The Nithyananda Dog and Pony Show

The Nithyananda Dog and Pony Show

Tip: Mouseover any slide to pause it. (Yeah, it loads slow, but it's worth it.)

Nithyananda's Criminal Trial Starts December 3, 2014. On July 2, 2012, a U.S. Federal Court found the Nithyananda Foundation guilty of Fraud with damages of $1,565,000 U.S.D. Peaceful Spirituality or Blood Thirsty Cult? Nithyananda's supporters are willing to die for his crimes. The untimely death of a Canadian citizen in Nithyananda's ashram.  An accident or murder? Nithyananda is not who he seems to be. Behind the scenes, Nithyananda's smile is quite different. Some like it spicy. Nithyananda is known to offer chilies, human hair, and marijuana seeds in his midnight fire rituals. Nithyananda the 'renunciant' was caught money laundering over $6,000,000 USD into his personal bank account. Nithyananda managed several hedge funds while in the U.S. on a religious visa. Spiritual practice? Tantric techniques? Or just plain sleaze? Sex Swami Nithyananda: Self-Idolizing and Cross-dressing Nithyananda's Healing: This won't hurt a bit. Your Soul is now mine; brainwashed and devoted to me. Nithyananda: Born on January 1, 1978 or March 13, 1977? Nithyananda: Born on January 1, 1978 or March 13, 1977? Nithyananda: Born on January 1, 1978 or March 13, 1977?

Nithyananda Witness Program: Report Nithyananda's Crime to Keep Society Safe & Dharmic

End Nithyananda's Rape! Stop Nithyananda from Committing Sex Crimes Against Children, Women & Men!

Make a difference! Dismantle Nithyananda's cult! We had Nithyananda in jail before. And, he almost got away scot free with murder, rape, sex with minors, fraud, violence, and other heinous crimes unspeakable, e.g. Nithyananda's Sex Contract. Don't let Nithyananda get away a second time. Don't let Nithyananda have another chance to ruin lives. If you're a victim of any of Nithyananda's crimes, report these crimes committed by Nithyananda and/or his criminal followers to the CID Police Team in India. Your information and identity will be kept confidential.
Direct Phone to CID Police: Tel: (011 91) 80-22381894 | (011 91) 80-22942602

Direct Fax to CID Police: (011 91) 80-22942602

E-mail that we will forward to the CID Police:
(we will honor your privacy & confidentiality)
Thank you for helping to convict Nithyananda and preventing others from becoming victims of Nithyananda's horrendous crimes against humanity.
~ ~ ~

Latest News Headlines of Nithyananda's Fraud

Read the latest news headlines of Nithyananda's fraud, cult practices, and legal updates here:
Stand Up for Dharma Nithyananda News and Court Updates Blog

Nithyananda Counter-terrorism Fund: Keep the Fight Alive Against Nithyananda & His Fraud!

All donations go toward the legal defense and offense to STOP the unsavory and fraudulent practices of Nithyananda and his cult. And, yes, we will share your donation with our partner against Nithyananda's crimes, Sri Lenin Karuppan, better well known as Dharmananda, a.k.a. Hanuman 3.0. Thanks for your help!!!

Sign the Petition & Put an End to Nithyananda's Cult

Sign the Petition & Put an End to Nithyananda's Cult
Make a difference! Sign the Petition on! Let Prime Minister Modi know about the crimes of Nithyananda! Put an end to this sex crime-ridden, money-grabbing, child-abusing, religious hijacking cult!:

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Dharma Wins! Cult Loses. Supreme Court of India Orders Crushing Defeat to Sex Swami Nithyananda and His Criminal Cult

Did the Supreme Court of India Ring the Final Death Knell of Sex Swami Nithyananda and His Criminal Cult? Doesn't Look Good for the 'Divine' Avatar. Court Rules Criminal Trial MUST Start IMMEDIATELY!

Jai Salami with Cheese, Cheese, Cheese Nithyananda Ki Jai!

