence that is very close to come. A final verdict against these devils in near. Tens years you've have not been wasted trying to expose this fraud and take Nithyananda and his criminal organization down. It will work out very dearly for everyone once this festering hemorrhoid covered in fecal matter is surgically removed and placed safely behind bars. Nithyananda and his cult keep poisoning themselves. They will never be forgiven and will each have 1,000's of years before their next birth, which will certainly not be human for they are spiritually devoid non-human beings that they really are. They are worse than sick tapeworms inside moldy dog poop, which they probably will become for many births to come.

  6. What happened to the saga of kids being rescued from Nithy Gujarat? Died a natural death?? If anyone knows, please update for others as well. Is the shop in Bangalore closed or still there? some Maharajas did a 5 minute video yesterday with some birds stuck on their arms about Sacred Arts Campus - The Alcatraz where people are threatened to be sent for 'cleaning'.... That video was to 'Show' that it was not Hell but Heaven on earth...

    1. There are daily reports coming from within the Nithyi compounds of young girls, balasant and young adults that are desperate to leave. Nithy is on high alert and is locking up potential defectors and effectively imprisoning them. Many of these kids have parents who are still brainwashed and they have no where to go outside of the Nithy compounds several cases, reports indicate these young kids were sexually abused, falsely imprisoned and in a few cases raped by Nithy and the parents knowing this are still in deep denial and keeping their kids in this hellhole. The parents even pressure these kids that they are gopikas and should be servicing this fiend’s desires. He has a group of female acolytes who will do anything he says and are grooming and enabling these girls. They include Rajnitha, Ma Pranapriya, Ma Achala, Ma Bhaktipriya (also one of the chief hoes), Ma sadashivapriya etc. Nithy also has collected blackmail material on some of these kids and is using this to subdue and force them to make videos supporting him.

      In the case of Nithyanandita, she is still in the Guju compound, whether willing or unwilling she certainly isn’t happy. She has been turned against her parents and has obviously been psychologically tortured and is well known to have made several false rape claims ...we suspect what lies beneath this is sexual abuse at the hands of Nithy and his henchwomen. It’s difficult to discuss specifics of this case as it’s ongoing and the girl is in jeopardy potentially imprisoned and beaten, hence please wait until this story reaches its natural conclusion.

      There needs to be safe passage and a safe house for all those who want to leave. Many are broke and destitute have no families or the families are still brainwashed so they have no where to go. This case is becoming more and more urgent and Nithy is becoming more desperate as his core base is decimated and his ability to fleece people is limited. We only hope the state intervenes and rescues these kids and young people

    2. Update: Nithyananditha was smuggled out of the gujurat compound shortly after the first police raid and taken out of India to Ecuador. She is now with NITHY and being held there with her sister Tattvapriya. NITHY is parading these girls on his “satsangs” to rub salt into the their family. NITHY KIDNAPPED Nithyanandita and Tattvapriya to Ecuador and is holding them
      in the same house he is staying. They are not allowed to leave the house and are being forced to appear on his channel claiming they are ok and are voluntarily with him. Surely this is now a case for the Indian State Dept to take up with Ecuador’s PM.


  8. Can you believe latest twist from Nithy?? With folded hands be is begging to anyone in the universe to give him ONLY 100 Acres of land anywhere in the Earth - not for him to en-cash but to plant full plants that can then be used as FREE medicines for the whole humanity!!! What a concern he still has to the poor mortals like us ; even when he has forgone all the comforts in Bidadi and struggling in Ecuador....

    Because apparently everything about Ayurveda has been revealed to him - luckly he did not claim to be Bhagavan Dhanwandari himself!!!

  9. A petition won't change anything. I am your guru if your like it or not. Your soul is mine to keep. :D

    Your blessed & holy guru,

    1. OM Namah Shiaya.

      Nithyananda has no qualifications to be a guru; just a conman.

      As per Cosmic Law, Nithyananda's fraud invalidates any guru relation that once was ever made with anyone.