Hi there, Sri Nithyananda. Hey! Watch out! WATCH OUT! DUCK!

Graaah! Graaah?


S P L A T ! ! !

The Supreme Court of India has weighed in on the motion before it,
and the other shoe has dropped on Mr. Nithyananda and the other accused criminals
like a ton of bricks. The Court threw the kitchen sink and the whole kitchen
at Sex Swami Nithyananda. Is Salami Nithyananda sunk?

Oopsie. A little too late. We tried to warn you, Sri Nithyananda. But, the Supreme Court of India just dropped a bombshell on you, Divine Avatar of Tar and the other accused. Ouch! Oh, Salamander Nithyananda, are you OK?

From what we gather, the Court today, Tuesday, December 5, 2017, has ruled the following:

  • Nithyananda's criminal trial must start now! (No more monkey-business delay tactics Nithyananda and his hired gun have used to successfully delay his trial)

  • The criminal trial court must follow the law as established from the case of The State Of Orissa vs Debendra Nath Padhi Basically, this case says no more wasting time and trying to confuse the issues with 'evidence' that is self-produced from pure B.S.

  • The criminal trial court must consider evidence according to charge sheet, not outside of it

  • The accused, that's Sex Swami Nithyananda and the other five thugs, cannot compel the criminal trial court to look into self-serving evidence. This includes B.S. like Nithyananda's self-conducted impotency tests, medical records he claims to have illegally obtained, bogus forensic reports he go from firms that would say anything at the right price, etc. ALL OUT!

  • The criminal trial court may look at additional evidence that is not disputed by the prosecution or the victim. Fat chance, there Sex Swami Nithyananda for rigging the trial before it begins

Geez, Mr. Nithyananda, and this all happened on December 7th! Say, isn't that Pearl Harbor Day? A day of infamy?

Nithyananda and his cult lose the Supreme Court hearing on December 7,
2017. "A date which will live in infamy" (for Nithyananda & his cult).

How could the the Supreme Court ever make a ruling like that, Sri Nithyananda? Say, you don't suppose that they are followers of your arch rival, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar? Why he isn't even enlightened! Well, at least that's what you told all your ashramites back in 2006. We bet he's put some spell on the Supreme Court of India so that he can scoop up your divine tantric playground in Bidadi. Yes, that must be it. No other explanation.

Hmmmm, Sri Nithyananda. This shouldn't be a problem for you, Mr. Nithyanadna. NOt at all. After all, your the best Kala Bhairava imitator on YouTube. Why with just a few likes from your ten million followers, the Supreme Court should be on its knees begging to touch your divine lotus petals on your feet. Shouldn't they?

But what if the Supreme Court of India really is deep in Sri Sri Ravi Shankar's camp? Memorized! Then what?

The deluge on Sri Nithyananda and his cult is about to break the long
drought.  Will Sex Swami Nithyananda be washed up?

Not to fear, Pornomahamsa Nithyananda. Behind every menacing storm cloud that could flood an entire nation, there's a silver lining. Isn't there?

After giving this a little thought, this Supreme Court ruling is actually very good news! This ruling ensures that the trial goes forward and that you, Oh (de)Greating One, Nithyananda, can prove your innocence once and for all. No longer will these baseless accusations be hanging over your head. Isn't that true, Sri Nithyananda? This is exactly what that truthful scholar and learned man, Mr. Rajiv Malhotra said in his very insightful article. Now, some anti-Hindu elements out there have called Sri Rajiv Malhotra the Anti-Christ of Hinduism, but we think that he is a man worthy of your divine grace. He, like you, only speaks the Truth. Bless his little pointy heart, if we can ever find it. Yes, Mr. Rajiv Malhotra's insights laid the seven-year delay to a speedy trial squarely on the Lenin and Aarti. According to him, it's all their fault. So, now this delay has ended. Hooray! We'll be rooting for you. For sures.

And, make sure that you, Divine Avatar of Tar, understand this. These recent events with Supreme Court have nothing, absolutely nothing to do with the videos that Ma Praba Nithyananda or Ma Nithya Prabananda or Kothari Ma Praba Swamini or Ms. Sharmila Devi P. or whatever she calls herself these days and Ma Nithya Pancake Makeup Lady a.k.a. Ms. Sarah Stephanie Landry or Ma Nithya Sudevi or Ma Nithya Swaroopapriyananda or whatever she calls herself these days. No connection. Nada. Nol. Zip. Just pure coincidence.

As soon as we get hold of the ruling, we will post it here. Stay tuned.

Follow your dharma. Use your common sense. Listen to your inner-conscience, and follow the Truth. Come out of this trap, and escape from this fake and fraudulent cult scam.

Special thanks to our super video YouTube stars, Ma Praba Nithyananda or Ma Nithya Prabananda or Kothari Ma Praba Swamini or Ms. Sharmila Devi P. or whatever she calls herself these days and Ma Nithya Pancake Makeup Lady a.k.a. Ms. Sarah Stephanie Landry or Ma Nithya Sudevi or Ma Nithya Swaroopapriyananda or whatever she calls herself these days. Thanks for inspiring us to go forward to continue the battle against 'Paramahamsa' Nithyananda until the end. You are both real saviors.


  1. Get prepared for N to compare himself with Jesus and how he lost in court too

  2. LOL
    no he will just compare himself to Rama in exile

    1. ...and don't forget his tantric buddy Osho. He too was arrested until deported.

  3. His website claims it was victory for him and his gang! Such experts in twisting facts and fooling people.

    If the Supreme Court ruling is to use the evidences in the charge sheet and accept evidences and documents ONLY if there is agreement from the victims and Prosecution; then this post on his website is a big lie...

    They should be having such thick skin to still say that the videos are morphed when even DSL along with many other labs certified that it is genuine...

  4. Wooooooooooo hooooooooo.
    Blissful news! Dude great reporting.
    Did you see how his cronies followers are removing their hate filled comments from the likes of youtube?
    We are so looking to see him stripped naked of everything and exposed for the cult leader coward lying arse that he is.
    How can I get in contact with you anonymously?
    You can call me 'PM' haha

  5. Jesus never asked for money 💰
    This guy wants $13000 !!


    just look at this bloody article!!
    not even peddling half truth any more.. just full lying! eve any little semblance of morality that was there is now gone. the person who wrote this.. do they have any conscience? any integrity? or is the poor fellow so brainwashed he read the same court order all of us saw and still came to such false conclusions?

    and please everyone remember to SCREENSHOT hateful comments on the web before they delete. otherwise who will believe how they are? they will simply lie again. naturally just cover their name no need to stoop to their level.

  7. Order now your very own mystical powers and home enlightenment kit. We promise it is not brain washing. We are just washing your brain of useless things like deductive reasoning, rational analysis, the ability to formulate autonomous thought. Join now and you will receive a free picture of swamiji smiling like a creepy narcissistic predator. For a small price of a second mortgage you can learn amazing tricks. Astonish your friends with the reading through the crack between your nose and blindfold power! Amaze guests at your dinner party with the mind boggling moving a coconut with your hand trick. Become a YouTube celebrity with the amazing put small jewelry in your cheek and spit it out like you materialized it trick! How much did you say? $50000? No way this week we are having a cereal box sannyasa special and it is a low price of your left testicle. What's that only one testicle for all that amazing power! Act now before Kali Yuga is over. Just call 999-TTL-SCAM

  8. Defy Newton’s laws of motion and inertia by levitating coconuts by staring lol

  9. Nithy must be spending serious monies to block national media from publishing the clear and crisp verdict from the Apex Court - still none of the leading print media / online media have not published yesterday's Supreme Court ruling.

    Very deep pockets indeed filled with ...... monies.

  10. I really hope that someone even sues the whole organization and the devotees who use vile language and defame the the rape victim in their dastardly quest to defend a rascal. Sh!tyanandam!