      Our souls are free to make every effort to incarcerate the fake-godman, Nithyananda, and his criminal cult for multiple life sentences.

      We will be successful.

      Jai Maa.

    2. The only thing Nithy has is 2 a’hole s one to talk with, the other, well you figure it out with your third eye. He has NO souls not even his own. The two a’holes as a matter of fact will also not be his own once he’s caught that coward bastard



    After the prior raid on this compound, which is supposedly for just women, however, males are also staying there as discovered by the Police, the police CID unit conducted detailed interviews for each child and concluded the KIDS ARE AT RISK and FALSELY IMPRISONED. Real time as I write this the police are raiding the compound and attenpting to free the captive kids and young adults. As and when new information is available we will report to this group.the key person they are trying to free is Nithyanandita, at the behest of her father. This compound is policed by mega- bitch “Ma” pranapriya - the so called “Governor”
    Of Kailaasa (Jail).

    Shame on so called champion of children, AMiITABH SHAH of YUVA UNSTOPPABLE,, a childrens NGO that enabled and set up the Gujurat Compound for NITHY from getting donations and land to contributing as a key Nithy Gujurat adviser. This NGO and its founder and providing kids and resources to the known rapist child trafficker and Pedophile NITHY. SHAME ON YOU ! Amitabh Shah and Rashmi Shah for Associating with the Indian Epstein and enabling him by luring innocent kids to his abusive “care” lair.

  11. *Update*

    Raid in Nithyananda Gurukul in Gujarat last night. Yesterday night, around 10 pm, the Gujarat Women's Commission and Child Welfare Commission conducted a raid in Nithyananda's Gurukul in Gujarat, on the complaint filed by Mr. Janardhan Sharma to rescue his daughter. The local police had a search warrant from the local Magistrate, who was also present on the spot. However, the Nithyananda followers in the Gurukul did not permit the Police or other authorities to enter the building and execute the search warrant! This drama went on for about 3 hours last night.

    About a week back, Janardhan Sharma's youngest daughter and son, who are minors, were rescued from the Gujarat Gurukul by the Gujarat police. This is significant in light of the allegations of torture and other abuses in the Nithyananda Gurukul, which were recently revealed by Sarah Landry, a Canadian woman who was sanyasi in Nithyananda ashram.

    Janardhan Sharma is ex-administrator of Nithyananda ashram at Bidadi. Mr. Janardhan Sharma joined the ashram in 2016 and put his 4 children (3 daughters and a son) in the Nithyananda gurukul in Bidadi. Recently, Mr. Sharma came to realize that Nithyananda is a criminal and not enlightened master as he had believed. He left the ashram but his children have to be rescued from the ashram/gurukul.

    1. Nithyananda hasn't resided in India for over a year now. Is he giving orders to abuse children over the phone or are certain devotees abusing them of their own will? It seems pretty lame to blame Nithyananda for everything when he has thousands of devotees with their own incompletions who're perhaps child abusers or child rapists for all we know. Nithyananda should have done background checks on every devotee before allowing them in his ashram around children. He's such a dumbass for a guru.

    2. “His own incompletions”? He’s a sick piece of $hit. He only wants the money he is neither a master nor spiritual. A con man - as they say like master like disciple!!! A girl has claimed to be raped. That in itself should close the ashram irrespective of who raped. But then he’s a sh!tty avatar how did that happen? And now, conveniently she’s on “tour”? Lying bastards all of them

  12. I have had close experience with Amitabh & Rashmi Shah and their dealing with Nithyanand. They claim all these power manifestations, but they are all fraud. They are totally conning people. If you question them they ignore you and 10 other disciples will say how they see these powers and that only you cannot. This is a cult in every sense of the word.

    They are out to get people's money, land, jewellery and whatever else they can get their hands on. On the side they also try to get young females which anyone can imagine why.

    All these people should be locked up, but my guess is that they will go free as they will pay off the people necessary whatever amount it takes.


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