  11. "Rascal"? You mean a diabolical compulsive narcissistic lying cult leader who abuses people physically, mentally, emotionally and sexually and is the greatest single threat to authentic Hinduism in India?
    Then rascal does not really cut it.

  12. I am a bit confused by the conflicting information I must admit.
    Firstly the news reports from 21st Nov onwards that declare that the FSL has confirmed Nithyananda to be the person in the video. Why if the FSL had just done that in 2017 are the news stations showing the original FSL report from years ago and not anything new?
    Were there any public comments from the FSL? Or is this supposed to be some leak?
    Secondly, a couple on here have mentioned the Supreme Court verdict and report, where can I see that?
    I need to be able to confirm this, especially as the information the sangha is putting out is a completely favourable verdict to them?
    I have screenshot all the web pages as hopefully I can prove such blatant lies with an actual report.

  13. Here is the SC judgement:

    1. How disappointing.. not even a rap on the knuckles.. just told both parties to go back and finish the criminal trial dont care how.. and if you see the article on ther site.. it only gave them a chance to further spin the story!! why is everyone here celebrating.. he got away as usual..

    2. Actually the sessions court did not take into consideration the medical reports they were providing. Now if you see the judgement, SC has said that it's the court's decision whether to take or not and also to speeden up the process(they want to drag). So, the judgement is defnitely not in their favor.


    Guys get on this thread and help squash the Nithya brigades

  15. And one more clarification the Apex Court has clearly spelled out is that any 'new documents / evidence' that Nithy claims / produces, will not be accepted unless the Victims and Prosecution agrees; that means he cannot produce any new things since there are none other than his fabricated lies that would no more be accepted. He was trying for 7 years to get those accepted by trial court so that he can again escape. Now the dead end has reached for him.

    1. no if you see judgement doc it says it is up to trial court judges to accept but sessions cannot be stalled to do it. they must be convinced. prosecutions opinion not req. did i misunderstand this judgement?

  16. Nithyanandumb-dumb! ONE MORE ILLEGAL VICTORY FOR HH PORNOMAHAMSA NITHYANANDA!!!!! Check this out, and remember, with Nithyananda Truth always is perverted: On December 7, 2017, the Hon'ble Supreme Court of India gave a landmark judgment, coming down heavily on the deliberate suppression of critical evidence including the official police report from the Forensic Science Laboratory, Delhi, stating that the video showing Ranjitha with Swami Nithyananda was neither fake nor morphed and allowed multiple evidences presented by the so-called conspirators Lenin Karuppan, the falsely harassed rape victim Arathi Rao and witness Vinay Bharadwaj and in favor of victims and against Swami Nithyananda.

    New evidence include the medical reports of Nithyananda's alleged sex partner in the video, Ranjitha Menon, that shows that she has had 4 highly contagious and incurable STDs some of which are transmitted by mere touch, in her own email admission in mid-2010, which was six months after her last alleged video taping with Swami Nithyananda that she never had any kind of sexual relationship with Swami Nithyananda, after the video was shot. Includes multiple proofs of discrepancies in the dates and locations of the alleged evidence presented by Nithyananda's team. Obviously fake and forged! Swami Nithyananda's medical reports shows that he doesn't have any of the STD's that Ranjitha has.

    Swami Nithyananda now has the body of yogi bear. Just proves that he is more interested in picnic baskets than having sex with Bollywood movie stars. Yes, Nithyananda is not very capable.

    Nithyananda is now facing additional criminal prosecution in the High Court of Madras, Madurai Branch, for lying under oath.

    For more about the cases, check out or do a Google search for Nithyananda News

    1. To the anonymous user above me.. I think you are confusing his own alleged forged evidence against rao and evidence against him and ranjitha. Issue of additional evidence suppression was brought forward by the defense (nithy) not prosecution.

      If this is incorrect please link the additional evidence and correct details you speak of here. It is not online anywhere.

      It is important to present facts only otherwise any one undecided from this cult reading this blog will only be further convinced that all the real facts in the outside world are lies. There are many damning facts about him already out there if one has a discerning mind. Truth will speak for itself.

    2. To me it looks like the blogger rewrote a comment from the cult.

  17. Trial starts today

  18. How can the trial start on 3rd? He is dorning various attires till 9th?? So this would have to wait I suppose.

    1. LOL was just going to say.. probably not till february and everyone dont get too hopeful.. this is a local court.. lots of things can be "arranged" by him

  19. Feb 3 is the trial date and the Supreme Court has said no more delays. They will get him.. I’m using all my shakti to transfer him to jail where he belongs

  20. It was to be 2nd January 2018 as per the press releases after the Supreme Court Verdict. How did he get it pushed by a month just like that?

    1. When it comes to lawyers, you get what you pay for!

      But perhaps it was simply that the local court has the power to change the date based on their own convenience, or that the press release was misunderstood.

  21. SC has directed him to appear before the Trial court on Feb 12th. We will get to know starting feb 12th, if he will be chargesheeted.

  22. The next court date at Ramanagara is for the 12th of Feb. The hearing did take place on the 2nd and I believe the accused have to present themselves at court. The site can be queried for details

  23. case details
    Case Type : S.C. - SESSION CASES
    Filing Number: Filing Date: 12-09-2014
    Registration Number: 86/2014Registration Date: 12-09-2014
    CNR Number: KARN01-001331-2014

    Case Status
    First Hearing Date : 15th October 2014
    Next Hearing Date: 12th February 2018
    Stage of Case: ORDERS
    Petitioner and Advocate
    1) Bidadi Police
    Advocate- PP

    Respondent and Advocate
    1) Paramahamsa Nithyanandaswamy @ Rajashekaran

    Under Act(s) Under Section(s)
    I.P.C. U/sec376377420114201417r/w4155061120BIPC
    FIR Details
    Police Station: BIDADI PS
    FIR Number:
    Year: 0


  25. For anyone interested in seeing justice regarding #Nithyananda who runs an organisation that fits more than sufficient criteria to be classed as a #cult, here is an update on the court hearing of yesterday for his #criminal #charges #framing.
    Despite most of his devotees claiming his charges are quashed in their extreme ignorance and investigative laziness, the charges including being a rapist Swami are ongoing and NOT quashed.
    May his victims start to see justice unfold on the 17th February 2018 and truth be revealed.
    It's time his followers started looking for information outside of the sangha as many devotees have been mislead that Nithyananda has been cleared of charges.
    Update on #Nithyananda's #CRIMINAL Trial S.C./0000086/2014
    Brief Background:
    It was scheduled for 12th February 2018, after Supreme Court in December 7th ordered the framing of charges expedited.
    It was set for January and delayed again to Dec 12th.
    These matters have been ongoing since 2010 with numerous delay tactics from Nithyananda and his co-charged.
    Charge sheet includes rape, unnatural sex, harassment and other charges.
    Feb 12th 2018 Proceedings
    Despite literally years of delay tactics and this particular framing charges trial already recently extended by a month, apparently Nithyanandas legal representation needs more time to "refresh his memory". I don't believe this tactic for a second, and at least the Honourable Magistrate only gave 5 days, so hearing is now Feb 17th 2018.
    A2 (Nithya Bhaktananda) was excused for the day due to claimed recent heart operation. Another example of Nithys failed healed "powers"?
    -------- Summary from Court ----------------
    Case Number :S.C./0000086/2014
    Bidadi Police Versus Paramahamsa Nithyanandaswamy @ Rajashekaran
    Date : 12-02-2018
    A1, A3 to A6 present. As per the directions of the Honourable Apex Court of this Nation, matter is taken for hearing today. Sri.MM Advocate for A2 makes an application U/sec.317 of Cr.PC requesting the court to exempt A2 from personally appearing before the court for the day. According to him, A2 underwent heart surgery at Florida Hospital, USA. To substantiate his submissions, he has produced Internet generated medical documents issued by Florida Heart Group, USA. In view of the submissions and documents placed, this court is of the opinion that, there are grounds which prevented accused No.2 from appearing before the court today. Accordingly, being satisfied with the reasons, the EP filed on behalf of A2 is hereby allowed. He is exempted from appearing before the court for the day. It is submitted by Sri.MM Advocate that, Sri.CVN Advocate will be appearing at 3 pm and he wants to make submissions. In view of that submissions, call the matter at 3 pm. Case called at 3.10 pm. A1, A3 to A6 present. Heard Sri.CVN Advocate for the accused and learned Spl.PP for the State. Sri.CVN Advocate files a requisition and requested the court to grant 15 days time to refresh the memory of this court. Heard. Call on for orders on requisition so filed today and on application filed U/sec.227 of Cr.PC by 17.02.2018.
    Next Purpose
    Next Hearing Date
    If you want to stay informed of updates, join:
    "Sri Nithyananda Swami (Thiru Rajashekaran) Statements Objective Discussion" Facebook Group

  26. There's a great new blog out there about Nithy's BS! Have you guys seen this?

  27. There is a new page with updates about Nithyanandas cases on FaceBook:
    We are trying to be most responsive with updates. Please follow and like :D

  28. OM Namah Shivaya. Happy Holi, everyone.

    As posted on the Ramanagara Court. (Gopal Reddy Sheelum/Bhaktananda = Accused 2 (A-2):

    Except A2, other accused present. Exemption application on behalf of A2 filed. Perused. It is contended that, A2 got admitted to Cardio Vascular Institute of Orlando at Orlando for treatment of his Heart ailments. In the application, it is also stated that, medical certificate is produced. However, such certificate is not produced before the court. Thus, there are no materials to show that, the specialist at the hospital have
    inserted two stunts to the accused No.2. Hence, not satisfied with reasons. Though not satisfied with reasons, in the best interest of justice and in view of the pendency of Criminal Revision Petition No.240/2018 before the Hon&#039ble High Court of Karnataka, the application filed by A2 is allowed in part. However, it is for the 2nd accused to appear before the court on the next date of hearing without fail. Hence, A2 is exempted from appearing before the court for the day. On behalf of A1 and A2, application U/sec.309 of Cr.PC filed. It is submitted that, accused No.1 and 2 have
    preferred Crl.Revision Petition No.240/2018 and sought the order of stay the further proceedings of this court. It is submitted that, if the further proceedings in the case is recorded the very filing of criminal revision petition will be infructuous. There is substance in that contention. However, that aspect itself is not a ground to adjourn the case to a future date. The accused No.1 and 2 have requested the court to adjourn the matter by 2 weeks from this day. It is relevant to note that, there is directions from
    Hon&#039ble Apex Court of this Nation in Special Leave Petition 2114/2017 and
    2115/2017 order dated 07.12.2017 to dispose of the matter expeditiously. Hence, this court is of the opinion that, this is not a fit case to adjourn the case for 2 weeks. It is contended by the 2nd accused that, he underwent surgery and hence, proceedings against him may be recorded through video conference. To show that, accused No.2 underwent surgery, there are no materials before the court. Added to it, it is for the 2nd accused to comply the conditions imposed by the Hon&#039ble High Court of Karnataka while granting bail in Crl.Misc.Pet.No.2329/2010 dated 11.06.2010. Hence, it is for the accused No.2 to appear before the court on next date of hearing so
    as to enable this court to record further proceedings. Now, it is made clear that, criminal revision petitions are pending before the Hon&#039ble High Court of Karnataka. Thus, on considering factual matrix of the case, it is just and necessary to adjourn the matter till 07.03.2018 for framing charge. A2 is directed to appear before the court on that date. Accordingly, application filed U/sec.309 of Cr.PC is disposed of. Call on for framing charge by 07.03.2018.

  29. Finally a judgement that is very clear.

    Ofcourse before the judgement itself he has filed a petition in supreme court to overrule an interim order passed by Madras HC restraining him from the Madurai Adheenam.

    Now the final order has been passed by the judge of Madras HC.

    Nithy definitely would file another petition in SC to have this final order made void.

    Hope Karnataka HC also throws his challenge in the original case filed in 2010 out so that Ramanagara trial court can pass order and trial can start quickly to give dharma the final victory.

  30. He slips again thus time literally in the last minute. now elections in karnataka next month, Accused 2 back to india and so on....

    how long this drag and denial of justice to those directly affected?

  31. #Nithyananda in #Karnataka #HighCourt today in case CRL.RP 224 of 2018.
    Action is recorded as for orders.
    No updates on the trial today as yet.
    Will post here as soon as we know anything.

    Once this Criminal Revision Petition from the accused is finished it will go back to the #Ramanagara #District #SessionsCourt to continue the serious cases against Nithyananda & #NithyanandaCult conspirators with him for charges including #RAPE in case 86 of 2014.

    Nithyananda Devotees... It is well and truly high time you checked into these current cases against Nithyananda and put on hold your #blindfaith belief in the "information" and "evidence" the sangha is indoctrinating you with.

    Simple Question: If Nithyananda is really innocent, why has he delayed opportunity to plea "#innocent" for years with petition after petition, appeal after appeal?

    If Nithyananda pleas innocent, the trial can start and the evidence can be cross examined.

    If evidence is in his favour, it will prove him innocent.

    If evidence is not in his favour, it will prove him #guilty.

    Guess which sort of person would resist plea so much?

    ©2018 #NCoC

    1. OM Namah Shivaya.

      Thanks, Jesse Facts, for the quality posts and the renewed efforts.

      The High Court of Karnataka hearing that was held on Friday, 13 April (appropriate) 2018 has been continued to next week. It is the same presiding judge that ruled against the victims and did not allow them to be represented. So, we believe that this so-called judge has been compromised and is allowing Nithyanada's attroney C.V. Nagesh to stretch out the hearing by rehashing the same illogical arguments. (Nithyananda wasn't capable to have sex; now his sex was consensual. Thanks for the omission, C.V. Nagesh. Keep on talking.) Regardless of the outcome, the side that does not prevail will very likely appeal the case to the Supreme Court of India.

      As you have noticed, the evidence is not in Nithyananda's favor. So, this is a delay tactic that buys Nithyananda some time, and his strategy of harassing the victims will continue. But, this strategy might break others, but the victims are stronger than the tactics of a demon and justice will prevail.

      Some good news. Charan Reddy is back in the same CID position as when he investigated and interrogated Nithyananda and his cult's activity back in 2010. He was so strong that the cult even tried the same fake rape accusations against him that it has done against Lenin and others. This fabricated accusation was filed by long-time supporter Angela Jackson, a.k.a. Ma Nithya Viroopananda, who now has at least one daughter, Ma Nithya Priyankanda, living in Nithyananda's hell-hole ashram in Bidadi as a so-called sannyasi. Another family ruined and stuck with limited options in life.

      It looks like we have one more trip up to the Supreme Court of India in regards to the pending outcome of the hearing plus the unjust ruling of denying Aarthi and Lenin representation of during this case.

      Just will prevail.

      Jai Maa.

    2. Hello my child has been kidnapped and they brainwashed my wife already everything is real I introduced my wife to This fraud in 2008 I have proof. I have contacted the state department. And I will make sure he gets his justice this time I have proof they are doing drugs as of yesterday photos from her facebook Email me at XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX@gmail we can stop this demon. He takes wives and turns them to his harem for his goons I can prove his main guy tattoo my wife and changed her hair her name and everything I have proof help me please

    3. OM Namah Shivaya.

      Although we have no doubt that Nithyananda and his criminal cult have 'kidnapped' thousands of wives, daughters, sons, and other family members, we had concerns about the information above with the scantly ID associated with it. The 'unknown' poster had a Google+ ID of 'Max Castle', which had zero information or history. So, we censored the email address in the comment above.

      The brainwashed troll of the evil cult of Nithyananda would love to pose as a fake victim to lure anyone into giving his or her contact information and the names of the victims that they are concerned about. The cult will then monitor, harass, and feed disinformation. Other crimes would also be attempted. No meditation or wholesome activities in Nithyananda's Hellhole. With time on their hands, they just sit around thinking of new ways to cheat others. Don't let them do it.

      Jai Maa.


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Thanks for your interest in posting about the Cult of Nithyananda. Please note, that low quality and incendiary comments will most likely not be posted or if posted, they may be altered. Comments should refrain from profanity (bad words) and using manipulative methods to convey your points. Comments should focus on the fraud and cult practices of ‘Swami’ Nithyananda.

In detail, this blog is about the abuses and fraud of ‘Swami’ Nithyananda and his cult. We want your comments to focus on this. Comments that tie in the cult of Nithyananda with other abusive cults or spiritual frauds such as the Lord of Destructive Cults, Osho (Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh), known womanizer and mental torturer, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar (Art of Living), convicted sex criminal, Swami Premananda, King of Mass Suicide, Reverend Jim Jones (Jonestown Massacre / The People’s Temple), village idiot and convicted child-molester, Sri Sri Selvam Siddhar Swamiji, a.k.a. Dr. Commander Selvam, mass-murderer Asahara Shoko (Aum Shinrikyo), cheap, plastic avatar, Bhagavan Kalki (Kalki Deeksha Movement / Oneness Movement; [O.M.] et al.), Jaggi Vasudev (Isha Foundation) (who overtime has fallen from good to very bad & uses dark siddhis), the epitome of greedy evilness, Scientology with its deranged nutcase founder, L. Ron Hubbard, etc. will usually get a pass. Although we do not want to deny your personal experience or beliefs, negative criticism about other gurus including but not limited to Amma, Satya Sai Baba, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (Transcendental Meditation [TM]), Paramahansa Yogananda (Self-Realization Fellowship), etc. would be best on other forums; not here. Criticism or comments that go against Paramahamsa Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda, Ramana Maharshi, Jesus Christ, Lord Buddha, Lord Mahavir, and world-recognized religions will probably never see the light of day. This is not an anti-guru or anti-religion blog. This is an anti-cult and anti-fraud blog focusing on our direct experience with the self-titled ‘Paramahamsa’ Nithyananda Swami.

* * NEW * * : You must respect the victims that have come forward. They have withstood false criminal charges, lawsuits, death threats, criminal intimidation, and heaps of humiliation. There's been no gain and lots of pain. The victims that have come forward don't need any more stress. Therefore, anything more than the first name and last initial of a known victim will not be posted 'as is'. Either it will be changed or deleted outright.

We welcome polite critics of ourselves and our blog. Comments that are pro-Nithyananda as long as they are written with the intent to have discussion, dialog, and understanding. For an excellent style, search for comments in blog written by then-supporter (but now defector) “Swamiji is God” (which Nithyananda is not). If you write in that style and intent, your comment is almost guaranteed to be posted. Pro-Nithyananda comments that are incendiary or damage-control propaganda will be: 1. Ignored (not posted) 2. Posted and ridiculed 3. Altered and ridiculed.

Please do NOT include an email address or a phone number in your public comments.

You can use some HTML tags, such as (bold), (italicize), (to link), etc.

All submitted comments become part of this blog, and we are free to do what we feel best with them.

Also, if you would like to contact us, please mark your comment with **PRIVATE**, **CONFIDENTIAL**, or something to let us know that you do NOT want your message to be posted. As long as you are civil, we will respect your request, and will reply if a reply is warranted and if you left a valid email address in your message. Jai Maa.